Randomness here:
Love is the word for you
Care if my feel for you
Concerns are my words for you
Calls are my reassurance for you
Texts are my companion for you
Smiles are my commitment for you
Worries are my love for you
LOL. I can't remember where I saw this at, but find it kinda interesting. (:
Anyway, now my relatives are still here. We just had Lou-hei. LOL.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Let's get started from Thurs. Hmm... There was nothing much except that there's Bio lecture and Dance after that... Willy was ill so he couldn't make it for dance. And so, Faizal took over and we went through JDC steps kinda in details.. LOL.
Then on Friday, which is yst, I woke up early to get the the market to see if there's pork. LOL. then can prepare soup. yeah and so i prepared most of the stuff needed at night before I go to school. We examined some onion root hair tip cells to see the different stages of cell division. LOL. the 1st time i did, i failed terribly COS i pressed on the slide too hard that it broke into 2. ): Then, the 2nd time came. Thanks to Prof Koh, my experiment was a success. LOL. He said my staining is good. Just that after the cells are spreaded, it wasn't that obvious already. Anyhow, we just finished with our experiment and continued to slack there until it's time.
After tt, I proceeded home to prepare the food needed for later. Chris came early and helped me shred cheese (many thanks!) and peiling observed how the spaghetti sauce was done. We were ready pretty early, waiting for chirstina, fel and enxian to come. However, they came only at about 8plus. So in conclusion, we had spaghetti, soup and jelly :D
We then started our game of monopoly (POKEmon version). hahaha. damn cute. enxian and chris were the most repetitive offenders, causing them to end up in jail almost every other time. LOL. I had my share too. hahaha. In the end, fel and I reigned. But we didn't manage to finish the game as christina had to leave. Chris left too, to attend a gathering near my house too. hahaha.
Then, enxian, fel and I played blackjack for a lil while before my eldest bro joined us for 2 games of mahjong. it's overnight mahjong again. then chris came back to look for us. He stinked. LOL. well, stinked of liqour. haha. While we were getting ready to sleep, fel and I saw a cockroach and both of us were afraid. apparently I was the timidest of all.... asked enxian to help me kill it, but it managed to hide somewhere. and this made me afraid to go to the kitchen and of cos, the toilet inside the kitchen too.
This time I slept around 7am, and woke up at 7plus, before 8am. Damn. I was woken up cos i needed to pee and it was so freaking cold... However, i didn't forget about the cockroach at all. so i went to my parents' toilet instead. thinking that i can choose not to step into the kitchen and use the toilet in my parents' room, I was happy and trying to sleep while sluoghing at the sofa in the living room.
HOWEVER, this is when my dad came back from the market, oredering me to prepare soup for steamboat later during dinner. then my dad scurried off to work. DAMN! I HAVE NO CHOICE, but to step into the kitchen and check my surrounding every 2-3 secs. YES, I AM DAMN SCARED OF COCKROACHES (almost all insects actually). I walked in and out of the kitchen a few times.
Suddenly, while checking myself in the mirror, i saw a black thingie on the storeroom door and it was moving. afraid that it will run away, i quickly ran to my room to get enxian to help me get rid of it. BUT enxian was sleeping like a dead log... Then I asked chris for help instead. Chris is soooooo nice! he helped me get rid of it will skill and force. LOL! he is my life-saver. really. hahaha... i finally can walk normally to and fro. THANKS CHRIS! :D
then 10plus the 4 of us went the have breakfast and from there, the 2 guys went off and fel came back with me for awhile. I was waiting for JK's reply since last night and was really excited about the idea of gg his house to bai nian. was thinking that i can leave tgt with fel since we'll be taking the same mrt line. she'll be gg home (yew tee) and me to his place (amk). HOWEVER, after waiting for soooooo long, JK said let's cancel it. I feel sooooooo.......... ): disappointed?? i dont know.
anyhow, fel and I decided to go JP to watch LOVE MATTERS. we practically rushed there. it was already 1.15 i think, we were still at home when the movie starts at 1.50. LOL. i chiong thru my bathing and we went down and immediately got onto a cab. hahaha.... got our tickets and went in, just nice : 1.50pm. LOVE MATTERS is ok la... can be rather funny at times. feel that the main point is to let guys know that they shouldn't just look at SEX alone, love matters. LOL. ratings probably 3/5??
Then I went home to prepare for steamboat and fel went walking around JP before gg home i think. there were darn loads of stuff to prepare la. DAMN IT. you know i was so damn shag, having slept for just less than a bloody hour? now, finally the steamboat is over, or my part is over. think i can concentrate on my sleep tonight.... :D
Hope that next week nothing will be fucked up again, then JK and I can proceed on with my visitng plan. prayss.. (:
Let's get started from Thurs. Hmm... There was nothing much except that there's Bio lecture and Dance after that... Willy was ill so he couldn't make it for dance. And so, Faizal took over and we went through JDC steps kinda in details.. LOL.
Then on Friday, which is yst, I woke up early to get the the market to see if there's pork. LOL. then can prepare soup. yeah and so i prepared most of the stuff needed at night before I go to school. We examined some onion root hair tip cells to see the different stages of cell division. LOL. the 1st time i did, i failed terribly COS i pressed on the slide too hard that it broke into 2. ): Then, the 2nd time came. Thanks to Prof Koh, my experiment was a success. LOL. He said my staining is good. Just that after the cells are spreaded, it wasn't that obvious already. Anyhow, we just finished with our experiment and continued to slack there until it's time.
After tt, I proceeded home to prepare the food needed for later. Chris came early and helped me shred cheese (many thanks!) and peiling observed how the spaghetti sauce was done. We were ready pretty early, waiting for chirstina, fel and enxian to come. However, they came only at about 8plus. So in conclusion, we had spaghetti, soup and jelly :D
We then started our game of monopoly (POKEmon version). hahaha. damn cute. enxian and chris were the most repetitive offenders, causing them to end up in jail almost every other time. LOL. I had my share too. hahaha. In the end, fel and I reigned. But we didn't manage to finish the game as christina had to leave. Chris left too, to attend a gathering near my house too. hahaha.
Then, enxian, fel and I played blackjack for a lil while before my eldest bro joined us for 2 games of mahjong. it's overnight mahjong again. then chris came back to look for us. He stinked. LOL. well, stinked of liqour. haha. While we were getting ready to sleep, fel and I saw a cockroach and both of us were afraid. apparently I was the timidest of all.... asked enxian to help me kill it, but it managed to hide somewhere. and this made me afraid to go to the kitchen and of cos, the toilet inside the kitchen too.
This time I slept around 7am, and woke up at 7plus, before 8am. Damn. I was woken up cos i needed to pee and it was so freaking cold... However, i didn't forget about the cockroach at all. so i went to my parents' toilet instead. thinking that i can choose not to step into the kitchen and use the toilet in my parents' room, I was happy and trying to sleep while sluoghing at the sofa in the living room.
HOWEVER, this is when my dad came back from the market, oredering me to prepare soup for steamboat later during dinner. then my dad scurried off to work. DAMN! I HAVE NO CHOICE, but to step into the kitchen and check my surrounding every 2-3 secs. YES, I AM DAMN SCARED OF COCKROACHES (almost all insects actually). I walked in and out of the kitchen a few times.
Suddenly, while checking myself in the mirror, i saw a black thingie on the storeroom door and it was moving. afraid that it will run away, i quickly ran to my room to get enxian to help me get rid of it. BUT enxian was sleeping like a dead log... Then I asked chris for help instead. Chris is soooooo nice! he helped me get rid of it will skill and force. LOL! he is my life-saver. really. hahaha... i finally can walk normally to and fro. THANKS CHRIS! :D
then 10plus the 4 of us went the have breakfast and from there, the 2 guys went off and fel came back with me for awhile. I was waiting for JK's reply since last night and was really excited about the idea of gg his house to bai nian. was thinking that i can leave tgt with fel since we'll be taking the same mrt line. she'll be gg home (yew tee) and me to his place (amk). HOWEVER, after waiting for soooooo long, JK said let's cancel it. I feel sooooooo.......... ): disappointed?? i dont know.
anyhow, fel and I decided to go JP to watch LOVE MATTERS. we practically rushed there. it was already 1.15 i think, we were still at home when the movie starts at 1.50. LOL. i chiong thru my bathing and we went down and immediately got onto a cab. hahaha.... got our tickets and went in, just nice : 1.50pm. LOVE MATTERS is ok la... can be rather funny at times. feel that the main point is to let guys know that they shouldn't just look at SEX alone, love matters. LOL. ratings probably 3/5??
Then I went home to prepare for steamboat and fel went walking around JP before gg home i think. there were darn loads of stuff to prepare la. DAMN IT. you know i was so damn shag, having slept for just less than a bloody hour? now, finally the steamboat is over, or my part is over. think i can concentrate on my sleep tonight.... :D
Hope that next week nothing will be fucked up again, then JK and I can proceed on with my visitng plan. prayss.. (:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
CNY Day 2 and 3
Some updates about the happenings on CNY day 2 and 3. Initially I thought Day 2 will just be a boring and ordinary day. However, I forgot that on Day 1 we actually asked Meng Cousin to come play mahjong with us. LOL. So I was waiting for my bros to return from M'sis so that we have enough ppl to play mahjong with.
While I was online doing nothing, fel suddenly msged me and said that she has nothing to do, and was very bored and wanted to come look for me. And so I invited her to come over to my house to play overnight mahjong and taunt over at my place. haha. So, good! My youngest bro can then sleep early and go school the next day. Then I also invited enxian to come over cos my another bro was gg out. But in the end, he didn't. and in fact, fel took over my bro's place when she came. And so, Fel, enxian, meng cousin and I was mahjonging until this morning about 6 plus am. DARN SHAG....
Meng cousin left, then the 3 of us talked in my room until near 7am. Fel then slept till 7.50, while I bathed at around 7.10 or so. So it's kinda like, no sleep at all. And the worse thing is, Fel had to go school immediately. her lesson starts from 8plus to 2plus. poor her... The timing was just nice that I managed to meet JK at the right time, then acc-ed him to ttsh for physio session. throughout the journey I wanted sleep like i've never slept before. LOL...
Once I reached home, I changed and I PAH! straight onto the bed and slept. It was around 3pm. I slept and slept like a pig, and even refuse to reply anyone's msges despite already reading them. It was subconscious la. LOL. Den my phone rang... JK's pic... But I was too sleepy to realise it immediately.
"hello, you sleeping ah?"
"ya, why?"
"EH, wana meet or not?"
"I can meet you now. I've got nights out"
"what time now?"
"wana meet or not?"
"oh... come my house la"
wow, for the first time, JK actually has a nights out session! LOL. and on this CNY Day 3, JK visited me and slacked here until around 10pm. we're both so shag man. Then just now I walked him to the bus-stop and he went back to his camp. I hope he has future nights out session too, at least for his remaining time there (hopefully he get posted out). It's such a good thing that I stay so near his camp. LOL, he can just come and slack here. -.-
So, this is how I spent my CNY Day 2 and 3. LOL. For the first time, I stayed awake for over 24hours. LOL. I know I'm gonna KO right after I finish blogging. Good nite!
Some updates about the happenings on CNY day 2 and 3. Initially I thought Day 2 will just be a boring and ordinary day. However, I forgot that on Day 1 we actually asked Meng Cousin to come play mahjong with us. LOL. So I was waiting for my bros to return from M'sis so that we have enough ppl to play mahjong with.
While I was online doing nothing, fel suddenly msged me and said that she has nothing to do, and was very bored and wanted to come look for me. And so I invited her to come over to my house to play overnight mahjong and taunt over at my place. haha. So, good! My youngest bro can then sleep early and go school the next day. Then I also invited enxian to come over cos my another bro was gg out. But in the end, he didn't. and in fact, fel took over my bro's place when she came. And so, Fel, enxian, meng cousin and I was mahjonging until this morning about 6 plus am. DARN SHAG....
Meng cousin left, then the 3 of us talked in my room until near 7am. Fel then slept till 7.50, while I bathed at around 7.10 or so. So it's kinda like, no sleep at all. And the worse thing is, Fel had to go school immediately. her lesson starts from 8plus to 2plus. poor her... The timing was just nice that I managed to meet JK at the right time, then acc-ed him to ttsh for physio session. throughout the journey I wanted sleep like i've never slept before. LOL...
Once I reached home, I changed and I PAH! straight onto the bed and slept. It was around 3pm. I slept and slept like a pig, and even refuse to reply anyone's msges despite already reading them. It was subconscious la. LOL. Den my phone rang... JK's pic... But I was too sleepy to realise it immediately.
"hello, you sleeping ah?"
"ya, why?"
"EH, wana meet or not?"
"I can meet you now. I've got nights out"
"what time now?"
"wana meet or not?"
"oh... come my house la"
wow, for the first time, JK actually has a nights out session! LOL. and on this CNY Day 3, JK visited me and slacked here until around 10pm. we're both so shag man. Then just now I walked him to the bus-stop and he went back to his camp. I hope he has future nights out session too, at least for his remaining time there (hopefully he get posted out). It's such a good thing that I stay so near his camp. LOL, he can just come and slack here. -.-
So, this is how I spent my CNY Day 2 and 3. LOL. For the first time, I stayed awake for over 24hours. LOL. I know I'm gonna KO right after I finish blogging. Good nite!
Monday, January 26, 2009
CNY Day 1
Well, I never really liked the idea of CNY as in, I don't really like visiting... But it's fine visiting my maternal side's relatives. I just don't like to visit my paternal side's relatives except for my granny la. As for tt, I dont have to elaborate much.
Besides that, pre-CNY means needing to spend loads of money on new year goods, on ang paos BLAH BLAH BLAH.... My mum mentioned that almost $2000 were spent for the niu year. Oh man, can't imagine what will happen when I get married and have to prepare all those myself. GEEZ. But that aside, I do hope that I get married. Haha. It'll be good if it's when I'm around 27? I really wonder how it'll be like, to settle down and get married. How would my husband be like? I love kids and I hope to have 2 or more. Haha. 1st guy, 2nd gal. :D
And so, today I went to visit my maternal grandparents. my uncle and his vietnamese wife was there. And her daughter is there too. She is so freaking cute. hahaha... Cos she's speaks Vietnamese, I don't understand most of the time what she's trying to convey. But I really do think that I have an affinity with kids. (: She's the kind that is very fierce and rowdy, but is also cute because of that. But she seem to hit off very well with me :D She took 2 pillows (one big and one small) and 2 bolsters and a towel to form a "partition" for her to sleep. first, she laid the towel nicely, with the help of me. haha. then she put the 2 pillows on top and bottom, and the bolsters one on each side. she needs to arrange it so nicely then she can sleep. oh my god, is she a virgo?? hahaha. such a perfectionist. then she din't sleep, but just laid there and laughed while watching tv, waking up once in a while to adjust her "parted" bed. LOL... and she likes me so much that she leans against me, resting her head on my shoulder and gave a kiss at my tummy region cos she wasn't tall enough when i was standing. she's just so cute haha.. :D
after which, mum, bro and I came home and rot again... I napped for awhile and ordered canadian pizza for dinner. LOL. there really is nothing to do at home... anyway, I've uploaded those pictures on FB, and JK said those are ugly pics of him. haha. oh well, he agreed initially what. LOL!!!!
dad and 2 younger bros will be coming back tml, gg to play MJ with cousin Meng tml! :D yeah, cant wait... CNY is the only time where i can gamble without my mum saying that i'm a gambling addict. LOL. in fact, i'm really not one. I can count the number of times i play mahjong in a year with my fingers ok... looking forward to steamboat on fri with a few of them.. It's a small affair though. We should keep it low, cos it wont be nice if the others know of it, and they are not invited.
I shall stop here at the moment. We'll see if I have anything to blog about tml. haha.
Besides that, pre-CNY means needing to spend loads of money on new year goods, on ang paos BLAH BLAH BLAH.... My mum mentioned that almost $2000 were spent for the niu year. Oh man, can't imagine what will happen when I get married and have to prepare all those myself. GEEZ. But that aside, I do hope that I get married. Haha. It'll be good if it's when I'm around 27? I really wonder how it'll be like, to settle down and get married. How would my husband be like? I love kids and I hope to have 2 or more. Haha. 1st guy, 2nd gal. :D
And so, today I went to visit my maternal grandparents. my uncle and his vietnamese wife was there. And her daughter is there too. She is so freaking cute. hahaha... Cos she's speaks Vietnamese, I don't understand most of the time what she's trying to convey. But I really do think that I have an affinity with kids. (: She's the kind that is very fierce and rowdy, but is also cute because of that. But she seem to hit off very well with me :D She took 2 pillows (one big and one small) and 2 bolsters and a towel to form a "partition" for her to sleep. first, she laid the towel nicely, with the help of me. haha. then she put the 2 pillows on top and bottom, and the bolsters one on each side. she needs to arrange it so nicely then she can sleep. oh my god, is she a virgo?? hahaha. such a perfectionist. then she din't sleep, but just laid there and laughed while watching tv, waking up once in a while to adjust her "parted" bed. LOL... and she likes me so much that she leans against me, resting her head on my shoulder and gave a kiss at my tummy region cos she wasn't tall enough when i was standing. she's just so cute haha.. :D
after which, mum, bro and I came home and rot again... I napped for awhile and ordered canadian pizza for dinner. LOL. there really is nothing to do at home... anyway, I've uploaded those pictures on FB, and JK said those are ugly pics of him. haha. oh well, he agreed initially what. LOL!!!!
dad and 2 younger bros will be coming back tml, gg to play MJ with cousin Meng tml! :D yeah, cant wait... CNY is the only time where i can gamble without my mum saying that i'm a gambling addict. LOL. in fact, i'm really not one. I can count the number of times i play mahjong in a year with my fingers ok... looking forward to steamboat on fri with a few of them.. It's a small affair though. We should keep it low, cos it wont be nice if the others know of it, and they are not invited.
I shall stop here at the moment. We'll see if I have anything to blog about tml. haha.
CNY Reunion!
Today's reunion day.
So we had steamboat for reunion lunch. My family, plus granny, peiling and granny's maid. I was so so so freaking full my goodness. Then I continued doing housework, which was to clean the toilet. I did a job well-done ok. It was sparkling clean, really. LOL. I bathed JJ too :D
I'm so damn tired cos I woke up rather early to help my mum too. considering that I slept late last night too. and i had to do this and do that until I'm so shag. Had steamboat again for dinner. since there's so much food leftover. hahaha. But i love steamboat. :D
I'm so gonna get my NIKON COOLPIX S60! I wana get it so badly. LOL. cos i seriously need a cam. there's dance, there's field trips etc. I need it man, and i will claim. (: can't wait!
anyway, thanks to JOYCELYN KUAN SHIH TING for sending me a greeting card. I really appreciate that. thanks so much :D
well, dad and my 2 younger bro went to m'sia to celebrate CNY. mainly becos Youngest bro had to visit his God-father. and so, i have to take care of his fish. LOL. seriously i have no experience in rearing fishes. I'm so afraid that they will die in my hands. Geez.
I've got some pictures with me that I have yet to upload. I'm still thinking if I should. haha. Cos I dont know how JK will react. LOL!! Let's see if i'll be free anyway.
I've got a feeling that I will sleep till very late in the morning tml. becos I really really lack sleep. let me sleep soundly pls... thanks (:
So we had steamboat for reunion lunch. My family, plus granny, peiling and granny's maid. I was so so so freaking full my goodness. Then I continued doing housework, which was to clean the toilet. I did a job well-done ok. It was sparkling clean, really. LOL. I bathed JJ too :D
I'm so damn tired cos I woke up rather early to help my mum too. considering that I slept late last night too. and i had to do this and do that until I'm so shag. Had steamboat again for dinner. since there's so much food leftover. hahaha. But i love steamboat. :D
I'm so gonna get my NIKON COOLPIX S60! I wana get it so badly. LOL. cos i seriously need a cam. there's dance, there's field trips etc. I need it man, and i will claim. (: can't wait!
anyway, thanks to JOYCELYN KUAN SHIH TING for sending me a greeting card. I really appreciate that. thanks so much :D
well, dad and my 2 younger bro went to m'sia to celebrate CNY. mainly becos Youngest bro had to visit his God-father. and so, i have to take care of his fish. LOL. seriously i have no experience in rearing fishes. I'm so afraid that they will die in my hands. Geez.
I've got some pictures with me that I have yet to upload. I'm still thinking if I should. haha. Cos I dont know how JK will react. LOL!! Let's see if i'll be free anyway.
I've got a feeling that I will sleep till very late in the morning tml. becos I really really lack sleep. let me sleep soundly pls... thanks (:
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Hi :D
Tues: supposedly no school, but i had to go there for CS briefing. LOL. And
I chose on the spot. Math, Sci and Music (: Then went home and continued
cleaning the house.
Wed: No school. So I clean the kitchen tiles. And i'm so proud of myself. 'Cos
it's sparkling. LOL!!! (:
Thurs: Had AED 104 and Bio lect. Bio lect was on probability and stats. So far
so good. hope this continues on for me. Then, has dance with Willy later in the
evening. He taught us his gatsby steps! :D darn nice ok! LOL...
Fri: Had ALS 101 for half an hour only! Then went to prepare for CNY
performance :D The performance is darn nice - according to kings. LOL. and I
think it's nice too. haha. after which we went up for our buffet lunch and lucky
draw. Nope, this time I didn't win. LOL. Then continued slacking there till bio
lab session. I was darn tired alright. totally no interest in the lab session. after
3 hours of torture, I finally got to go home! Then I saw some stuff then I
shouldn't have seen when i was gg to the gal's toilet when we're 1 level down the
lab. shall not elaborate. hahaha...
so today i finally got to meet JK. :D after about 1 wk plus? yeah. watched The
Punisher". very gross and disgusting. M18 due to it's gore. loads of action, and
a lil humour incorporated in it. just that the story line isn't that defined. Don't
really understand the real motive of the punisher. oh well... we went home soon
after dinner. LOL. so, today i actually gave him the bdae gift that I got for him.
I'm glad that he likes it. hope he can use it asap. hahaha. I gave him the ambigram
as well, and he put it onto his chunk of keys almost immediately. I was glad. :D
alright, gonna paint my nails and prepare for reunion lunch tml. haha. gonna
celebrate bro's ex's bdae too. i've got a bracelet for her :D
Tues: supposedly no school, but i had to go there for CS briefing. LOL. And
I chose on the spot. Math, Sci and Music (: Then went home and continued
cleaning the house.
Wed: No school. So I clean the kitchen tiles. And i'm so proud of myself. 'Cos
it's sparkling. LOL!!! (:
Thurs: Had AED 104 and Bio lect. Bio lect was on probability and stats. So far
so good. hope this continues on for me. Then, has dance with Willy later in the
evening. He taught us his gatsby steps! :D darn nice ok! LOL...
Fri: Had ALS 101 for half an hour only! Then went to prepare for CNY
performance :D The performance is darn nice - according to kings. LOL. and I
think it's nice too. haha. after which we went up for our buffet lunch and lucky
draw. Nope, this time I didn't win. LOL. Then continued slacking there till bio
lab session. I was darn tired alright. totally no interest in the lab session. after
3 hours of torture, I finally got to go home! Then I saw some stuff then I
shouldn't have seen when i was gg to the gal's toilet when we're 1 level down the
lab. shall not elaborate. hahaha...
so today i finally got to meet JK. :D after about 1 wk plus? yeah. watched The
Punisher". very gross and disgusting. M18 due to it's gore. loads of action, and
a lil humour incorporated in it. just that the story line isn't that defined. Don't
really understand the real motive of the punisher. oh well... we went home soon
after dinner. LOL. so, today i actually gave him the bdae gift that I got for him.
I'm glad that he likes it. hope he can use it asap. hahaha. I gave him the ambigram
as well, and he put it onto his chunk of keys almost immediately. I was glad. :D
alright, gonna paint my nails and prepare for reunion lunch tml. haha. gonna
celebrate bro's ex's bdae too. i've got a bracelet for her :D
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
He hate because he loved.
but w/o removing hatred,
no love will ever be true,
no man will ever be happy.
Today I went for bio lect. IT IS DAMN BORING my goodness... but after that,
enxian, christina, fel and I went to raffles city shopping centre to get my shoe
wheel. hahaha. we eat at MOS GurBer (inside joke). haha. Then enxian got a
pair of adidas sneakers. NICE!! guess what? my shoe wheel is even more ex than
his sneakers la!! DAMN IT. geez. AND we went for Ben and Jerry!! :D
oh no, and we were late for dance... today carol taught a new set of choreo which I
liked cos it has some moving of the hips and stuff... (: Then, i realised i need to
train myself to my chinese dance days. i need the flexibility. i need to be able to
stand up from "n" position, where my stomach is facing the top... i seriously need
to train. i was so sad just now ):
anyway, JK went for his appt at TTSH today.. he's excused from almost everything
from now till april. good, then he can rest his back well (: but i'm worried somehow
cos the doc says there's nerve damage and stuff like tt. his tailbone is bent to one
side about 5-10 degrees... it's sculosis. i just hope that he rests well and recovers
soon... (:
oh ya!! i felt a sense of achievement when i finished assembling the shoe wheel...
damn, my fingers are hurting due to gripping the screwdriver to screw in the screws.
let me show you...


SEE!! LOL... haha. well, i'm tired already.. shall go sleep now! tata :D
but w/o removing hatred,
no love will ever be true,
no man will ever be happy.
Today I went for bio lect. IT IS DAMN BORING my goodness... but after that,
enxian, christina, fel and I went to raffles city shopping centre to get my shoe
wheel. hahaha. we eat at MOS GurBer (inside joke). haha. Then enxian got a
pair of adidas sneakers. NICE!! guess what? my shoe wheel is even more ex than
his sneakers la!! DAMN IT. geez. AND we went for Ben and Jerry!! :D
oh no, and we were late for dance... today carol taught a new set of choreo which I
liked cos it has some moving of the hips and stuff... (: Then, i realised i need to
train myself to my chinese dance days. i need the flexibility. i need to be able to
stand up from "n" position, where my stomach is facing the top... i seriously need
to train. i was so sad just now ):
anyway, JK went for his appt at TTSH today.. he's excused from almost everything
from now till april. good, then he can rest his back well (: but i'm worried somehow
cos the doc says there's nerve damage and stuff like tt. his tailbone is bent to one
side about 5-10 degrees... it's sculosis. i just hope that he rests well and recovers
soon... (:
oh ya!! i felt a sense of achievement when i finished assembling the shoe wheel...
damn, my fingers are hurting due to gripping the screwdriver to screw in the screws.
let me show you...


SEE!! LOL... haha. well, i'm tired already.. shall go sleep now! tata :D
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Today is a rather tiring day. Cos my mum woke me up at 8plus in the morning.
I was so lazy to get up cos I really need the rest man. But oh well, in the end I
still was obedient and went to Redhill tgt with her, dad and youngest bro. Had
breakfast there with my grandparents and my uncle and family.
After that, I went to Vivo City with the $500 voucher. I spent it all on a red
racer back, a checkered blouse (Forever 21), 2 ahemx (La Senza), 1 pair of
earrings for mum, 1 necklace, 1 bracelet (Chomel), and mum's $305 SKII set.
But she agreed to return $150 to me :D
Then, I went Dian Xiao Er for the first time. not bad (: then i continued shopping.
this time to get wallet (hehe)... den i went candy empire to get chocs :D my
favourite! Then, I finally headed home. Tired. LOL.
when i reached home, i hafta help mum do spring cleaning and stuff. up till 8pm
plus... LOL. i need to get a shoe rack. and i have been eyeing on one since few
months ago. hah. so i'm meeting felicia tml after bio lect to get it at raffles city
shopping centre. (: enxian will be joining too. den shall head to sch for dance. :D
I gtg to sleep soon! :D
meeting jk next saturday. hehe :D
Today is a rather tiring day. Cos my mum woke me up at 8plus in the morning.
I was so lazy to get up cos I really need the rest man. But oh well, in the end I
still was obedient and went to Redhill tgt with her, dad and youngest bro. Had
breakfast there with my grandparents and my uncle and family.
After that, I went to Vivo City with the $500 voucher. I spent it all on a red
racer back, a checkered blouse (Forever 21), 2 ahemx (La Senza), 1 pair of
earrings for mum, 1 necklace, 1 bracelet (Chomel), and mum's $305 SKII set.
But she agreed to return $150 to me :D
Then, I went Dian Xiao Er for the first time. not bad (: then i continued shopping.
this time to get wallet (hehe)... den i went candy empire to get chocs :D my
favourite! Then, I finally headed home. Tired. LOL.
when i reached home, i hafta help mum do spring cleaning and stuff. up till 8pm
plus... LOL. i need to get a shoe rack. and i have been eyeing on one since few
months ago. hah. so i'm meeting felicia tml after bio lect to get it at raffles city
shopping centre. (: enxian will be joining too. den shall head to sch for dance. :D
I gtg to sleep soon! :D
meeting jk next saturday. hehe :D
Saturday, January 17, 2009
And so, I acc-ed him for lunch on Thurs, just for a short while. Then, we took
a cab to my school, and he continued on to return back.
Went for AED 104. well, the lesson is.......... gees. den had dance after all my
classes for the day. Willy taught us the easiest part of his choreo, which is not
as easy as he had said. But it's nice and fun to learn it. hahaha. hip-hop A.
Initially I decided not to perform for NIE fiesta cos prof koh was supposed to
be gg thru chi-square test and such. and i need to refresh my memory on that.
Then, enxian kept talking me into performing, and so I agreed. I duno why I
pulled a long face thruout the rehearsal on the fiesta stage. perhaps I was feeling
damn shag. oh well...
On fri, I had my first ever ALS class... DAMN sian can?! but luckily my tutor is
cute. hahaha. tt added a bit of colour to the originally dull and dead lesson. and
we had to go thru 3 hours of that. shucks. had 2 hour break and went to collect
my lappie. IT'S DARN HEAVY. i feel that it defeats the purpose of having a lappie
when it's so heavy to be carried around. guess what?! I saw Mrs Ong(Ms Aw) who
was my Sec 1 and 2 Class mentor. such an coindence.
and so, enxian, joc and I went for bio lect after lunch. christina and kings crashed
bio lect. haha and after tt, they finally realised why we are so shag after bio lects.
3 hrs str8! prepared for performance after tt. well, this is my most unprepared
and un-warmed-up-enough performance. Soon it was over. and of the 2 coupons
i had, i won lucky draw prizes for both. one was a SD card reader, another was a
World of Warcraft expansion set. well, how i wished it was the camera. but it's ok.
at least i win something! haha. after that fel, chris, jeff and I went to benten to
have dinner then enxian joined us after tt. thanks to enxian, chris and jeff, for
helping me carry the lappie (:
and finally i had a long long long sleep. i forgot what time i slept yst. probably 12
plus i guess. and i woke up at 12noon. LOL. and had reunion dinner with my
relatives just now. anyway, tml jk's not meeting me. we're probably meeting on
the 25th. guess i will celebrate his bdae with him tt day. tml maybe i'll be gg to
vivo city to get stuff. my dad gave me vouchers so that i can buy stuff from there.
oh man, oh man, i'm damn shag. feel like sleeping already! good nite...
oh ya, and congrats to willy for coming in 2nd in the Gatsby dance competition!!! :D
a cab to my school, and he continued on to return back.
Went for AED 104. well, the lesson is.......... gees. den had dance after all my
classes for the day. Willy taught us the easiest part of his choreo, which is not
as easy as he had said. But it's nice and fun to learn it. hahaha. hip-hop A.
Initially I decided not to perform for NIE fiesta cos prof koh was supposed to
be gg thru chi-square test and such. and i need to refresh my memory on that.
Then, enxian kept talking me into performing, and so I agreed. I duno why I
pulled a long face thruout the rehearsal on the fiesta stage. perhaps I was feeling
damn shag. oh well...
On fri, I had my first ever ALS class... DAMN sian can?! but luckily my tutor is
cute. hahaha. tt added a bit of colour to the originally dull and dead lesson. and
we had to go thru 3 hours of that. shucks. had 2 hour break and went to collect
my lappie. IT'S DARN HEAVY. i feel that it defeats the purpose of having a lappie
when it's so heavy to be carried around. guess what?! I saw Mrs Ong(Ms Aw) who
was my Sec 1 and 2 Class mentor. such an coindence.
and so, enxian, joc and I went for bio lect after lunch. christina and kings crashed
bio lect. haha and after tt, they finally realised why we are so shag after bio lects.
3 hrs str8! prepared for performance after tt. well, this is my most unprepared
and un-warmed-up-enough performance. Soon it was over. and of the 2 coupons
i had, i won lucky draw prizes for both. one was a SD card reader, another was a
World of Warcraft expansion set. well, how i wished it was the camera. but it's ok.
at least i win something! haha. after that fel, chris, jeff and I went to benten to
have dinner then enxian joined us after tt. thanks to enxian, chris and jeff, for
helping me carry the lappie (:
and finally i had a long long long sleep. i forgot what time i slept yst. probably 12
plus i guess. and i woke up at 12noon. LOL. and had reunion dinner with my
relatives just now. anyway, tml jk's not meeting me. we're probably meeting on
the 25th. guess i will celebrate his bdae with him tt day. tml maybe i'll be gg to
vivo city to get stuff. my dad gave me vouchers so that i can buy stuff from there.
oh man, oh man, i'm damn shag. feel like sleeping already! good nite...
oh ya, and congrats to willy for coming in 2nd in the Gatsby dance competition!!! :D
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm feeling really sleepy... Geez...
Anyway, yst was performance day. It was Nanyang Arts Fest. It kinda
happened suddenly and soon after, it was over. LOL. But I really enjoyed
myself. (:
I bought a pair of ambigram whistles. hahaha. I think it looks cool. :D
Goodness, I think I'm not blogging in sequence. See, I'm really sleepy!!!
Ok, after the performance, we went to the "zhi char" opp my house... The
2 Chris-es, Fel, Enxian, Jeff, Yanli, Meifeng, Kings, Sarah, Joshua, Faizal,
Keith and I were there. Faizal left pretty soon cos he had a friendly match
at the CC. Oh ya! Sarah and Joshua are Christina's church mates. oh man,
they're really fun ppl. I think i lost a few kilos off my abs when I was with
them yst. I just can't stop laughing. LOL. I also talked to Keith as he was
sitting beside me. I seriously didn't know he's studying to be a financial
planner. lol...
After dinner, Keith, Jeff and Kings left for hall while the rest proceeded to a
park or something near Chris's house. I love it there cos it's so windy. -.-
Played games that made us laughed and laughed non-stop... hahaha. near
the end, we ended up dancing. hahaha. -.-" Then we went off at 10plus...
Today I had a hard time cleaning the bar counter. cos I was alone doing it,
I had to take one object and climb down the ladder, then climb up again and
take the next object and so on.... This had to go on until all the stuff is out.
Then I had to use all my might to clean the glass... You know... It's not easy
to clean glass. To summarise it, It was damn tiring...
then, I went for my FTT. guess what? I failed! DAMN IT. geez......................
I'm so sian la. cos it's a waste of time. I can't retake the test immediately. ):
well, I booked my next FTT on the 26th of Feb. urgh!
alright, tml before gg to sch, I'm acc jk for lunch! :D gleeful hahaha.....
I'm feeling really sleepy... Geez...
Anyway, yst was performance day. It was Nanyang Arts Fest. It kinda
happened suddenly and soon after, it was over. LOL. But I really enjoyed
myself. (:
I bought a pair of ambigram whistles. hahaha. I think it looks cool. :D
Goodness, I think I'm not blogging in sequence. See, I'm really sleepy!!!
Ok, after the performance, we went to the "zhi char" opp my house... The
2 Chris-es, Fel, Enxian, Jeff, Yanli, Meifeng, Kings, Sarah, Joshua, Faizal,
Keith and I were there. Faizal left pretty soon cos he had a friendly match
at the CC. Oh ya! Sarah and Joshua are Christina's church mates. oh man,
they're really fun ppl. I think i lost a few kilos off my abs when I was with
them yst. I just can't stop laughing. LOL. I also talked to Keith as he was
sitting beside me. I seriously didn't know he's studying to be a financial
planner. lol...
After dinner, Keith, Jeff and Kings left for hall while the rest proceeded to a
park or something near Chris's house. I love it there cos it's so windy. -.-
Played games that made us laughed and laughed non-stop... hahaha. near
the end, we ended up dancing. hahaha. -.-" Then we went off at 10plus...
Today I had a hard time cleaning the bar counter. cos I was alone doing it,
I had to take one object and climb down the ladder, then climb up again and
take the next object and so on.... This had to go on until all the stuff is out.
Then I had to use all my might to clean the glass... You know... It's not easy
to clean glass. To summarise it, It was damn tiring...
then, I went for my FTT. guess what? I failed! DAMN IT. geez......................
I'm so sian la. cos it's a waste of time. I can't retake the test immediately. ):
well, I booked my next FTT on the 26th of Feb. urgh!
alright, tml before gg to sch, I'm acc jk for lunch! :D gleeful hahaha.....
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Yst was such a heartache. But it's over. Things are back to normal...
ok, how do you know if someone likes you? Could there be a scenario
where the person likes you, but even he himself doesn't know? He
feels very sad and feels like crying when you wana leave him. Will
you think that he likes you?
anyway, tml is the start of 2nd week of sch. Bio lects are good so far
cos i feel happy that i can understand. But tml's lecturer is V boring.
Hope i can survive thru it. GEEZ.
And I have been dancing from mon to fri this week. I'M TIRED. geez.
I am so weak. The NAF performance will be on Tues around 6pm at
the pavilion outside LT2. looking forward to it (:
tml's dance will be by Carol then we have to rush off to NAF rehearsal.
shagged. LOL. then, next wk is actually NIE Fiesta. I bought the coupon
from chris. guess I will go get some stuff or what lor.
I'm still thinking of what to get for JK cos his bdae is nearing!!! should I
get him a wallet? or jeans? I feel like getting the brown jeans for him so
that he can wear them for new yr, though it'll be a bdae gift in advance.
i think he needs a wallet too. his wallet is soiled by the previous field
camp he had during BMT. hmm... See how things go ba... I can't celebrate
his bdae w him on the actual day cos he will be booking out late and his
family will be celebrating with him. i'll probably celebrate with him on
the saturday before his bdae.
ok, how do you know if someone likes you? Could there be a scenario
where the person likes you, but even he himself doesn't know? He
feels very sad and feels like crying when you wana leave him. Will
you think that he likes you?
anyway, tml is the start of 2nd week of sch. Bio lects are good so far
cos i feel happy that i can understand. But tml's lecturer is V boring.
Hope i can survive thru it. GEEZ.
And I have been dancing from mon to fri this week. I'M TIRED. geez.
I am so weak. The NAF performance will be on Tues around 6pm at
the pavilion outside LT2. looking forward to it (:
tml's dance will be by Carol then we have to rush off to NAF rehearsal.
shagged. LOL. then, next wk is actually NIE Fiesta. I bought the coupon
from chris. guess I will go get some stuff or what lor.
I'm still thinking of what to get for JK cos his bdae is nearing!!! should I
get him a wallet? or jeans? I feel like getting the brown jeans for him so
that he can wear them for new yr, though it'll be a bdae gift in advance.
i think he needs a wallet too. his wallet is soiled by the previous field
camp he had during BMT. hmm... See how things go ba... I can't celebrate
his bdae w him on the actual day cos he will be booking out late and his
family will be celebrating with him. i'll probably celebrate with him on
the saturday before his bdae.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Today's the first day of Year 1 Sem 2~ Well, today's fine generally... Had
2hours of Biology lectures in the afternoon. And I'm free after that. I had
dance at 6.30. Today's class was conducted by Carol. Wheee....
Biology lecture was a little boring because right now it's more or less
recapping what we learnt during JC. I guess the next lectures will be more
in content. I must be prepared for it. (:
Dance was fun cos today Carol did more on stretching and I'm sure I can
get back to my previous standard if this continues. :D
Learnt 4 eights of choreo and we were supposed to present it and act it out.
It was fun. Haha. Our group decided to do sorta quiet r/s thing where we
had to express the kinda sadness, anger, frustation and stuff like that. I
couldn't help but to think of... Hmm...
Had a talk with my dance mates during dinner just now. Told them briefly
about JK's injury and situation. They mentioned that probably he'll be OOC
and posted to some admin unit or so. Well, I don't know. But his back injury
is quite bad. And they said that I shouldn't leave him at this point of time
cos they can understand how he feels. As in, when they were in NS, they
were unable to settle down as they, too, think that NS is an uncertainty, like
what JK thinks. They feel that I should be there for him. Well, I don't know.
I don't wana be too hopeful about anything here. I wana be prepared for the
worst, just in case. Sometimes I just can't help it and get quite emotional and
stuff like that. SIGH. what to do...
What I saw:
Are you sure? Today I heard loads of view. It all points to me staying by his
side instead of leaving him. I really don't know what to do. Geez. This really
sucks. I'm a fan of horoscope and I believe in that. However, this time I don't
know if I should. I think I shouldn't. Just in case I get too hopeful, and hurt
myself deeply.
Anyway, I'll be busy with dance for the whole of this week cos performance is
on next tues! and another one on 23rd I think. After that, dance will still be
shiong cos we need to prepare for a bigger event in Mar. Carol will be choreo-ing
for that. Looking forward to that too. (:
Oh ya. Good news. Jocelyn and Christina are in the same AED tut grp as me!!
And Mich is in the same ALS tut grp as me! DAMN, like finally! URGH. hahaha
damn happy ok. At least there is something for me to look forward to during
these 2 boring modules :D
Bringing JJ to the groomer on Weds. YEAH! see him botak (:
2hours of Biology lectures in the afternoon. And I'm free after that. I had
dance at 6.30. Today's class was conducted by Carol. Wheee....
Biology lecture was a little boring because right now it's more or less
recapping what we learnt during JC. I guess the next lectures will be more
in content. I must be prepared for it. (:
Dance was fun cos today Carol did more on stretching and I'm sure I can
get back to my previous standard if this continues. :D
Learnt 4 eights of choreo and we were supposed to present it and act it out.
It was fun. Haha. Our group decided to do sorta quiet r/s thing where we
had to express the kinda sadness, anger, frustation and stuff like that. I
couldn't help but to think of... Hmm...
Had a talk with my dance mates during dinner just now. Told them briefly
about JK's injury and situation. They mentioned that probably he'll be OOC
and posted to some admin unit or so. Well, I don't know. But his back injury
is quite bad. And they said that I shouldn't leave him at this point of time
cos they can understand how he feels. As in, when they were in NS, they
were unable to settle down as they, too, think that NS is an uncertainty, like
what JK thinks. They feel that I should be there for him. Well, I don't know.
I don't wana be too hopeful about anything here. I wana be prepared for the
worst, just in case. Sometimes I just can't help it and get quite emotional and
stuff like that. SIGH. what to do...
What I saw:
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

The Bottom Line
Amazing things can happen at the last minute -- you cannot give up hope
just yet!
In Detail
No matter how unlikely success might seem from where you are standing
right now, amazing things can happen -- you cannot give up hope! Think
positively, because you know deep in your heart that the game isn't over
yet and you still have plenty of energy to keep going. What you need is still
out there, and you simply have to open your mind to finding it. That person
you were betting on will come through, or the money you needed will
materialize. Just be hopeful.
Are you sure? Today I heard loads of view. It all points to me staying by his
side instead of leaving him. I really don't know what to do. Geez. This really
sucks. I'm a fan of horoscope and I believe in that. However, this time I don't
know if I should. I think I shouldn't. Just in case I get too hopeful, and hurt
myself deeply.
Anyway, I'll be busy with dance for the whole of this week cos performance is
on next tues! and another one on 23rd I think. After that, dance will still be
shiong cos we need to prepare for a bigger event in Mar. Carol will be choreo-ing
for that. Looking forward to that too. (:
Oh ya. Good news. Jocelyn and Christina are in the same AED tut grp as me!!
And Mich is in the same ALS tut grp as me! DAMN, like finally! URGH. hahaha
damn happy ok. At least there is something for me to look forward to during
these 2 boring modules :D
Bringing JJ to the groomer on Weds. YEAH! see him botak (:
Sunday, January 04, 2009
yoz. school starts tml. Geez. dont like. but i'm kinda glad it's those topics
that i'm strongest at in Bio. (: There's AAB 103 lect tml for 2 hrs. then,
there's dance at 6.30pm. hees finally!!!
anyway, JK didn't have guard duty yst! he was so lucky you see... last
min his duty was cancelled and so we managed to meet up. and this time
we managed to stay out late, back to before. Went for lunch and got a
printer at SL sq. it's a all-in-one HP inkjet printer and it costs only $139!!
cheap?? hahaha. but the black ink seems to deplete quite fast, but could be
due to me printing tonnes of notes for this sem.
Then, off we went to have coffee at CB. chill-ed out there for quite long
before our lazy bums finally set off back to marina sq for our dinner at the
HK cafe. After dinner, we went to esplanade, but this time we sat beside the
river for an hour to 2 hrs. chatted, enjoyed the breeze. at that moment,
a lot of things was running thru my mind. he seemed to have something to
say but always shrug it off saying "oh, nothing". while taking pics, my right
foot slipped off the stairs and there was a bruise on my foot after tt. it was
damn painful at the instance. but after awhile it's fine. it's just painful, tt's
all. took a cab halfway with mum, back home. tired.
oh ya. i forgot to mention that yst morning itself, i went for my appt at
TTSH TBCU. i waited for around 20-30 mins although I BOOKED AN
APPT. was feeling so sian. and guess what? i paid 25bucks to hear the doc
say "you do not have TB". but it's worth it. hahaha. i was in there for only
slightly more than a minute. LOL.
today i was at home like i always do on sundays. but around 8plus just now,
i finally went to play bball, which i have not played for around 4-5 months.
it was great to play bball once again. (:
talked to JK on the phone just now. was talking about plans on BBQ and
picnic. haha. the idea of it excites me. BBQ for 2. mini mini mini BBQ. it'll
be at his house there. LOL. but i hope that he will have the time den we
can go shop for BBQ stuff. HEES :D on the other hand, picnic will be much
easier. but still, it'll be great! looking forward to that...
JK's back injury seems to worsen a lot since I first knew abt it. now he's on
painkillers so it makes me feel even more worried abt it. I just hope that
he will be fine and the MO and doc will genuinely look into his problem, and
give the the right and sufficient treatment.
that i'm strongest at in Bio. (: There's AAB 103 lect tml for 2 hrs. then,
there's dance at 6.30pm. hees finally!!!
anyway, JK didn't have guard duty yst! he was so lucky you see... last
min his duty was cancelled and so we managed to meet up. and this time
we managed to stay out late, back to before. Went for lunch and got a
printer at SL sq. it's a all-in-one HP inkjet printer and it costs only $139!!
cheap?? hahaha. but the black ink seems to deplete quite fast, but could be
due to me printing tonnes of notes for this sem.
Then, off we went to have coffee at CB. chill-ed out there for quite long
before our lazy bums finally set off back to marina sq for our dinner at the
HK cafe. After dinner, we went to esplanade, but this time we sat beside the
river for an hour to 2 hrs. chatted, enjoyed the breeze. at that moment,
a lot of things was running thru my mind. he seemed to have something to
say but always shrug it off saying "oh, nothing". while taking pics, my right
foot slipped off the stairs and there was a bruise on my foot after tt. it was
damn painful at the instance. but after awhile it's fine. it's just painful, tt's
all. took a cab halfway with mum, back home. tired.
oh ya. i forgot to mention that yst morning itself, i went for my appt at
TTSH TBCU. i waited for around 20-30 mins although I BOOKED AN
APPT. was feeling so sian. and guess what? i paid 25bucks to hear the doc
say "you do not have TB". but it's worth it. hahaha. i was in there for only
slightly more than a minute. LOL.
today i was at home like i always do on sundays. but around 8plus just now,
i finally went to play bball, which i have not played for around 4-5 months.
it was great to play bball once again. (:
talked to JK on the phone just now. was talking about plans on BBQ and
picnic. haha. the idea of it excites me. BBQ for 2. mini mini mini BBQ. it'll
be at his house there. LOL. but i hope that he will have the time den we
can go shop for BBQ stuff. HEES :D on the other hand, picnic will be much
easier. but still, it'll be great! looking forward to that...
JK's back injury seems to worsen a lot since I first knew abt it. now he's on
painkillers so it makes me feel even more worried abt it. I just hope that
he will be fine and the MO and doc will genuinely look into his problem, and
give the the right and sufficient treatment.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy new year to ALL!!! (:
Time flies, it's already 2009. I'm turning 20 this yr. DAMN, will not be a
teenager anymore. Looking back at 2008, ALOT of things have happened.
Last year had been a wonderful year.
It started off with me breaking off with my ex in Jan.
Was working in CPF up till July. Loads of stuff happened there too.
I got to know great friends like KV, Jean, Irene, Yati, Pei Min, Chen Boon,
Hidayah, Jameson and many many more. Of which, JK is also one of them.
I'm glad we met, but sometimes I'd rather we did not meet at all.
Besides the point, I've also got to know bastards like Mr T, those in CPF
will know. As he is a senior executive there, I shall not say out his name
here. Working in CPF has been a great experience. Great members of the
public who still rmbs me. collecting my A's results was an ordeal for me. It
was totally not what I had expected. I was totally at a lost as to what I should
do next. eventually, I went for an interview at MOE and is enrolled into
NIE now. I'm glad and lucky I should say. My results were okay for my
first sem in NIE. it's not bad, but I hope to do better in the future. And I
met some great friends at NIE too, including beloved DF mates, GESL,
OG and various modules-mates. LOVES :D
So, looking back. I think I've gained quite alot. I wana thank all that has
came into my life. (:
Yst I did not go for countdown or such cos I dont really like crowded places
and the idea of gg countdown just turns me off. fights. drunkards. molesters.
ewww... today I went out with JK for lunch and movie. went Swensons and
watched College. tt movie SUCKS. it's fucking lame and crappy. well well...
as usual. he had to leave early, cos he's booking in later. sigh! geez... we wun
be able to meet this coming sat cos he has guard duty. damn damn damn!
I'd rather he stay at home to rest than to do guard duty larr~
my time-table's out. i've got tues and weds free!!! wahahahaha. so freaking
happy. just tt there's AAB 103 tutorial not inclusive yet. But I can be assured
that I will at least have one day off. :D
alright. shall update again when I have more to blog about. hehe.
-GPA more then 4
-Slim down
-Dance (learn more genres and improve)
-Get my Driving Lic
-Stay Healthy
-*Love (:
Time flies, it's already 2009. I'm turning 20 this yr. DAMN, will not be a
teenager anymore. Looking back at 2008, ALOT of things have happened.
Last year had been a wonderful year.
It started off with me breaking off with my ex in Jan.
Was working in CPF up till July. Loads of stuff happened there too.
I got to know great friends like KV, Jean, Irene, Yati, Pei Min, Chen Boon,
Hidayah, Jameson and many many more. Of which, JK is also one of them.
I'm glad we met, but sometimes I'd rather we did not meet at all.
Besides the point, I've also got to know bastards like Mr T, those in CPF
will know. As he is a senior executive there, I shall not say out his name
here. Working in CPF has been a great experience. Great members of the
public who still rmbs me. collecting my A's results was an ordeal for me. It
was totally not what I had expected. I was totally at a lost as to what I should
do next. eventually, I went for an interview at MOE and is enrolled into
NIE now. I'm glad and lucky I should say. My results were okay for my
first sem in NIE. it's not bad, but I hope to do better in the future. And I
met some great friends at NIE too, including beloved DF mates, GESL,
OG and various modules-mates. LOVES :D
So, looking back. I think I've gained quite alot. I wana thank all that has
came into my life. (:
Yst I did not go for countdown or such cos I dont really like crowded places
and the idea of gg countdown just turns me off. fights. drunkards. molesters.
ewww... today I went out with JK for lunch and movie. went Swensons and
watched College. tt movie SUCKS. it's fucking lame and crappy. well well...
as usual. he had to leave early, cos he's booking in later. sigh! geez... we wun
be able to meet this coming sat cos he has guard duty. damn damn damn!
I'd rather he stay at home to rest than to do guard duty larr~
my time-table's out. i've got tues and weds free!!! wahahahaha. so freaking
happy. just tt there's AAB 103 tutorial not inclusive yet. But I can be assured
that I will at least have one day off. :D
alright. shall update again when I have more to blog about. hehe.
-GPA more then 4
-Slim down
-Dance (learn more genres and improve)
-Get my Driving Lic
-Stay Healthy
-*Love (:
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