Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Was supposed to meet Val today but she couldn't make it at the last minute ): next time perhaps... But I'm meeting ZY tml. gonna walk around like nobody's business. I really hope that I don't spend! -.- except for lunch la... hmm..
Ok, recently I have not been reading! )): Well, at least I know my time wasn't wasted. hehe. I'm working on the project still. I will definitely read after that. (:
Yst was my brother's (jeremy) birthday and the pics are available on my fb. haha. his gf was here and dear was here too. ((: nothing much actually. just a simple birthday with a cake and birthday song. haha. this time i really do not know wat to get for him so i just gave him an angpao. haha. and guess what? then today i got MY angpao.... LOL! -.-
anyway, dear's away for around 2 days... he went for chalet. I'm missing him definitely )): haha. but hope he enjoys himself there (: still thinking if i should go for badminton on friday... It's been so long since i've played.. hahaha. I might become some laughing stock. -.-
I'm just glad that things are fine now :D Let's just hope that the talks that we had, made us understand better why some things happened that way. Whatever it is, it just feels like our relationship is going stronger. I seriously enjoy every moment spent with you. I really hope you are The One. The one to have and hold with all my heart and soul, who stays around through all my ups and downs ((: I love you ((:
Sunday, July 19, 2009
BOO~ my right hand is still painful... and my fingers too... )):
Anyway, I got a new book few days back. It's UGLY by constance briscoe. It is good read I feel.. It all started from Roby reading it from the sch's lib. haha. den she was telling us the content and stuff and I found it interesting and I went to get it! No regrets seriously..
Oh ya, it was so embarrassing tt day la. it was thursday. I went to JP alone and walk around la. den i bought this and bought that. in the end, there was only $2 left in my wallet. I totally forgot about it and went into Old town white coffee. -.- I only realised when I opened my wallet again. Gees.. I quickly asked the lady if they accept NETS or something. they only accept cash.. =/ super duper wtf la. so i called friends and my siblings for help. but chris was at bugis, while my siblings just simply didn't pick up the phone -.- in the end, i left my stuff there with the lady and i went and withdraw $$. why dont they accept nets la. so troublesome...
Then when I got home, there was beancurd outside my doorstep. thanks dear... funnily, i was home with beancurd too! luckily i didn't get for myself.
alright, finally there's dance tml! so happy... I can't wait to dance man. haven been dancing for 2 weeks alr.. )): need to burn fats! and i seriously enjoy the sessions.. (:
gotta go. till the next post then.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Those few days that passed were torturous. Of cos today was the worst. Cos... Finally, he said it.
Mum cooked pork belly today. and then I remembered I told him that if my mum cooks it, I will ask him over to try it. But now I can't. I should not disturb him at all, even if anything happens. I should give him time, alone. But I'm scared my mum will ask for the next few days - where is he, why didn't he come. Sigh. I think I need to go out tml or something. And
next week too. Perhaps just bluff that I'm out with him, then she wont ask and suspect something happened. =/
My gastric is hurting like fuck. ): I'm just too stubborn la, can't help. But since my gastric is alr so screwed up, it doesn't matter if i skip a meal or 2 la~ It was a great time spent during school experience, cos I got to know a bunch of really good people. as for SCHOOL experience itself, I've nothing much to say about it.
Anyway I realised physical hurt really lightens emotional heartaches. And it's really true, cos Roby says so too. LOL. she tried punching the wall too, but what's most hardcore about her is that she ran on a threadmill for 2 hours when she was sooo angry that time. no way for me, tt was why i punch the wall instead. want me to workout as in run/jog? over my dead body. Well, physical hurt helps somehow.. at least it stops you from crying. cos it's painful. But you are "engrossed" in the pain, instead of the emotional heartache, so much so that you will actually stop crying. But that's if you continuously punch the wall la. And it makes you tired cos you're exerting force. but once i stop punching, I start crying again, so I was tired of punching and i gave up. eventually I just cried to sleep, somehow. morning there was still abit of blue-black. but now it's fine alr. and it doesn't hurt anymore. amazing...
what's most annoying is that i finally managed to sleep around 1am, but i duno what the fuck is wrong that made me wake up at 3am! And worse still, I can't sleep after that. And from there, I was awake all the way until I went sch and came back. I'm gonna sleep after I finish this.
I really want to see him so badly. I guess on my side, this is firstly the reason why in the first place I reacted strongly to those incidents. actually I don't really know why too. but.. does he miss me? does he want to see me too? I'm very scared that when he's done with his time alone, I will be afraid to face him )):
Monday, July 13, 2009
You are The Sun
Happiness, Content, Joy.
The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.
Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.
The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
I did this AGES ago and just found it lying in my com. So might as well just post it. Well, I may have already posted it. HAHA can't remember. Whatever. Anyway, I started my week at Bro's school. It was sian. LOL. But it's a good thing we weren't assigned seats. Just a room for all of us will do (:
Ok anyway! I've changed my blogskin. DUH. It's so black and pink. -.- like the french manicure I always do. HAHA. seems like the exact shade. -.- I don't know what happened to the twitter, why isit aligned right. cos i tried, but i just can't fix it. whatever, just make do with it. HAHA. and i dont know what happened to the credits too... -.- let it just junk up tgt then. LOL.
It just feels weird this week. probably because there's no dance? BOO~ I'm looking forward to dance... )): Actually I dont really know what to blog about too... I'm just kinda bored. I have other stuff to blog about too. But as for everyday happenings, there's only this much I can say...
I really thought he disliked me soooo much. But after such a long time I finally plucked up the courage and showed some concern during his low times... His actions kinda reciprocated and made me feel happy that he actually treats me as a friend ((: I just hope that he can move on, no matter how hard and long it will take.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Anyways, today (10/07/09) is our 1st month anniversary!!! :D I seriously thought that dear will forget about it! I feel so guilty cos I did not prepare anything for him, except writing a letter for him this morning =/ and he has been really sweet. i thought he didn't bother when my msn nick says "my nose bled again ):". In the end, he bought herbal tea for me and gave them to me 3 days in consecutive... ((: So sweet!!
Dear and I went JP for dinner today. And he treated me! :D during dinner, he gave me a gift. hehe. LOOK....
We went to catch Ice Age 3 after dinner. It was a nice movie I feel... funny and cute too. haha. But it was so cold in there. LOL. Anyway i think the kids in the cinema were really enjoying themselves during the movie. I could just feel it. LOL. And so Dear went to meet his Bunk 4 mates while I went home. the first thing i did when i got home? SEARCH FOR THE THING DEAR WAS TALKING ABOUT! I spent quite a lot time looking for it, but to no avail ))): finally dear gave me the answer... it was in a drawer that is spoilt and stuck for years... seriously wonder how did Dear managed to open the drawer to get the "thing" in. LOL. I used all my might to open the damn drawer. and it's breaking... LOL! And so... this is what Dear did for me!!!
Thanks dear, I'm glad to have met you and being loved by you. I'm sorry that I thought otherwise. Thought that you didn't really care and such. I misunderstood you. ): Thank you for putting in effort and hardwork into this beautiful gift. I really love it. VERY MUCH... (: Thank you for everything that you have done so far. I'm sure things are working out and will get even better in the future ((: I love you ((:
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Kids are soooooo cute (: and naughty of cos. :D but i had a good time today. doing some hands-on, guiding some students to complete their work. ((: I see many interesting ways how my CTs do their job. I love it when they sing together etc etc. I was interested in the lesson too. :D
It was great today. I know it's gonna be a fruitful 4 days there (:
Here we are at the crossroads once again
You're telling me you're so confused
You can't make up your mind
Is this meant to be?
You're asking me
But only love can say - try again or walk away
But I believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day
So I'll just play my part
And pray you'll have a change of heart
But I can't make you see it through
That's something only love can do
In your arms as the dawn is breaking
Face to face and a thousand miles apart
I've tried my best to make you see
There's hope beyond the pain
If we give enough, if we learn to trust
But only love can say - try again or walk away
But I believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day
So I'll just play my part
And pray you'll have a change of heart
But I can't make you see it through
That's something only love can do
I know if I could find the words
To touch you deep inside
You'd give our dream just one more chance
Don't let this be our good-bye
But only love can say - try again or walk away
But I believe for you and me
The sun will shine one day
So I'll just play my part
And pray you'll have a change of heart
But I can't make you see it through
That's something only love can do
Monday, July 06, 2009
I feel that I shouldn't compare... But why? why does one person care more than the other? why? ): shouldn't it be the other way round? it's hurting me badly... it's killing me... I keep asking "why" but never was there an answer that could shut me up. Is it supposed to hurt this much?
I'm drained too. I'm tired.. and I hope I can hide somewhere... ))):
If only blogspot has password-protected post...
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Anyway, I'm bored of staying at home. I've been home on thurs and fri. BOO~ nothing to do. So later I'm going out. Meeting JK for coffee. Duno what to say also. Hmm. Anyway, Sims 3 is fun! Last night I had fun playing. Hehe. And unknowingly, I played till damn late. chatted with fel for awhile den went to bed at 3plus. SHAG.
Gonna have dinner with dear's family tml. Wonder how it will go. LOL.
OK, gonna catch my SHUANG ZI XING already. bye.
Are promises meant to be broken?
Thursday, July 02, 2009
After looking back at XXX's previous posts since months ago, an indescribable feeling came over me. SIGH. There are so many things in life that you just can't put a finger to it.
Things are indeed un-expectable. That's what makes life interesting...
There's this sudden urge of writing a metaphorical post, but I'm tired, I'm lazy, to think of how I should go about doing it, so that most people won't be able to decipher what my points are.
This woman had a miscarriage, and was afraid and unwilling to try for another child again, in fear of a miscarriage again. It is difficult indeed, but she managed to overcome her fears and gave birth eventually. However, being pregnant is one thing, but being a mum is a totally different thing. She tries her best to give whatever she could, or at least she felt she gave her best at being a mum. Post-natal depression may have made her seem like a bad mother/wife, but it's definitely not what she wants. It just cannot be controlled. But what I know is that, she tries her best. Whenever her baby cries, she asks herself "what is it about her that is not good enough? Why is baby crying? what should i do to stop baby from crying?", or tells herself that it must be her fault that things have to be like that.
I feel so tired, and I'm turning in now. nites...
I know it must be me. Ok, I won't ask. But where's the honesty we promised? Since so, I won't breathe a word too. Can't believe certain things mentioned. Cos I thought love should be something where I love you for who you are, but not to make you become someone I want you to be. Whatever, I'm tired. And I'm going to sleep.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Anyway, I bought heels AGAIN. LOL! but it's soooooo freaking comfortable though it's about 10cm tall. OK, maybe not FREAKING comfortable, but it's quite comfortable just that it's a little tight at the front. LOL. It's only 30plus! so it's quite cheap (: Oh no oh no, I'm buying too many shoes. -.-
I'm blogging while waiting for shuang zi xing to load, and waiting for dear to finish blogging. LOL. I'm hungry. should i eat? should i cook maggi mee? BOO~ how how how! Ok, better not. LOL. -.-
My youngest bro came home telling me that his teachers approached him, telling him that I'll be going to their school. -.- OH MY GOD seriously. I thought they will only know i'm his sister when they see me in person, cos i've been to his school several times becos of him. -.- BUT who knows, they know i'm his sister, just by looking at my name. this is freaky... I need to prepare myself for a truckload of complaints about my brother. Good Luck to me. LOL!
I realised I look very tired. esp recently. boo~ looking tired = ugly. I better sleep ALOT. I don't know why but sometimes i just can't continue sleeping in though I know I need more sleep than that. Gees. And recently I'm spending alot on make-up and beauty products. GEES. I'm becoming more and more woman. Not to say that I wasn't lady enough. I think I was. Just that now I'm getting more and more conscious. LOL.
I feel so bored at home. sigh. feel like playing games, but there isn't any that I'm interested in. Perhaps just some FB games? but I get sick of them in a while. Perhaps I should REALLY play sims 3. HAHA. PERHAPS la~ I'm sure Dear is gonna pray that I don't want to play, so that I won't have to "confiscate" his sims 3. LOL. haha.
Ok, shuang zi xing is done loading. tata (: