anyway, jk's back in camp again. i'm bored once again. during exams, i was always looking forward to the holidays and yet i dread it now. I am so bored that i'm rotting at home. i'm lazy to go out especially when go out=spending $$... however, gg out on saturdays is never a boredom. (:
this week is a little different cos we manage to go out on both fridays and saturdays. he finally booked out early! Fri we went orchard after a long time not being there. both of us had the crave for that indonesian food and so we went ahead to cine. after which, we just walked around and had a chill-out session at starbucks. Then, we went to esplanade for a little while before gg back.
as for yst, we had carl's jr for lunch. and we are amazed by the little appetite i have rite now. i really dont know what is wrong with me. i have no appetite at all. i can just forget about eating considering how bored i feel at home, tt's bad. even if i eat, i eat very little. for dinner, i will just have half a bowl of rice, which is totally contrary to what i usually eat. oh well, in the end i only ate half a burger and less than half of the chips i guess? the rest i gave him. he felt soooo bloated after that. one and a half carl's jr meal (large), how about that? haha. walked around still den had coffee at starbucks again. both of us are recently feeling shag to walk around, like we used to. we used to walk from chall to orchard and back if needed. recently, we're usually stagnant at one location and if we want to travel to orchard or cathay, we'll head for the train. i am so lazy now! after coffee, we went for kenny rogers and we shared a quarters meal. cos he was still bloated and i'm still not gaining my appetite. LOL. den off we go to esplanade and then raffles city sc. then. home sweet home...
i am still coughing coughing and coughing. damn. it's very irritating... mummy made some tonic drink for me just now, hopefully to cure my cough. maybe it's the cough that makes me not feel like eating cos there is just so limited stuff that i can eat. damn. initially i thought not eating much can be a blessing in disguise but then again, it's not healthy. but the problem is, i really don't know what I can eat and what i should eat! urgh. crap.
now, i'm just avoiding those unhealthy food so that my cough can get better. i can't touch my favourite chocolates! peiling bought some for me when she was in korea. mummy bought some cadbury ones for me when she was in m'sia. they're delicious and i can't touch them. and yst i saw some liquer chocolates at robinsons! i'm so gonna get them. they're those with whole cheery in it. damn. i just can't wait to get them. PLS! RECOVER!
anyway, here's some pictures we took yst (:

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