2hours of Biology lectures in the afternoon. And I'm free after that. I had
dance at 6.30. Today's class was conducted by Carol. Wheee....
Biology lecture was a little boring because right now it's more or less
recapping what we learnt during JC. I guess the next lectures will be more
in content. I must be prepared for it. (:
Dance was fun cos today Carol did more on stretching and I'm sure I can
get back to my previous standard if this continues. :D
Learnt 4 eights of choreo and we were supposed to present it and act it out.
It was fun. Haha. Our group decided to do sorta quiet r/s thing where we
had to express the kinda sadness, anger, frustation and stuff like that. I
couldn't help but to think of... Hmm...
Had a talk with my dance mates during dinner just now. Told them briefly
about JK's injury and situation. They mentioned that probably he'll be OOC
and posted to some admin unit or so. Well, I don't know. But his back injury
is quite bad. And they said that I shouldn't leave him at this point of time
cos they can understand how he feels. As in, when they were in NS, they
were unable to settle down as they, too, think that NS is an uncertainty, like
what JK thinks. They feel that I should be there for him. Well, I don't know.
I don't wana be too hopeful about anything here. I wana be prepared for the
worst, just in case. Sometimes I just can't help it and get quite emotional and
stuff like that. SIGH. what to do...
What I saw:
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

The Bottom Line
Amazing things can happen at the last minute -- you cannot give up hope
just yet!
In Detail
No matter how unlikely success might seem from where you are standing
right now, amazing things can happen -- you cannot give up hope! Think
positively, because you know deep in your heart that the game isn't over
yet and you still have plenty of energy to keep going. What you need is still
out there, and you simply have to open your mind to finding it. That person
you were betting on will come through, or the money you needed will
materialize. Just be hopeful.
Are you sure? Today I heard loads of view. It all points to me staying by his
side instead of leaving him. I really don't know what to do. Geez. This really
sucks. I'm a fan of horoscope and I believe in that. However, this time I don't
know if I should. I think I shouldn't. Just in case I get too hopeful, and hurt
myself deeply.
Anyway, I'll be busy with dance for the whole of this week cos performance is
on next tues! and another one on 23rd I think. After that, dance will still be
shiong cos we need to prepare for a bigger event in Mar. Carol will be choreo-ing
for that. Looking forward to that too. (:
Oh ya. Good news. Jocelyn and Christina are in the same AED tut grp as me!!
And Mich is in the same ALS tut grp as me! DAMN, like finally! URGH. hahaha
damn happy ok. At least there is something for me to look forward to during
these 2 boring modules :D
Bringing JJ to the groomer on Weds. YEAH! see him botak (:
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