Yst I finally met up with Mich and Joy. The last time we met up was like
in July lar! GEEZ. And so, we went for buffet at HPC den catch up and
went to esplanade roof terrace. Soon after we went home. It's really great
to meet up after so long. Because of school and other commitments, we
were unable to meet up. Yst was a really nice day :D
Today I woke up damn early, considering tt it's still holidays. I woke up at
6 plus to acc JK to cmpb for his appt. We waited damn long for him to take
the X-ray. oh well, and he had to settle his lunch before booking in again at
Den I went to Cine to meet Bio ppl (Idzham, Shu hui, Widiah and Chok
Wei) for a movie. I was so fucking pissed 'cos supposedly I will reach just in
time to catch Twilight, which I had wanted to watch since it started showing.
I stopped myself from watching just for today. and guess what? The train
actually broke down at Commonwealth for quite sometime. The train
captain spoke in a typical Singapore-uncle slang and we were told to alight
to wait for the next train. Everyone in that train was stunned that there's
so many ppl at Commonwealth. -.-"
then, we settled for YES MAN. damn, it was a fucking lame movie with a
half-fuck plot. But it made me laugh as I dont think I was feeling quite
happy. So ya, It's a great experience gg out with Bio ppl and perhaps we
should organise another movie session like this. (:
Tml I'm gonna pack my room, thurs I'm gg out, Sat I'm gg down to TTSH
AGAIN. but hopefully the last time. Heard tt JK has got guard duty this
coming Sat. oh well... All I hope is tt the medical review will really help in
looking into his injury and treating it.
I'm tired and I think I should sleep soon. NITES.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
today's boxing day. lol. oh well...
yst was xmas! like duh... so, went out with jk and made spaghetti for
him. I think it's not nice but he says it's fine. well, I just dont like how
it tastes. haha. den we went Topman and got our sweater. Orange
with the inner of the hoodie full of poki-dots. LOL. we managed to
get the sweater at $41.++?? the usual price was $63. hahs...
Den went to esplanade to have max brener's brownie and waffle.
delicious :D soon after we had to leave cos he had to book in on yst
itself. Dont really know if we'll be meeting tml. cos he's booking out
tml instead of today la~ but in any case, we will be meeting either
on new yr's eve or new yr day. hmm... yst he gave me chocs too,
which is something I didn't expect. ya, thanks!
today I went to JP2 and shop for stuff to aid in packing and maybe
revamping of my room? haha. bought freaking loads of stuff la.
I'm so gonna dump alot of my clothes away, those tt I dont wear.
wish me luck for packing my room man. i hope i do a good job cos
i think it's been awhile since the last time I'm really satisfied with
my living conditions. haa~ lol.
yst was xmas! like duh... so, went out with jk and made spaghetti for
him. I think it's not nice but he says it's fine. well, I just dont like how
it tastes. haha. den we went Topman and got our sweater. Orange
with the inner of the hoodie full of poki-dots. LOL. we managed to
get the sweater at $41.++?? the usual price was $63. hahs...
Den went to esplanade to have max brener's brownie and waffle.
delicious :D soon after we had to leave cos he had to book in on yst
itself. Dont really know if we'll be meeting tml. cos he's booking out
tml instead of today la~ but in any case, we will be meeting either
on new yr's eve or new yr day. hmm... yst he gave me chocs too,
which is something I didn't expect. ya, thanks!
today I went to JP2 and shop for stuff to aid in packing and maybe
revamping of my room? haha. bought freaking loads of stuff la.
I'm so gonna dump alot of my clothes away, those tt I dont wear.
wish me luck for packing my room man. i hope i do a good job cos
i think it's been awhile since the last time I'm really satisfied with
my living conditions. haa~ lol.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Someone give me courage please... give me courage to leave. Or at
least give me hope... give me hope that there'll be a good ending to
I just feel rather depressed, but I don't really know how to put it.
Sometimes I feel that all I do for him, it's worth it, cos it's all for him.
But at times, I feel that I'm so dumb and stupid, to do so much for
him, for something that is uncertain, for something that might hit
me hard again, for maybe, nothing. I'm just... dumb.
All along I have been having nightmares, but on one of these recent
nights, the opposite happened... It was great, it was exactly what
I've wanted all along. BUT, it just sucks to wake up and realise tt
it's all a dream. And yes, only in a dream there can be such beautiful
least give me hope... give me hope that there'll be a good ending to
I just feel rather depressed, but I don't really know how to put it.
Sometimes I feel that all I do for him, it's worth it, cos it's all for him.
But at times, I feel that I'm so dumb and stupid, to do so much for
him, for something that is uncertain, for something that might hit
me hard again, for maybe, nothing. I'm just... dumb.
All along I have been having nightmares, but on one of these recent
nights, the opposite happened... It was great, it was exactly what
I've wanted all along. BUT, it just sucks to wake up and realise tt
it's all a dream. And yes, only in a dream there can be such beautiful
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas is coming in a few days' time, time really flies... I don't know
if JK can book out on the eve so tt we can meet on Christmas and I can
proceed with my plan (modified) accordingly. (:
Firstly, the first part of my plan failed. The cookies didn't turn out like
what I expected though it is not inedible. LOL. just not satisfied. So this
part of the plan - failed. It's ok. well, yst I went shopping for a few items
at night nearby my house and suddenly I felt like making a Christmas
card for him, and I did. It's done, and I think it looks cute :D
Hopefully we can meet on Christmas for my 2nd part of my plan, which
is to cook spaghetti for him! I bought Angel hair spaghetti, which are much
finer, and I prefer those. LOL.
He was complaining just now that he heard that his coy is trained mainly
for inf__ and g__. SIGH. sian, I hope he doesn't get posted there after
his training. He also heard that he is booking out on Sat for this wk, as for
Christmas eve, we don't know... GEEZ.
if JK can book out on the eve so tt we can meet on Christmas and I can
proceed with my plan (modified) accordingly. (:
Firstly, the first part of my plan failed. The cookies didn't turn out like
what I expected though it is not inedible. LOL. just not satisfied. So this
part of the plan - failed. It's ok. well, yst I went shopping for a few items
at night nearby my house and suddenly I felt like making a Christmas
card for him, and I did. It's done, and I think it looks cute :D
Hopefully we can meet on Christmas for my 2nd part of my plan, which
is to cook spaghetti for him! I bought Angel hair spaghetti, which are much
finer, and I prefer those. LOL.
He was complaining just now that he heard that his coy is trained mainly
for inf__ and g__. SIGH. sian, I hope he doesn't get posted there after
his training. He also heard that he is booking out on Sat for this wk, as for
Christmas eve, we don't know... GEEZ.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Hi! Oh man, holidays are gg to be over soon, very soon infact! zzz....
I still rmb my hols started on the 17th of nov. Now it's already the
22nd of dec. BOO~ seriously.
Anyway, recall that day when I was totally heartbroken. well, he
doesn't remember what he said to me. I was like ... ... ... Maybe I
should just put that incident behind. or maybe I should say,
right now, things are progressing quite well for the both of us I
guess... But I always remind myself not to be too hopeful in
circumstances of such.
Chatted with KV on msn a few nights ago. Then, he started asking
about the 2 of us. I din know how to tell him, cos I myself ain't sure
exactly how it is like. Oh well. I can't help but feel depressed. Will
my plan of "8wks left" from now be executed accordingly? I don't
know, seriously. I realised SISPEC is so near my house. it's less than
3km away. Jk was feeling rather low just now as he heard that there
will be no nights out for him, or hardly (if any). and tt their usual
bookouts will be on saturdays. this makes us having less time to meet.
I asked kahsoon cos he's previously in SISPEC. However, he said that
there are nights out, depending on the company's prog too. and they
usually book out on fridays. But, he does not know if this is applicable
to JK becos JK is in Charlie coy, different from kahsoon's company
at tt time. Charlie coy had a different training programme as compared
to other coys. So, I dont know.
Just now JK asked for my address, saying that he needed it to fill up a
form. hmm. Maybe it's In-case-of-emergency kinda thing? But anyway,
now i can look forward to his nights out, cos if there is, I can meet him
since he's so near. (: the sad thing is, his camp is actually separated from
NIE canteen by a forested area. we're so near... So near, yet so far. ):
I don't know, but I just feel that I need to be there for him during this
period of time. Maybe he feels lonely cos he told me there's not a single
fren of his found there when he booked in today. I just hope that
everything will be fine for him. ((:
anyway, Sat we went shopping around city hall. and we decided to get
sweaters from TOPMAN. hees. by using my ocbc card, there's a 15%
discount on top of the 30% discount that they are already having. ((:
So, coming Thurs or Sat we will go get it. YEAH. hehe. Then for dinner
I went to HPC while he went to meet his poly mates for jap buffet. And
we bought Tees online, with great help from XY! (: I bought 3, and he
bought 6. haha. the tees are cute, seriously.
This morning I had to wake up early to go to TBCU again. today I forced
myself to purge out all the phlegm I have inside so that I dont have to
undergo the torment of inserting a ~30cm tube down my throat. and yeah,
congrats, I succeeded. LOL. Then, went over to the consultation rooms,
the nurse was supposed to measure the injection mark left behind by the
injection done on Thurs. But she couldn't find it, so she smiled and said,
"test results negative". So, it means I'm fine? haha, I don't know but
that's what I feel. And I can just leave after that. But I need to go there
again on the 3rd of Jan. GEEZ. But i guess that will be my last visit (:
After that I bought 2 tops for my grandma when I reached jurong. I have
already bought 2 for my grandfather. most prob will go there this coming
wednesday since it's my mum's off-day. Then, i can pass the tops to them.
Then I went to JP and shopped for stuff to whip up spaghetti for JK during
Christmas, printed our photo taken when we were at Raffles City SC a
few weeks ago. Gonna give it to him when we meet later this week. hees.
I also bought potatoes, to make the potato salad or whatever you call that
from kenny rogers. I hope it'll turn out fine! ((: But if i can't meet him on
Christmas, then I shall do it on Sat.
Now I'm gonna do a trial for the potato salad. Wish me luck! HAHA. ((:
I still rmb my hols started on the 17th of nov. Now it's already the
22nd of dec. BOO~ seriously.
Anyway, recall that day when I was totally heartbroken. well, he
doesn't remember what he said to me. I was like ... ... ... Maybe I
should just put that incident behind. or maybe I should say,
right now, things are progressing quite well for the both of us I
guess... But I always remind myself not to be too hopeful in
circumstances of such.
Chatted with KV on msn a few nights ago. Then, he started asking
about the 2 of us. I din know how to tell him, cos I myself ain't sure
exactly how it is like. Oh well. I can't help but feel depressed. Will
my plan of "8wks left" from now be executed accordingly? I don't
know, seriously. I realised SISPEC is so near my house. it's less than
3km away. Jk was feeling rather low just now as he heard that there
will be no nights out for him, or hardly (if any). and tt their usual
bookouts will be on saturdays. this makes us having less time to meet.
I asked kahsoon cos he's previously in SISPEC. However, he said that
there are nights out, depending on the company's prog too. and they
usually book out on fridays. But, he does not know if this is applicable
to JK becos JK is in Charlie coy, different from kahsoon's company
at tt time. Charlie coy had a different training programme as compared
to other coys. So, I dont know.
Just now JK asked for my address, saying that he needed it to fill up a
form. hmm. Maybe it's In-case-of-emergency kinda thing? But anyway,
now i can look forward to his nights out, cos if there is, I can meet him
since he's so near. (: the sad thing is, his camp is actually separated from
NIE canteen by a forested area. we're so near... So near, yet so far. ):
I don't know, but I just feel that I need to be there for him during this
period of time. Maybe he feels lonely cos he told me there's not a single
fren of his found there when he booked in today. I just hope that
everything will be fine for him. ((:
anyway, Sat we went shopping around city hall. and we decided to get
sweaters from TOPMAN. hees. by using my ocbc card, there's a 15%
discount on top of the 30% discount that they are already having. ((:
So, coming Thurs or Sat we will go get it. YEAH. hehe. Then for dinner
I went to HPC while he went to meet his poly mates for jap buffet. And
we bought Tees online, with great help from XY! (: I bought 3, and he
bought 6. haha. the tees are cute, seriously.
This morning I had to wake up early to go to TBCU again. today I forced
myself to purge out all the phlegm I have inside so that I dont have to
undergo the torment of inserting a ~30cm tube down my throat. and yeah,
congrats, I succeeded. LOL. Then, went over to the consultation rooms,
the nurse was supposed to measure the injection mark left behind by the
injection done on Thurs. But she couldn't find it, so she smiled and said,
"test results negative". So, it means I'm fine? haha, I don't know but
that's what I feel. And I can just leave after that. But I need to go there
again on the 3rd of Jan. GEEZ. But i guess that will be my last visit (:
After that I bought 2 tops for my grandma when I reached jurong. I have
already bought 2 for my grandfather. most prob will go there this coming
wednesday since it's my mum's off-day. Then, i can pass the tops to them.
Then I went to JP and shopped for stuff to whip up spaghetti for JK during
Christmas, printed our photo taken when we were at Raffles City SC a
few weeks ago. Gonna give it to him when we meet later this week. hees.
I also bought potatoes, to make the potato salad or whatever you call that
from kenny rogers. I hope it'll turn out fine! ((: But if i can't meet him on
Christmas, then I shall do it on Sat.
Now I'm gonna do a trial for the potato salad. Wish me luck! HAHA. ((:
Friday, December 19, 2008
Hi, today is friday. Time really flies. sigh. 8 weeks left. do you think I
will have the courage to leave him after that? I'm really not sure. ):
Anyway, I baked some cookies on wednesday. I thought it will turn out
nice like how it did previously. But this time I kinda failed cos it looks,
and tastes different, just not as good as the previous ones. And so, how
can I give him that to share with his family? Geez. I'm so sad. Oh well.
Yst I woke up very early for the appointment at the TBCU. I really
thank JK from the bottom of my heart. Because he chose to wake up
early to accompany me although he can sleep longer. So ya, THANKS!
And I woke up even earlier so that I can prepare sandwiches to eat later.
I'm just afraid that he will be hungry la. And he says it's nice :D
The TBCU is a distance away from TTSH. it's just isolated and it's part
of TTSH. I feel so ostracised when I went there. But anyway, I just went
in for the consultation. The doctor is very nice and made me feel at ease.
Then he told me to do a phelgm test and a skin test. And I paid a total of
$103.75 for that visit. It's so ex! but oh well, i can claim it. so it's fine la.
The doc feels that I look normal and tt i dont have TB, just tt I still have
to do the tests. LOL. So, I proceeded to the building next to it, which is
also isolated, to do the tests. phlegm test seriously sounds easy and
painless. becos i was unable to extract phlegm, the nurse used a tool which
is around 30 cm or even longer, and put it str8 down my trachea. it is
painful man, seriously... it was over, den i went to do the skin test. DAMN!
I didn't know i was supposed to do a injection la. fuck. seriously. I was so
fucking scared, really. it was the injection we use to do before we had our
BCG. just tt i THOUGHT i'm the few lucky ones tt do not have to go thru
all those shit. and now, i have to do it. i'm a freshie for injections on my
forearm. it was painful, but not as painful as i thought. I'm happy I survived
through that. hahahaha.
Then, we went to CPF! our visit to our ex-workplace. tt place really brings
alot of memories. (: went there and saw diyong working there! i'm seriously
shocked!!! and i saw tt bastard. he saw us and pretended not to have seen us.
oh well, fuck off la. damn. kv wasn't there when we arrived. and so we went
long awaited lunch at amoy! had our sliced fish beehoon and strawberry shake
((: the auntie still rmbs us haha. we cant have wanton mee as the queue is
super long. LOL.
after that we went cpf again, and only interacted with kv for awhile and off
we went! we then went to cineleisure and watched Ip Man. JK didn't know
it's in mandarin. lol. cos he is more of the angmoh type. but the movie was
nice and for once in so many months, this is one that i really enjoyed. and
JK agrees to. so ya, i urge my friends to go catch it! ((:
then we went shopping but i cant find anything i like. lol, and then to the
usual place, and home sweet home. he accompanied me yst for more than
12 hours. thanks man. ((:
anyway, his posting results are out, and he is posted to SISPEC. it's very
expected so he is quite sian. But still, SISPEC is quite near my place (:
hope that after SISPEC, he can be posted to a slack unit! i'll pray for you
haha. but the thing is, after SISPEC, i might be long gone from his sight..
): i seriously dont know. geez.
today i'm so lazy to go for dance!!! urgh, sian. and i took the medicine and
it causes drowsiness. lol. it's good for sleep man. i'm so gg to take it before
sleeping. just tt now i have to take antibiotics AGAIN. and this one is big and
yellow. it tastes disgusting. it has the lingering taste in my throat after eating
it, it makes me feel sick. geez. ewww...
tml i'm meeting JK again, but this time for a shorter while. just for a few
hours. den monday i have to go to the TBCU again! to collect my tests
results and to do another phlegm test. this time i will force out whatever
phlegm i have, by hook or by crook. so that the long tool do not have to go
down my throat again. but this time JK can't accompany me cos he have
to report to camp. haha. i hope he likes it there.
will update again, soon i guess. (:
will have the courage to leave him after that? I'm really not sure. ):
Anyway, I baked some cookies on wednesday. I thought it will turn out
nice like how it did previously. But this time I kinda failed cos it looks,
and tastes different, just not as good as the previous ones. And so, how
can I give him that to share with his family? Geez. I'm so sad. Oh well.
Yst I woke up very early for the appointment at the TBCU. I really
thank JK from the bottom of my heart. Because he chose to wake up
early to accompany me although he can sleep longer. So ya, THANKS!
And I woke up even earlier so that I can prepare sandwiches to eat later.
I'm just afraid that he will be hungry la. And he says it's nice :D
The TBCU is a distance away from TTSH. it's just isolated and it's part
of TTSH. I feel so ostracised when I went there. But anyway, I just went
in for the consultation. The doctor is very nice and made me feel at ease.
Then he told me to do a phelgm test and a skin test. And I paid a total of
$103.75 for that visit. It's so ex! but oh well, i can claim it. so it's fine la.
The doc feels that I look normal and tt i dont have TB, just tt I still have
to do the tests. LOL. So, I proceeded to the building next to it, which is
also isolated, to do the tests. phlegm test seriously sounds easy and
painless. becos i was unable to extract phlegm, the nurse used a tool which
is around 30 cm or even longer, and put it str8 down my trachea. it is
painful man, seriously... it was over, den i went to do the skin test. DAMN!
I didn't know i was supposed to do a injection la. fuck. seriously. I was so
fucking scared, really. it was the injection we use to do before we had our
BCG. just tt i THOUGHT i'm the few lucky ones tt do not have to go thru
all those shit. and now, i have to do it. i'm a freshie for injections on my
forearm. it was painful, but not as painful as i thought. I'm happy I survived
through that. hahahaha.
Then, we went to CPF! our visit to our ex-workplace. tt place really brings
alot of memories. (: went there and saw diyong working there! i'm seriously
shocked!!! and i saw tt bastard. he saw us and pretended not to have seen us.
oh well, fuck off la. damn. kv wasn't there when we arrived. and so we went
long awaited lunch at amoy! had our sliced fish beehoon and strawberry shake
((: the auntie still rmbs us haha. we cant have wanton mee as the queue is
super long. LOL.
after that we went cpf again, and only interacted with kv for awhile and off
we went! we then went to cineleisure and watched Ip Man. JK didn't know
it's in mandarin. lol. cos he is more of the angmoh type. but the movie was
nice and for once in so many months, this is one that i really enjoyed. and
JK agrees to. so ya, i urge my friends to go catch it! ((:
then we went shopping but i cant find anything i like. lol, and then to the
usual place, and home sweet home. he accompanied me yst for more than
12 hours. thanks man. ((:
anyway, his posting results are out, and he is posted to SISPEC. it's very
expected so he is quite sian. But still, SISPEC is quite near my place (:
hope that after SISPEC, he can be posted to a slack unit! i'll pray for you
haha. but the thing is, after SISPEC, i might be long gone from his sight..
): i seriously dont know. geez.
today i'm so lazy to go for dance!!! urgh, sian. and i took the medicine and
it causes drowsiness. lol. it's good for sleep man. i'm so gg to take it before
sleeping. just tt now i have to take antibiotics AGAIN. and this one is big and
yellow. it tastes disgusting. it has the lingering taste in my throat after eating
it, it makes me feel sick. geez. ewww...
tml i'm meeting JK again, but this time for a shorter while. just for a few
hours. den monday i have to go to the TBCU again! to collect my tests
results and to do another phlegm test. this time i will force out whatever
phlegm i have, by hook or by crook. so that the long tool do not have to go
down my throat again. but this time JK can't accompany me cos he have
to report to camp. haha. i hope he likes it there.
will update again, soon i guess. (:
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
What I want for Christmas
Hi, today i just feel like starting to put titles and labels for my entries.
Anyway, my main purpose is to talk about how I hope I can spend my
Christmas. Firstly, I've decided to make something for him to eat! haha.
Probably spaghetti or perhaps a bento box?? Hees.
AND! I'm gg to get ingredients to make cookies so that he can eat it tgt
with his family, since they said tt my cookies are nice. (: I'm making alot
this time so everyone can have more. hees. and that includes my family
of cos...
And those will be my Christmas presents for him. I don't think I'm getting
him any other stuff cos i really do not know what to get for him. Oh well...
I guess it's the thought that counts right?
I just hope that my plan will go smoothly and over here, I truly hope that
he will not be posted to a sucky unit. Probably to some slack unit where he
can have more freedom?? Or at least something that he likes. (:
Went out with XY today. like FINALLY. oh my goodness. I really miss her
like F. seriously... We went for Hotpot Culture and we ended up like 2
over-blown balloons. LOL. super duper FULL... really had difficulties walking
properly. And so, I couldn't go for dance. I bet I will vomit every single thing
out if I do so. Therefore, I brought her there and we watched them dance.
Then we went shopping! I bought 2 pairs of jeans from topshop. nice.... (:
And i bought 2 kinds of cropped cardigan. It's so that I can wear pretty
dresses and match them with it. This new year, I feel extremely feminine.
LOL. I am so not done with my shopping. I need to get dresses, and more
tops. And I'm also waiting for my tops I bought online to arrive. Those are
my hip-hoppy tops. yippee! LOL...
overall, I really enjoyed myself today. I'm so glad I met up with XY today.
Lots of love! Really thank her for accompanying me to shop (:
Anyway, my main purpose is to talk about how I hope I can spend my
Christmas. Firstly, I've decided to make something for him to eat! haha.
Probably spaghetti or perhaps a bento box?? Hees.
AND! I'm gg to get ingredients to make cookies so that he can eat it tgt
with his family, since they said tt my cookies are nice. (: I'm making alot
this time so everyone can have more. hees. and that includes my family
of cos...
And those will be my Christmas presents for him. I don't think I'm getting
him any other stuff cos i really do not know what to get for him. Oh well...
I guess it's the thought that counts right?
I just hope that my plan will go smoothly and over here, I truly hope that
he will not be posted to a sucky unit. Probably to some slack unit where he
can have more freedom?? Or at least something that he likes. (:
Went out with XY today. like FINALLY. oh my goodness. I really miss her
like F. seriously... We went for Hotpot Culture and we ended up like 2
over-blown balloons. LOL. super duper FULL... really had difficulties walking
properly. And so, I couldn't go for dance. I bet I will vomit every single thing
out if I do so. Therefore, I brought her there and we watched them dance.
Then we went shopping! I bought 2 pairs of jeans from topshop. nice.... (:
And i bought 2 kinds of cropped cardigan. It's so that I can wear pretty
dresses and match them with it. This new year, I feel extremely feminine.
LOL. I am so not done with my shopping. I need to get dresses, and more
tops. And I'm also waiting for my tops I bought online to arrive. Those are
my hip-hoppy tops. yippee! LOL...
overall, I really enjoyed myself today. I'm so glad I met up with XY today.
Lots of love! Really thank her for accompanying me to shop (:
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Today was a day out with my family. I bought a handphone for Mum.
It was on offer as the shop was newly opened. It's Nokia 2680, a phone
with basic functions, cam etc. $159.90. then, I realised the person keyed
in the amount wrongly and in the end charged me only $65.90 for it!
I chose to keep quiet. LOL. I mean, the person needs to learn a lesson
and not to be so careless again. and hence i saved near a $100 today.
Jurong point extension is big. LOL. And there are a lot of shops not
opened yet. there's din tai fung, which i love (: plenty of shops there. I
should really spend sometime really exploring the place again. I'm so
bored at home. yawns.
Yst went out with JK. had spageddies for lunch then slack at starbucks to
play our metal slug. then went to Raffles city sc and bought one shirt for
my grandfather. Then we finally went to Marina sq to have HOTPOT!
It's nice (: and i think the set is really worth it. Just that the svc is quite
disappointing. the staff awareness is not there. However, there was this
waiter who charged my iced lemon tea free cos they were apologetic that
we waited so long.
Then, went to our usual place, but don't know why, suddenly I felt emo
during our way back. suddenly, all my thoughts of the 9 weeks left came.
How will i break the news to him after 9 weeks? or will it be even earlier
than 9 weeks? I don't know.
As usual, he always says he doesn't know what is he thinking. i just don't
understand a shit about why guys behave like that. Don't understand.
fuck shit.
-loads of crap-
It was on offer as the shop was newly opened. It's Nokia 2680, a phone
with basic functions, cam etc. $159.90. then, I realised the person keyed
in the amount wrongly and in the end charged me only $65.90 for it!
I chose to keep quiet. LOL. I mean, the person needs to learn a lesson
and not to be so careless again. and hence i saved near a $100 today.
Jurong point extension is big. LOL. And there are a lot of shops not
opened yet. there's din tai fung, which i love (: plenty of shops there. I
should really spend sometime really exploring the place again. I'm so
bored at home. yawns.
Yst went out with JK. had spageddies for lunch then slack at starbucks to
play our metal slug. then went to Raffles city sc and bought one shirt for
my grandfather. Then we finally went to Marina sq to have HOTPOT!
It's nice (: and i think the set is really worth it. Just that the svc is quite
disappointing. the staff awareness is not there. However, there was this
waiter who charged my iced lemon tea free cos they were apologetic that
we waited so long.
Then, went to our usual place, but don't know why, suddenly I felt emo
during our way back. suddenly, all my thoughts of the 9 weeks left came.
How will i break the news to him after 9 weeks? or will it be even earlier
than 9 weeks? I don't know.
As usual, he always says he doesn't know what is he thinking. i just don't
understand a shit about why guys behave like that. Don't understand.
fuck shit.
-loads of crap-
Saturday, December 13, 2008
My Young Photos (:

Me, Eldest bro, Jeremy(older younger bro)

Me, elder bro, jer







My late grandfather and I

My late grandfather, Me, and Uncle

Me and Uncle




Elder bro and I

Dad and I


Dad and I



Jer and Me

Justine(youngest bro), Me and Jer

Jer and Just

Elder bro, Me, Mummy, Just and Jer

Elder bro, Me, Mummy, Just and Jer





-If only time could turn back...-
Friday, December 12, 2008
Time passes fast. My pay is out. I actually have a 1-month bonus. LOL
Anyway, today, as usual, I went to school for dance. I don't know why
I think I hurt myself during dance on weds. I couldn't lift up my right
leg properly. And when I do so, it hurts.
But I have to go dance early today so I can teach Joyce and MF the
steps. Then, today Yimin taught us the new choreo, which is actually
alot of house moves. We finished quite a few eights. (: I know I'm gonna
ache tml, FOR SURE. haha. But then again, I love muscle aches. blah.
My appointment at the TB unit is scheduled next thurs early in the morning.
Seriously I have no idea how to get there. And I don't know where the hell
is Clinic K at. It's probably part of TTSH? I kinda afraid of the blood test.
I've mentioned before about being a freshie for blood test. Well, I guess I
have no choice. ): But JK will be acc-ing me there. Hopefully, with him
around, I won't get lost.
I don't know why but today I did alot of thinking while I'm on the way
home from dance. Perhaps I was too engrossed in the drama I watched
online, which I just finished watching this morning. It's One Litre of Tears.
Though some of the characters are fictional, there is this part where the
girl decided that she should give up on something really important to her,
which is the guy that she liked.
I think I'm crazy but, if she can let go of something that is so important to
her, why can't I? Moreover, the guy liked her too. But in my case, I really
don't know. I will just continue to see what happens. I gave myself 9 weeks.
After 9 weeks, it'll be Valentine's day. I guess after that day, I can make a
decision. If he really do like me, I'm sure he will ask me out. If not, then I'll
know what to do.
I hope by then if that really happens, I will have to courage to let go. Please.
Pray for me. And wish me well.
-Random thoughts-
Anyway, today, as usual, I went to school for dance. I don't know why
I think I hurt myself during dance on weds. I couldn't lift up my right
leg properly. And when I do so, it hurts.
But I have to go dance early today so I can teach Joyce and MF the
steps. Then, today Yimin taught us the new choreo, which is actually
alot of house moves. We finished quite a few eights. (: I know I'm gonna
ache tml, FOR SURE. haha. But then again, I love muscle aches. blah.
My appointment at the TB unit is scheduled next thurs early in the morning.
Seriously I have no idea how to get there. And I don't know where the hell
is Clinic K at. It's probably part of TTSH? I kinda afraid of the blood test.
I've mentioned before about being a freshie for blood test. Well, I guess I
have no choice. ): But JK will be acc-ing me there. Hopefully, with him
around, I won't get lost.
I don't know why but today I did alot of thinking while I'm on the way
home from dance. Perhaps I was too engrossed in the drama I watched
online, which I just finished watching this morning. It's One Litre of Tears.
Though some of the characters are fictional, there is this part where the
girl decided that she should give up on something really important to her,
which is the guy that she liked.
I think I'm crazy but, if she can let go of something that is so important to
her, why can't I? Moreover, the guy liked her too. But in my case, I really
don't know. I will just continue to see what happens. I gave myself 9 weeks.
After 9 weeks, it'll be Valentine's day. I guess after that day, I can make a
decision. If he really do like me, I'm sure he will ask me out. If not, then I'll
know what to do.
I hope by then if that really happens, I will have to courage to let go. Please.
Pray for me. And wish me well.
-Random thoughts-
Thursday, December 11, 2008
hey, today is a shag day, though I chose not to go for dance later.
yst my 9 of my DF mates and I went to Timber - the substation.
I tried their steak and I feel that it's quite nice and affordable.
Kings and I kinda shared one Tandoori Chicken Pizza. Their thin
crust pizza is nice. (:
In total, I drank more than 1 litre of Erdinger White, one Sex on
beach and one Sweet lady. Sex on the beach is nice and it's sweet.
On the other hand, I dread Sweet lady. Totally contrary to its name.
I guess I had abit too much, was feeling tipsy after Sweet lady. I guess
it's due to cointreau and stuff in it, which makes it feel rather high
in alcohol content.
I was surprised I could still walk straight. haha. Oh well... I was
trying hard to do that when mf, joyce and I am walking back to
the MRT station. Joyce puked on the way walking back. LOL.
The rest stayed in TImbre till near 12am I guess.
Damn when I reached home and bathed, I just went straight to
my bed and PAH... dead. LOL. Then, Jk called. We chatted for
half an hour before I went straight into deep sleep, NOT. I was
getting rather restless around 4-5am. I just couldn't get to sleep.
Tossing around and stuff. And my head was spinning.
Finally, I decided to just wake up and sit in the living room. And
since I can't get to sleep, I might as well just go to the polyclinic
to see the doctor for a checkup. And so I went. Took an X-ray,
then she will be referring me to the TB unit probably at CDC.
She added that there is no problems or signs of TB shown by
looking at the X-ray. However, just for confirmation, I should just
go to the TB unit to do the blood test and stuff.
She also prescibed medicine for me. URGH. 2 BIG bottles of
disgusting drowsiness-causing cough medicine. And 1 BIG pack of
antibiotics. DAMN, I hate medicine. But I guess I will just take it and
see if things get better. Since I really need sleep now, I shall take it
now and go to sleep! Since it causes drowsiness. Haha.
Therefore, I'm so not going for dance today. Tml I will go most
probably. Because I need to teach Joyce, MF and YL the steps. Then,
sat I'll be out with JK again. Monday I will be going to his neighbourhood
to get some dance pants. According to yimin, it's there. So ya...
Then probably thurs we'll head to CPF for a surprise visit! LOL. And
of course to head to Amoy for our favourite food. YEAH! (:
Ok, off I go for my medicine and nap! :D
yst my 9 of my DF mates and I went to Timber - the substation.
I tried their steak and I feel that it's quite nice and affordable.
Kings and I kinda shared one Tandoori Chicken Pizza. Their thin
crust pizza is nice. (:
In total, I drank more than 1 litre of Erdinger White, one Sex on
beach and one Sweet lady. Sex on the beach is nice and it's sweet.
On the other hand, I dread Sweet lady. Totally contrary to its name.
I guess I had abit too much, was feeling tipsy after Sweet lady. I guess
it's due to cointreau and stuff in it, which makes it feel rather high
in alcohol content.
I was surprised I could still walk straight. haha. Oh well... I was
trying hard to do that when mf, joyce and I am walking back to
the MRT station. Joyce puked on the way walking back. LOL.
The rest stayed in TImbre till near 12am I guess.
Damn when I reached home and bathed, I just went straight to
my bed and PAH... dead. LOL. Then, Jk called. We chatted for
half an hour before I went straight into deep sleep, NOT. I was
getting rather restless around 4-5am. I just couldn't get to sleep.
Tossing around and stuff. And my head was spinning.
Finally, I decided to just wake up and sit in the living room. And
since I can't get to sleep, I might as well just go to the polyclinic
to see the doctor for a checkup. And so I went. Took an X-ray,
then she will be referring me to the TB unit probably at CDC.
She added that there is no problems or signs of TB shown by
looking at the X-ray. However, just for confirmation, I should just
go to the TB unit to do the blood test and stuff.
She also prescibed medicine for me. URGH. 2 BIG bottles of
disgusting drowsiness-causing cough medicine. And 1 BIG pack of
antibiotics. DAMN, I hate medicine. But I guess I will just take it and
see if things get better. Since I really need sleep now, I shall take it
now and go to sleep! Since it causes drowsiness. Haha.
Therefore, I'm so not going for dance today. Tml I will go most
probably. Because I need to teach Joyce, MF and YL the steps. Then,
sat I'll be out with JK again. Monday I will be going to his neighbourhood
to get some dance pants. According to yimin, it's there. So ya...
Then probably thurs we'll head to CPF for a surprise visit! LOL. And
of course to head to Amoy for our favourite food. YEAH! (:
Ok, off I go for my medicine and nap! :D
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Today i went for Locking but not Popping. I don't know why but I really dislike popping. LOL. Then Yimin, who was very shag, and I went to Raffles City SC to get bubble tea. Then met Queenie and Jacqueline and friend then went back to Studio Wu for Gal's Hip-hop (:
Today Carol's not here and Choon Hui took over. It's really fun 'cos I love Gal's Hip-hop (:
We danced to Jeannie Ortega's Bling for 7 and 1/2 Eights. I love it. It's the longest choreo we've learnt in Studio Wu so far during the short one hour that includes warm-up. After that I just went home straight 'cos Mummy prepared dinner.
Tml we have dance in school at 11am to 1pm. After that I'll be going home to sleep like a pig then prepare to go out again to Timbre for a drink with DF members (: going for the Happy hours 'cos I do not wana come home too late. Then, I will try to sleep early and go to the polyclinic in the morning on the next day.
Tml's also JK's POP. Well, he must be feeling very happy about it. LOL. Anyway, talking about him... Saturday when we went out, we saw 2 of his friends while we were at City Link Mall and the surprising thing is that he didn't let go of my hands. Then when he booked in yst, another of his bunk mate told him LOUDLY that "I saw you and your gf yst at Cine". That is what he told me. You may think I feel happy about it as he didn't comment anything about it. Maybe he kinda already treated me as his gf. But that's not what I think. I feel that it's because these are his bunk mates (BMT), and they spend 2 months tgt.
Moreover tml's POP, as they are not his close friends, he will think that there isn't a need to explain things to them, like telling them I'm actually not his gf. But he really does things that makes everyone in camp thinks that I'm his gf. He puts our photo in his cupboard on the mirror. Even his sergeant saw it while checking their cupboards. Whatever it is, let him be. No matter what he does to make it seem that things are not as bad as I think, I will never think as optimistically as before already. I believe everyone knows what's "Once bitten, Twice shy". Enough about him.
Looking forward to tml's drinking session (:
Today i went for Locking but not Popping. I don't know why but I really dislike popping. LOL. Then Yimin, who was very shag, and I went to Raffles City SC to get bubble tea. Then met Queenie and Jacqueline and friend then went back to Studio Wu for Gal's Hip-hop (:
Today Carol's not here and Choon Hui took over. It's really fun 'cos I love Gal's Hip-hop (:
We danced to Jeannie Ortega's Bling for 7 and 1/2 Eights. I love it. It's the longest choreo we've learnt in Studio Wu so far during the short one hour that includes warm-up. After that I just went home straight 'cos Mummy prepared dinner.
Tml we have dance in school at 11am to 1pm. After that I'll be going home to sleep like a pig then prepare to go out again to Timbre for a drink with DF members (: going for the Happy hours 'cos I do not wana come home too late. Then, I will try to sleep early and go to the polyclinic in the morning on the next day.
Tml's also JK's POP. Well, he must be feeling very happy about it. LOL. Anyway, talking about him... Saturday when we went out, we saw 2 of his friends while we were at City Link Mall and the surprising thing is that he didn't let go of my hands. Then when he booked in yst, another of his bunk mate told him LOUDLY that "I saw you and your gf yst at Cine". That is what he told me. You may think I feel happy about it as he didn't comment anything about it. Maybe he kinda already treated me as his gf. But that's not what I think. I feel that it's because these are his bunk mates (BMT), and they spend 2 months tgt.
Moreover tml's POP, as they are not his close friends, he will think that there isn't a need to explain things to them, like telling them I'm actually not his gf. But he really does things that makes everyone in camp thinks that I'm his gf. He puts our photo in his cupboard on the mirror. Even his sergeant saw it while checking their cupboards. Whatever it is, let him be. No matter what he does to make it seem that things are not as bad as I think, I will never think as optimistically as before already. I believe everyone knows what's "Once bitten, Twice shy". Enough about him.
Looking forward to tml's drinking session (:
Monday, December 08, 2008
I've changed my blogskin. Hahs. well, I'm kinda bored of my old one.
I think this current one is nice because it's rather simple.
most importantly, the black background. My friends will know black is my favourite
colour. besides that, it incorporated different colours like blue, pink etc etc. it's nice
as it's not like some skins that uses only black and one type of colour say red, purple or green.
anyway, yst i finished watching HOT SHOT online. I think it's rather nice to catch. However the ending wasn't as good as i expected. It ended rather "stupidly". haha. But i still love the show. Because i still love basketball, just that i dont have to chance to play it frequently now.
tml morning i will be going to the polyclinic to consult the doctor. i guess i'll porbably do the blood test incase there's any problems with me. I have been coughing for around 3 weeks or so already. It's time to see the doctor. Moreover, I have a 85% subsidy at polyclinics. So, why not? haha. after that i hope i have enought time to come home and sleep then i can conserve enough energy to dance after that. i will be dancing from 4.30 to 7.30 tml. after that i will be meeting my primary school besties. (:
Can't wait for tml, But I'm kinda afraid of the blood test cos i have not tried a needle poking into my elbow region. i dont know how exactly you name that region but yea. I've only experienced injection on my arm, near the bicep. that is not painful. How i wish they dont have to inject to
take my blood. URGH.
-true frens are always with you (:-
I think this current one is nice because it's rather simple.
most importantly, the black background. My friends will know black is my favourite
colour. besides that, it incorporated different colours like blue, pink etc etc. it's nice
as it's not like some skins that uses only black and one type of colour say red, purple or green.
anyway, yst i finished watching HOT SHOT online. I think it's rather nice to catch. However the ending wasn't as good as i expected. It ended rather "stupidly". haha. But i still love the show. Because i still love basketball, just that i dont have to chance to play it frequently now.
tml morning i will be going to the polyclinic to consult the doctor. i guess i'll porbably do the blood test incase there's any problems with me. I have been coughing for around 3 weeks or so already. It's time to see the doctor. Moreover, I have a 85% subsidy at polyclinics. So, why not? haha. after that i hope i have enought time to come home and sleep then i can conserve enough energy to dance after that. i will be dancing from 4.30 to 7.30 tml. after that i will be meeting my primary school besties. (:
Can't wait for tml, But I'm kinda afraid of the blood test cos i have not tried a needle poking into my elbow region. i dont know how exactly you name that region but yea. I've only experienced injection on my arm, near the bicep. that is not painful. How i wish they dont have to inject to
take my blood. URGH.
-true frens are always with you (:-
On the surface
It seemed so real
But deep inside
We know
That's not the case
How long has it been
Since we first met
I couldn't imagine
This is how we would be
Those moment or two
It all seemed so blissful
Just within a few words
They're all scattered
So much for "you cared"
So much for feeling the obvious
So much for being there for you
So much for giving you time
You make me realised
I'm such a fool for believing you
I'm too naive
To believe everything is true
I wanted but couldn't bear to
Just walk away and never look back
There I go
Foolishly falling back into this trap again
Here I am
Dare not speak of my feelings again
Dare not ask of your feelings again
Because I know
Sooner or later
I Know
It'll be the end
-Emo/ness again-
It seemed so real
But deep inside
We know
That's not the case
How long has it been
Since we first met
I couldn't imagine
This is how we would be
Those moment or two
It all seemed so blissful
Just within a few words
They're all scattered
So much for "you cared"
So much for feeling the obvious
So much for being there for you
So much for giving you time
You make me realised
I'm such a fool for believing you
I'm too naive
To believe everything is true
I wanted but couldn't bear to
Just walk away and never look back
There I go
Foolishly falling back into this trap again
Here I am
Dare not speak of my feelings again
Dare not ask of your feelings again
Because I know
Sooner or later
I Know
It'll be the end
-Emo/ness again-
Sunday, December 07, 2008
hey, guess what? tuesday i was too lazy and shag to go for dance. LOL! i was aching everywhere, goodness. how i love muscle aches (: hahaha. wednesday went for dance in school, willy was there to teach us our new choreo for our upcoming performance. i love it, it's so nice! now i know why "cos with willy, it's never silly!". haha.
thursday went to studio wu for MTV and hip-hop. adrian is our MTV instructor. while choon hui is the hip-hop one. adrian is cute! haha. even my male dance mates say so too. i love ripples and adrian incorporated a few of that into the choreo. most importantly, i LOVE his warm-ups. it's not really tedious but it made all of us sweat like crap. my whole head was dripping sweat ok. i love that kinda feeling. not too tedious and yet sweat alot. haha. NICE! lol. choon hui's one is not bad but i dont really fancy that as much. however, choon hui is also cute (according to my dance mates-again) haha. and it's really enjoyable to be in her class. overall: i really enjoyed myself. (:
fri morning i brought JJ to the vet for a recheck. the vet says that i'm doing a good job in cleansing his wound and such. i will still put on the buster for him incase he goes pawing his scab again. hope he recovers fast!! then i went for dance in school again. this time, willy taught us the 2nd set of the choreo which is fantastic. the whole thing realy looks nice. goodness. i cant wait to dance that. (:
yst, went out with jk. it's his final bookout from tekong! yeah. his POP is in 3 days (: duno where will he be posted to after BMT. oh well... hahs. cant wait for his POP to end. yeah, i wana go amoy and have their fish beehoon and wan ton mee again. i miss it, since my working days there.... ohh... anyway, yst we went to orchard cine to eat the indon food again. i love it, seriously. the chilli is hot, the soup is sweet and the chicken the well-fried. YUM (: den jk had his hair cut EVENLY at fareast. after which we had desserts at cine again. den we went for a movie -quarantine.
the movie is gore. but i dont think it's THAT gore. the beginning is rather draggy which makes me quite sian. den the worst part came. they went into this condo? i think. yeah and the rest of the settings is set there and then. it makes you feel rather suffocated cos it's so dark. i felt like vomiting during the show, but i dont think it's because of the gore, it's becos of the food i ate. i think it's the dessert la. damn. jk thought tt i was referring to the kinda nausea due to the movie. i just couldn't wait for the movie to end so that i can rush to the toilet to throw up. finally, i was a merlion for 4 consecutive times in the toilet. damn. i swear i'm not gona eat that desserts again.
after the longest time ever, we finally decided to walk from orchard back to city hall, like what we always DID. lol. we were rather lazy recently. haha. den we went for our dinner at xin wang. i was perfectly fine after having their pork chop cheese baked spaghetti (: hahs i duno if it's how they call it. (:
tada... tt ends my events for the week.
thursday went to studio wu for MTV and hip-hop. adrian is our MTV instructor. while choon hui is the hip-hop one. adrian is cute! haha. even my male dance mates say so too. i love ripples and adrian incorporated a few of that into the choreo. most importantly, i LOVE his warm-ups. it's not really tedious but it made all of us sweat like crap. my whole head was dripping sweat ok. i love that kinda feeling. not too tedious and yet sweat alot. haha. NICE! lol. choon hui's one is not bad but i dont really fancy that as much. however, choon hui is also cute (according to my dance mates-again) haha. and it's really enjoyable to be in her class. overall: i really enjoyed myself. (:
fri morning i brought JJ to the vet for a recheck. the vet says that i'm doing a good job in cleansing his wound and such. i will still put on the buster for him incase he goes pawing his scab again. hope he recovers fast!! then i went for dance in school again. this time, willy taught us the 2nd set of the choreo which is fantastic. the whole thing realy looks nice. goodness. i cant wait to dance that. (:
yst, went out with jk. it's his final bookout from tekong! yeah. his POP is in 3 days (: duno where will he be posted to after BMT. oh well... hahs. cant wait for his POP to end. yeah, i wana go amoy and have their fish beehoon and wan ton mee again. i miss it, since my working days there.... ohh... anyway, yst we went to orchard cine to eat the indon food again. i love it, seriously. the chilli is hot, the soup is sweet and the chicken the well-fried. YUM (: den jk had his hair cut EVENLY at fareast. after which we had desserts at cine again. den we went for a movie -quarantine.
the movie is gore. but i dont think it's THAT gore. the beginning is rather draggy which makes me quite sian. den the worst part came. they went into this condo? i think. yeah and the rest of the settings is set there and then. it makes you feel rather suffocated cos it's so dark. i felt like vomiting during the show, but i dont think it's because of the gore, it's becos of the food i ate. i think it's the dessert la. damn. jk thought tt i was referring to the kinda nausea due to the movie. i just couldn't wait for the movie to end so that i can rush to the toilet to throw up. finally, i was a merlion for 4 consecutive times in the toilet. damn. i swear i'm not gona eat that desserts again.
after the longest time ever, we finally decided to walk from orchard back to city hall, like what we always DID. lol. we were rather lazy recently. haha. den we went for our dinner at xin wang. i was perfectly fine after having their pork chop cheese baked spaghetti (: hahs i duno if it's how they call it. (:
tada... tt ends my events for the week.
Monday, December 01, 2008
hey, today is a shag day for me. i have not been dancing for maybe 2wks or so? thanks to my cough and core throat. urgh. but today i finally got out of the house and started grooving again. i'm still coughing very badly but it's really bored at home. so went down and signed up for the package and started on the spot.
today we went for 2 classes. hip-hop and j/k pop. hip-hop's stretching was fantastic. i know i'm definitely gonna have muscle aches tml since i have not danced for so long... we did 5 sets of eights for hip-hop. den split into 3 groups. after which, we continued on to j/k pop where we danced to Rain's song which is in yr 2006. it is quite fast but fun cos there was the "oh yeah" and "baby" in it where our instructor says we have to put in the "feel". hahaha. it was enjoyable but i was dying due to my cough. LOL
tml i'm maybe just gg for gal's hip-hop though i aslo signed up for locking. i know locking and popping should be taken together but the 2 hours are right before gal's hip-hop so i dont think i can manage 3 straight hours considering my cough... maybe i'll just give locking a miss this week. then next wk, i shall take up all 3 popping, locking and gal's hip-hop. hees.
today we went for 2 classes. hip-hop and j/k pop. hip-hop's stretching was fantastic. i know i'm definitely gonna have muscle aches tml since i have not danced for so long... we did 5 sets of eights for hip-hop. den split into 3 groups. after which, we continued on to j/k pop where we danced to Rain's song which is in yr 2006. it is quite fast but fun cos there was the "oh yeah" and "baby" in it where our instructor says we have to put in the "feel". hahaha. it was enjoyable but i was dying due to my cough. LOL
tml i'm maybe just gg for gal's hip-hop though i aslo signed up for locking. i know locking and popping should be taken together but the 2 hours are right before gal's hip-hop so i dont think i can manage 3 straight hours considering my cough... maybe i'll just give locking a miss this week. then next wk, i shall take up all 3 popping, locking and gal's hip-hop. hees.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Yo, can't imagine how pissed off i sounded in my last post until i read it again. oh well... sudden burst of anger tt's why.
anyway, jk's back in camp again. i'm bored once again. during exams, i was always looking forward to the holidays and yet i dread it now. I am so bored that i'm rotting at home. i'm lazy to go out especially when go out=spending $$... however, gg out on saturdays is never a boredom. (:
this week is a little different cos we manage to go out on both fridays and saturdays. he finally booked out early! Fri we went orchard after a long time not being there. both of us had the crave for that indonesian food and so we went ahead to cine. after which, we just walked around and had a chill-out session at starbucks. Then, we went to esplanade for a little while before gg back.
as for yst, we had carl's jr for lunch. and we are amazed by the little appetite i have rite now. i really dont know what is wrong with me. i have no appetite at all. i can just forget about eating considering how bored i feel at home, tt's bad. even if i eat, i eat very little. for dinner, i will just have half a bowl of rice, which is totally contrary to what i usually eat. oh well, in the end i only ate half a burger and less than half of the chips i guess? the rest i gave him. he felt soooo bloated after that. one and a half carl's jr meal (large), how about that? haha. walked around still den had coffee at starbucks again. both of us are recently feeling shag to walk around, like we used to. we used to walk from chall to orchard and back if needed. recently, we're usually stagnant at one location and if we want to travel to orchard or cathay, we'll head for the train. i am so lazy now! after coffee, we went for kenny rogers and we shared a quarters meal. cos he was still bloated and i'm still not gaining my appetite. LOL. den off we go to esplanade and then raffles city sc. then. home sweet home...
i am still coughing coughing and coughing. damn. it's very irritating... mummy made some tonic drink for me just now, hopefully to cure my cough. maybe it's the cough that makes me not feel like eating cos there is just so limited stuff that i can eat. damn. initially i thought not eating much can be a blessing in disguise but then again, it's not healthy. but the problem is, i really don't know what I can eat and what i should eat! urgh. crap.
now, i'm just avoiding those unhealthy food so that my cough can get better. i can't touch my favourite chocolates! peiling bought some for me when she was in korea. mummy bought some cadbury ones for me when she was in m'sia. they're delicious and i can't touch them. and yst i saw some liquer chocolates at robinsons! i'm so gonna get them. they're those with whole cheery in it. damn. i just can't wait to get them. PLS! RECOVER!
anyway, here's some pictures we took yst (:

anyway, jk's back in camp again. i'm bored once again. during exams, i was always looking forward to the holidays and yet i dread it now. I am so bored that i'm rotting at home. i'm lazy to go out especially when go out=spending $$... however, gg out on saturdays is never a boredom. (:
this week is a little different cos we manage to go out on both fridays and saturdays. he finally booked out early! Fri we went orchard after a long time not being there. both of us had the crave for that indonesian food and so we went ahead to cine. after which, we just walked around and had a chill-out session at starbucks. Then, we went to esplanade for a little while before gg back.
as for yst, we had carl's jr for lunch. and we are amazed by the little appetite i have rite now. i really dont know what is wrong with me. i have no appetite at all. i can just forget about eating considering how bored i feel at home, tt's bad. even if i eat, i eat very little. for dinner, i will just have half a bowl of rice, which is totally contrary to what i usually eat. oh well, in the end i only ate half a burger and less than half of the chips i guess? the rest i gave him. he felt soooo bloated after that. one and a half carl's jr meal (large), how about that? haha. walked around still den had coffee at starbucks again. both of us are recently feeling shag to walk around, like we used to. we used to walk from chall to orchard and back if needed. recently, we're usually stagnant at one location and if we want to travel to orchard or cathay, we'll head for the train. i am so lazy now! after coffee, we went for kenny rogers and we shared a quarters meal. cos he was still bloated and i'm still not gaining my appetite. LOL. den off we go to esplanade and then raffles city sc. then. home sweet home...
i am still coughing coughing and coughing. damn. it's very irritating... mummy made some tonic drink for me just now, hopefully to cure my cough. maybe it's the cough that makes me not feel like eating cos there is just so limited stuff that i can eat. damn. initially i thought not eating much can be a blessing in disguise but then again, it's not healthy. but the problem is, i really don't know what I can eat and what i should eat! urgh. crap.
now, i'm just avoiding those unhealthy food so that my cough can get better. i can't touch my favourite chocolates! peiling bought some for me when she was in korea. mummy bought some cadbury ones for me when she was in m'sia. they're delicious and i can't touch them. and yst i saw some liquer chocolates at robinsons! i'm so gonna get them. they're those with whole cheery in it. damn. i just can't wait to get them. PLS! RECOVER!
anyway, here's some pictures we took yst (:

Friday, November 28, 2008
I'm just so fucking pissed, AGAIN! previously i did not mentioned anything about my childhood frens staying in my house i guess. now i shall talk about it, cos i'm really so pissed off. they're a family of 6, all the 4 kids are boys. the eldest older than me by 3, the 2nd as old as i am, the 3rd younger by 1, the youngest younger by 6. a few yrs ago the eldest one came to look for a job in singapore and he did. he was wise and move out to stay with his frens in a rented apartment after staying a few days at our house. things were good back then.
then, the 2nd one came. this time he stayed in our house thru'out his working period. early this year i think, but it was for a short while. he was here tgt with his fren whom i felt is okay to get along. then he went back after a month or 2. near the mid of the yr, he came again, this time alone, to look for a job again. he is still staying here, till january next yr. initially i thought he's fine since we went to their house and stayed there for a month or so before. but now i understand why even couples don't get along when they start to live tgt. moreover, he is just a childhood fren.
we save food for him so that he can have it when he returns from work. he comes home around 12 midnight and eats. but he doesn't bother to wash the dishes or even to simply put those meat back into the fridge so that we can still eat it on the next day. he just left it there to turn bad. i really dun understand what's so difficult for him just to do those simple chores. and i'm pissed off cos i'm usually the one clearing the turned-bad dishes. sometimes my mum does it, which makes me more pissed off. i don't even ask my mum yo wash my dishes. just who are you to cause my mum to do that?! at night, he watches the tv up till 3 plus or 4, increasing the vol to sky-high, not considering the fact tt my parents and us needs to sleep. sometimes when there is no dinner, he cooks instant noodles and doesn't bother to wash the wok and bowls he used. i'm really mad about it cos he stays here for free and you should at least do something to show your gratitude. i really dont understand why are there such thick-skinnned ppl ard!
then recently, the 3rd one came. i was too nice to him. i brought him out for kbox, buffet, lunch, dinner whatever shit. i paid. i lend him my psp to play sometimes, or most of the time actually. one day, he asked if he could bring his fren to stay for 1 night so tt the next morning his fren can move to a rented apartment with his another fren. my mum is fine w it and so he stayed. the next morning, his fren and him didn't wake up in time to move to the apartment as his another fren went out for work already. my mum was dumb enough to offer him to stay here. when i heard about it, i was fucking shocked and unhappy cos i dont like him at all! i dont want a stranger to stay in my house. we dont know him and we wun know what the hell he will do when we are all not at all. not that i wana suspect him, but we definitely have to be prepared for all this shit. and i dont feel comfortable at all when he's ard! he's such a braggart. and it is ridiculous cos he and my fren had to sleep in the living room. when he's not around, my fren joins my bros in their room. it's just so inconvenient to see a stranger in the living room when i go to the toilet in the middle of the night.
my fren pissed me off totally when my parents and youngest bro went to m'sia (his house). younger bro had to work, elder bro went out to celebrate his fren's bdae and i went out w jk. left with him and his fren at home. at tt time i do not have internet, just tt there is MSN. he tried signing in several times before and it failed. and he asked me on tt particular day if he could use my com. i replied him saying tt my com has no internet and there is no point using my com cos he cant sign into MSN anyway. and he used despite me telling him not to use it! i found out only when i reached home seeing that my com has restarted and was at the welcome screen asking for password. i was fucking pissed tt day seriously. my com is v prone to hanging tt's y i told him not to use too. and when he restarted the com, and he doesn't know my password, he should just turn off the com to save energy rite? no, he just left it there. like WTF! i told him off tt very night. and he dare not ask me if he can use it again. eventually, his parents got to know of his fren staying here and screwed him upside down cos they dont approve of him being frens with this guy. soon after, his fren moved out. at last!
2 days ago, the utility bill came. it was fucking shocking! usually it's around 300, the most 320bucks. this time, it's 493 excluding utilities save rebates. after the utilities save rebates, it's 433. fucking expensive. my dad asked me about it. i duno what to say. oh well... i was unhappy and told my fren yst tt they should stop watching tv till late at night. they do that everynight ok. goodness, and they on both lights in the living room duno for what fuck. and when i told my fren about the utility bill thing, he started telling me about my own family, teaching me how we should save elec. he says that we waste elec in whatever fuck ways. i was so freaking pissed off and told him str8 in the face that my family has been doing this ALL ALONG. he should get the message that i'm implying that his bro and him are the ones contributing to the 100+ ~ 200 increase in bill. the thing is that, they are staying here for free, and we are not asking them to pay the bills or whatsoever. i feel that there is a real need to tell them about it so that they can stop doing things tt wastes elec! they should be more automatic la. damn.
what's worse is tt, today the 3rd one went to meet his frens. just now when he was out, he called my mum and asked if his fren could stay here for a few days. and it's a gal. i was like WTF! one lesson learnt is not enough. his dad told him a hundred and one times not to bring any fren to stay in our house. apparently, something is really wrong with his ears. it's like hello, i have 3 bros. my parents and youngest bro squeeze in a room, my younger bro and the 2 of them in a room, my elder bro a room, and myself a room. if his fren comes, where the fuck will she be sleeping at? ppl with the right mind will know it must be my room. but no way man, really. he is out of his mind. what if she really stays here? where will she hang her undergarments? my room? your crazy. so what if she's gal? how the hell will you know if she's someone of good character? still, we have to be on guard against her.
the cycle goes again. and eventually my mum told him NO. even if my mum says yes, i will not agree. if i dont agree, no one can allow her to stay in my room, cos it's MY ROOM. my mum told my dad abt it, and my dad is damn pissed off. he is already pissed off by the utility bill thing and the 1st fren he brought here to stay. now this shit again. my dad was like :" just tell him to mind his own business first". he said it in a harsh tone. this is the first time i hear dad talked about our childhood frens in sucha harsh tone. i'm just pissed off and irritated tt he just cant think. i really duno where the fuck is his fucking brain. URGH. my mum den called him and told him again she disallows it. and say he's bo liao. LOL. i really think he is.
i feel so much better after blogging all this shit. this is a really long post. my long list of rants. damn. i'm thinking of ways to reject him when he asks for my psp. and of cos my com. he knows i'm pissed just by the look on my face. i hope he gets the message and stay away. tt's it.
-freaking pissed-
then, the 2nd one came. this time he stayed in our house thru'out his working period. early this year i think, but it was for a short while. he was here tgt with his fren whom i felt is okay to get along. then he went back after a month or 2. near the mid of the yr, he came again, this time alone, to look for a job again. he is still staying here, till january next yr. initially i thought he's fine since we went to their house and stayed there for a month or so before. but now i understand why even couples don't get along when they start to live tgt. moreover, he is just a childhood fren.
we save food for him so that he can have it when he returns from work. he comes home around 12 midnight and eats. but he doesn't bother to wash the dishes or even to simply put those meat back into the fridge so that we can still eat it on the next day. he just left it there to turn bad. i really dun understand what's so difficult for him just to do those simple chores. and i'm pissed off cos i'm usually the one clearing the turned-bad dishes. sometimes my mum does it, which makes me more pissed off. i don't even ask my mum yo wash my dishes. just who are you to cause my mum to do that?! at night, he watches the tv up till 3 plus or 4, increasing the vol to sky-high, not considering the fact tt my parents and us needs to sleep. sometimes when there is no dinner, he cooks instant noodles and doesn't bother to wash the wok and bowls he used. i'm really mad about it cos he stays here for free and you should at least do something to show your gratitude. i really dont understand why are there such thick-skinnned ppl ard!
then recently, the 3rd one came. i was too nice to him. i brought him out for kbox, buffet, lunch, dinner whatever shit. i paid. i lend him my psp to play sometimes, or most of the time actually. one day, he asked if he could bring his fren to stay for 1 night so tt the next morning his fren can move to a rented apartment with his another fren. my mum is fine w it and so he stayed. the next morning, his fren and him didn't wake up in time to move to the apartment as his another fren went out for work already. my mum was dumb enough to offer him to stay here. when i heard about it, i was fucking shocked and unhappy cos i dont like him at all! i dont want a stranger to stay in my house. we dont know him and we wun know what the hell he will do when we are all not at all. not that i wana suspect him, but we definitely have to be prepared for all this shit. and i dont feel comfortable at all when he's ard! he's such a braggart. and it is ridiculous cos he and my fren had to sleep in the living room. when he's not around, my fren joins my bros in their room. it's just so inconvenient to see a stranger in the living room when i go to the toilet in the middle of the night.
my fren pissed me off totally when my parents and youngest bro went to m'sia (his house). younger bro had to work, elder bro went out to celebrate his fren's bdae and i went out w jk. left with him and his fren at home. at tt time i do not have internet, just tt there is MSN. he tried signing in several times before and it failed. and he asked me on tt particular day if he could use my com. i replied him saying tt my com has no internet and there is no point using my com cos he cant sign into MSN anyway. and he used despite me telling him not to use it! i found out only when i reached home seeing that my com has restarted and was at the welcome screen asking for password. i was fucking pissed tt day seriously. my com is v prone to hanging tt's y i told him not to use too. and when he restarted the com, and he doesn't know my password, he should just turn off the com to save energy rite? no, he just left it there. like WTF! i told him off tt very night. and he dare not ask me if he can use it again. eventually, his parents got to know of his fren staying here and screwed him upside down cos they dont approve of him being frens with this guy. soon after, his fren moved out. at last!
2 days ago, the utility bill came. it was fucking shocking! usually it's around 300, the most 320bucks. this time, it's 493 excluding utilities save rebates. after the utilities save rebates, it's 433. fucking expensive. my dad asked me about it. i duno what to say. oh well... i was unhappy and told my fren yst tt they should stop watching tv till late at night. they do that everynight ok. goodness, and they on both lights in the living room duno for what fuck. and when i told my fren about the utility bill thing, he started telling me about my own family, teaching me how we should save elec. he says that we waste elec in whatever fuck ways. i was so freaking pissed off and told him str8 in the face that my family has been doing this ALL ALONG. he should get the message that i'm implying that his bro and him are the ones contributing to the 100+ ~ 200 increase in bill. the thing is that, they are staying here for free, and we are not asking them to pay the bills or whatsoever. i feel that there is a real need to tell them about it so that they can stop doing things tt wastes elec! they should be more automatic la. damn.
what's worse is tt, today the 3rd one went to meet his frens. just now when he was out, he called my mum and asked if his fren could stay here for a few days. and it's a gal. i was like WTF! one lesson learnt is not enough. his dad told him a hundred and one times not to bring any fren to stay in our house. apparently, something is really wrong with his ears. it's like hello, i have 3 bros. my parents and youngest bro squeeze in a room, my younger bro and the 2 of them in a room, my elder bro a room, and myself a room. if his fren comes, where the fuck will she be sleeping at? ppl with the right mind will know it must be my room. but no way man, really. he is out of his mind. what if she really stays here? where will she hang her undergarments? my room? your crazy. so what if she's gal? how the hell will you know if she's someone of good character? still, we have to be on guard against her.
the cycle goes again. and eventually my mum told him NO. even if my mum says yes, i will not agree. if i dont agree, no one can allow her to stay in my room, cos it's MY ROOM. my mum told my dad abt it, and my dad is damn pissed off. he is already pissed off by the utility bill thing and the 1st fren he brought here to stay. now this shit again. my dad was like :" just tell him to mind his own business first". he said it in a harsh tone. this is the first time i hear dad talked about our childhood frens in sucha harsh tone. i'm just pissed off and irritated tt he just cant think. i really duno where the fuck is his fucking brain. URGH. my mum den called him and told him again she disallows it. and say he's bo liao. LOL. i really think he is.
i feel so much better after blogging all this shit. this is a really long post. my long list of rants. damn. i'm thinking of ways to reject him when he asks for my psp. and of cos my com. he knows i'm pissed just by the look on my face. i hope he gets the message and stay away. tt's it.
-freaking pissed-
Thursday, November 27, 2008
dear all, i'm so freaking bored at home la.... grghhhh. can't find things to do actually. i think my cough and all came about due to insufficient sleep cos of late nights and stuff. and in the morning i just cant go to sleep any longer. therefore -> insufficient sleep, worsen the cough and sore throat. HOWEVER, i just took a nap from around 3 to 6plus. i felt refreshed after tt! and my cough has reduced by ALOT... previously i was coughing my lungs out. but now it's just once in awhile some sudden bolts of cough - i sound just like jk. LOL.
anyway, i brought JJ to the vet on tues. he is got ingrown nail and the nail grew straight into his flesh and it swelled. goodness me. i was so bad that he was standing on 3 feet. brought him to sunset way (mount pleasant) and the vet cut his nails and also cleansed the wound in his face due to the previous tooth extraction. it was so painful that both his eyes turned red from crying. and he was angry and bit the vet and the nurse. i do not dare to cut his nails cos i did it before and it bled. dont dare to do it again... i bought a cone thingie and secured around his neck so that he can't scratch his face and lick his foot pad on the affected areas, if not, it will not recover. and i'm glad i did so, cos it looks much better. (:
i am supposed to bring him back to check up again next friday so to ensure everything is fine. i hope and i think everything will be fine (:
anyway, thanks to mich, if not, i wouldn't be able to bring JJ to the vet. (:
-cough cough cough-
anyway, i brought JJ to the vet on tues. he is got ingrown nail and the nail grew straight into his flesh and it swelled. goodness me. i was so bad that he was standing on 3 feet. brought him to sunset way (mount pleasant) and the vet cut his nails and also cleansed the wound in his face due to the previous tooth extraction. it was so painful that both his eyes turned red from crying. and he was angry and bit the vet and the nurse. i do not dare to cut his nails cos i did it before and it bled. dont dare to do it again... i bought a cone thingie and secured around his neck so that he can't scratch his face and lick his foot pad on the affected areas, if not, it will not recover. and i'm glad i did so, cos it looks much better. (:
i am supposed to bring him back to check up again next friday so to ensure everything is fine. i hope and i think everything will be fine (:
anyway, thanks to mich, if not, i wouldn't be able to bring JJ to the vet. (:
-cough cough cough-
hey! the wireless connection is finally set up. oh well...... but i still do not have much to do at home. luckily jk is booking out early tml so we'll be gg out tml and sat as well. (:
anyway, i passed my BTT, which is the very first step to getting my license. gotten my PDL so now i'm licensed to learn driving. need to look for instructors to teach. hope i get one real soon. hope the rates are cheap as well. i just hope that things will go smoothly. booked my FTT on the 14th of January 2009. hees.
have been coughing like crap for the past 2 wks. damn, it really sucks. i just hope to recover soon. i even chose to stay at home today when there''s actually dance practice in school. thanks to my cough and sore throat. ... ...
-RECOVER pls!!!-
anyway, i passed my BTT, which is the very first step to getting my license. gotten my PDL so now i'm licensed to learn driving. need to look for instructors to teach. hope i get one real soon. hope the rates are cheap as well. i just hope that things will go smoothly. booked my FTT on the 14th of January 2009. hees.
have been coughing like crap for the past 2 wks. damn, it really sucks. i just hope to recover soon. i even chose to stay at home today when there''s actually dance practice in school. thanks to my cough and sore throat. ... ...
-RECOVER pls!!!-
Thursday, November 20, 2008
i've been gone for a long long time. haha, finally i'm back. i'll be online more frequent from now onwards i guess.
anyway, exam's over!! and i'm so freaking happy. LOL. i think i did well enough to pass AAB 102 however, 101 sucks. it's like crap. my goodness. i was cursing and swearing at the questions. nevertheless, everything's over! i just hope i can pass 101 and so i dont have to retake next time. shew... let's pray hard!
i'm signing up for a dance package in december at studio wu. it's unlimited! meaning i can attend the classes held there any day and any time i like. i can even go for all the classes they hold in a day as long as i have the stamina. hees. a good investment huh? haha.
baked cookies last fri - alot, and it was finished within 2 days. damn. i was craving for it when i opened the box and saw nothing left. oh well..... tt's the problem with brothers. geez. after being away for a long long time, i dont even know what to blog about. argh.
just some random thoughts. hmm. you know i thought i found a really close and good fren in secondary school during my last 2 yrs there. initially when we went separate ways to our pre-U, we still kept in contact and stuff like tat. after which, i tried keeping in contact with her but to no avail. i msged her but she didnt reply. i even wish her happy birthday when it's her birthday. it's really saddening because i really cherish her as a fren and i hope we can still be good friends after sec sch. i duno why didnt she reply me or even not take the effort to keep in contact with me. but till now, i still hope to meet her and catch up what we have done for this past 3 yrs since we left the sch. sigh.
on the other hand, my pri sch besties and i are still as good as before. just that we hardly get to meet up as we're all busy with our own stuff, studying or working. but whenever we meet, it's just like before, no change, the way we talk to one another is the same as well. and that really makes me happy. i just hope this will go on forever..... (:
as for love matters, i no longer want to give a damn as it's really really tiring and draining. sometimes i just hope we never knew, not that i regret knowing him, but it would really save alot of heartaches. i duno what will happen in the future and i really is afraid to face it. i duno if it will help when i stay by his side thoruout his two yrs. i really dont know. urgh. i just hope the ending will be something i can accept.
it's near the end for my A'lvl friends or some have already ended. good job guys!!! it has been a long way (:
anyway, exam's over!! and i'm so freaking happy. LOL. i think i did well enough to pass AAB 102 however, 101 sucks. it's like crap. my goodness. i was cursing and swearing at the questions. nevertheless, everything's over! i just hope i can pass 101 and so i dont have to retake next time. shew... let's pray hard!
i'm signing up for a dance package in december at studio wu. it's unlimited! meaning i can attend the classes held there any day and any time i like. i can even go for all the classes they hold in a day as long as i have the stamina. hees. a good investment huh? haha.
baked cookies last fri - alot, and it was finished within 2 days. damn. i was craving for it when i opened the box and saw nothing left. oh well..... tt's the problem with brothers. geez. after being away for a long long time, i dont even know what to blog about. argh.
just some random thoughts. hmm. you know i thought i found a really close and good fren in secondary school during my last 2 yrs there. initially when we went separate ways to our pre-U, we still kept in contact and stuff like tat. after which, i tried keeping in contact with her but to no avail. i msged her but she didnt reply. i even wish her happy birthday when it's her birthday. it's really saddening because i really cherish her as a fren and i hope we can still be good friends after sec sch. i duno why didnt she reply me or even not take the effort to keep in contact with me. but till now, i still hope to meet her and catch up what we have done for this past 3 yrs since we left the sch. sigh.
on the other hand, my pri sch besties and i are still as good as before. just that we hardly get to meet up as we're all busy with our own stuff, studying or working. but whenever we meet, it's just like before, no change, the way we talk to one another is the same as well. and that really makes me happy. i just hope this will go on forever..... (:
as for love matters, i no longer want to give a damn as it's really really tiring and draining. sometimes i just hope we never knew, not that i regret knowing him, but it would really save alot of heartaches. i duno what will happen in the future and i really is afraid to face it. i duno if it will help when i stay by his side thoruout his two yrs. i really dont know. urgh. i just hope the ending will be something i can accept.
it's near the end for my A'lvl friends or some have already ended. good job guys!!! it has been a long way (:
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
it's been AGES...... since i blogged. LOL. haha.
sch has been rather busy for me. esp dance cos there was a performance on fri. so i practically danced on mon-fri. woots. but i like it. haha. another performance coming this thurs but i can't perform becos i have lecture! urgh. oh well. but i will still go dance later to help with the details and the formation cos nana's not gg.
as for sch work, i'm glad to say it's progressing well for me. AED 102 ppt is over. our tutor is glad enough with our work. (: and i'm proud to say that i have finished my AED 102 essay on sunday, which is due this coming fri. i'm so so so thankful that i didn't procrastinate and i started the research quite some time ago. yeah, so now i can totally focus on my aab 101 and 102 revision for exams. hees. happy.....
sch aside, it's been 2 wks plus since jk was enlisted. it's like FINALLY last fri was his book-out day. den we met on sat after the longest time ever. damn. i've nv not seen him for that long ok. but oh well, still have to go thru this. at least we spend some precious moments tgt on sat tt's good enough. den yst afternoon he booked in again. last night he called me and said we might not meet for quite awhile cos he will be booking out late and has less than a day of freedom! but that was what he heard so far, not really sure of it yet. SIGH. if what he told me really is the upcoming schedule for him, i can only see him after 3 wks, which is murderous for me. damn. the record will be once again broken. BOO~~~ i can't wait to see him again...
after talking to one of my fren, he has a somewhat similar situation as i am in. he said that if i really love him, i should be brave for him, i should continue to be there for him. becos that is what my fren will do, for the gal he loves. sigh. i guess looking at what i'm doing now, i'm already prepared to get hurt once again by him. i really duno what the future holds. i just hope everything will turn out fine. now i'm just reminding myself that he doesn't love me, no matter what he does to make me feel otherwise. i shan't be too hopeful once again.
-out of sorts-
sch has been rather busy for me. esp dance cos there was a performance on fri. so i practically danced on mon-fri. woots. but i like it. haha. another performance coming this thurs but i can't perform becos i have lecture! urgh. oh well. but i will still go dance later to help with the details and the formation cos nana's not gg.
as for sch work, i'm glad to say it's progressing well for me. AED 102 ppt is over. our tutor is glad enough with our work. (: and i'm proud to say that i have finished my AED 102 essay on sunday, which is due this coming fri. i'm so so so thankful that i didn't procrastinate and i started the research quite some time ago. yeah, so now i can totally focus on my aab 101 and 102 revision for exams. hees. happy.....
sch aside, it's been 2 wks plus since jk was enlisted. it's like FINALLY last fri was his book-out day. den we met on sat after the longest time ever. damn. i've nv not seen him for that long ok. but oh well, still have to go thru this. at least we spend some precious moments tgt on sat tt's good enough. den yst afternoon he booked in again. last night he called me and said we might not meet for quite awhile cos he will be booking out late and has less than a day of freedom! but that was what he heard so far, not really sure of it yet. SIGH. if what he told me really is the upcoming schedule for him, i can only see him after 3 wks, which is murderous for me. damn. the record will be once again broken. BOO~~~ i can't wait to see him again...
after talking to one of my fren, he has a somewhat similar situation as i am in. he said that if i really love him, i should be brave for him, i should continue to be there for him. becos that is what my fren will do, for the gal he loves. sigh. i guess looking at what i'm doing now, i'm already prepared to get hurt once again by him. i really duno what the future holds. i just hope everything will turn out fine. now i'm just reminding myself that he doesn't love me, no matter what he does to make me feel otherwise. i shan't be too hopeful once again.
-out of sorts-
Thursday, October 09, 2008
(: hi, i have not blogged for quite some time huh? oh well...
i'm so freaking lazy and i don't know why this week seems so .... havoc. JASMINE IS TIRED!!! urgh. was rushing through the aed 105 essay and editing all that stuff. monday i didn't go for dance though it's carol's last session with us for the semester. but i'm kinda glad i didn't turn up because i went to meet him instead. we intended to meet on both mon and wed. but last minute he told me his dad took half day off on wed just to spend time with him. how sweet is that... so we didn't meet up on wed. i wasn't prepared for that at all seriously. we didn't even take photos together on monday. we forgot. damn. i'm so sad. BOO~ but mon was great. it was a great day for me.
things did not change surprisingly. we are still like before. just that, today's his enlistment day. that's why i'm so depressed that i couldn't meet him yesterday! but he did call me and stuff like that. at least it made me feel better. now he's already in tekong. wonder how is he doing now. and what he's doing now. i seriously miss him... i won't see him for 3 weeks!! not used to it at all, but i have no choice. i have never not seen him for so long. the longest is only around a week. damn. i'm now just looking forward to the day when he can finally book out! i bet i'll be so happy and excited. wonder if he will lose weight and become tanner or not. hope he looks the same. like he prefers too. (:
i must admit that recently i have been quite affected by him, the things he said the other time and stuff like that. but deep in my heart, i have already made a decision and i can feel the answer. it shall just go on like this. until then......
now, life w/o him. i have to study real hard. much much less msgs from him. much much less calls from him too. but he said he will call me whenever he's free. much much less meeting up with him also.): i must adapt soon!!!!
-i miss you sooooo much!-
i'm so freaking lazy and i don't know why this week seems so .... havoc. JASMINE IS TIRED!!! urgh. was rushing through the aed 105 essay and editing all that stuff. monday i didn't go for dance though it's carol's last session with us for the semester. but i'm kinda glad i didn't turn up because i went to meet him instead. we intended to meet on both mon and wed. but last minute he told me his dad took half day off on wed just to spend time with him. how sweet is that... so we didn't meet up on wed. i wasn't prepared for that at all seriously. we didn't even take photos together on monday. we forgot. damn. i'm so sad. BOO~ but mon was great. it was a great day for me.
things did not change surprisingly. we are still like before. just that, today's his enlistment day. that's why i'm so depressed that i couldn't meet him yesterday! but he did call me and stuff like that. at least it made me feel better. now he's already in tekong. wonder how is he doing now. and what he's doing now. i seriously miss him... i won't see him for 3 weeks!! not used to it at all, but i have no choice. i have never not seen him for so long. the longest is only around a week. damn. i'm now just looking forward to the day when he can finally book out! i bet i'll be so happy and excited. wonder if he will lose weight and become tanner or not. hope he looks the same. like he prefers too. (:
i must admit that recently i have been quite affected by him, the things he said the other time and stuff like that. but deep in my heart, i have already made a decision and i can feel the answer. it shall just go on like this. until then......
now, life w/o him. i have to study real hard. much much less msgs from him. much much less calls from him too. but he said he will call me whenever he's free. much much less meeting up with him also.): i must adapt soon!!!!
-i miss you sooooo much!-
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