Friday, February 27, 2009
Tues, Fel and I went Bugis AGAIN! lol. had beef noodles. hehe. den went shopping again. we joined the rest at marina sq around 1plus for our DF outing! I duno who planned it, but it was bowling. i realised i had not bowled for a long long time. ever since he fractured my finger, i din bowl... and on tues i had to use another finger to substitute that, incase it gets injured again. And it was really cui for me. -.- and so, chris, christina, gion, kings, jeff, jacq, yimin, joc, fel and i was there. haha. it was fun la, seeing all the stunts that chris made. LOL... den we went pool and arcade. haha. it was fel's and my virgin time playing the para para thing. LOL. Then christina went without me knowing ): then i realised that she gave me a missed call on my phone. but the arcade was too noisy for me to notice. kings also left. geez. and so, the rest of us went Changing Appetite for dinner. the ribs are really nice (: den went sourcing again at Raffles City SC. christina joined us after tt... and then we went home... haha.
wed i met JK for BRunch before he reported back. den i met enxian at vivo to continue shopping for JDC stuff. i should say he really encourage me alot in terms of telling me this or that suits me and all... in the end, i realised everything i bought tt day was the stuff i'm gg to use for JDC. so the previous buys at Bugis is futile. -.- except for the high-cut sneakers i guess...
Then yst... I went for my FTT early in the morning. and guess what?!
cheers. haha. i was so worried the night before cos i din really study for it. mich was rite... cannot use too much brain. the 1st time i studied too hard and failed. LOL. after ftt, i went JP to meet enxian for lunch den we went sch to do our bio lab reports. apparently he didnt cos he was so caught up with his GESL stuff. LOL. after tt we had comm meeting. Faizal bought donuts for all of us! :D so nice of him... haha. den after, we had dance. wore my costume and felt rather uncomfortable cos the pants are really short... :X but then again, i just have to go with it. Carol did the last part of the song with us, which is the jazz part. seriously i think i did a bad job as compared to the rest of them. i can't turn properly and there wasn't enough emotions. BOO~ )):
and so, today i stayed at home cos i was just plain lazy to go out. recess wk is at it's 5/7 alr. and yet i haven done any revision. i know i'm neglecting my studies in view of JDC. but once JDC is over, i'm gonna study real hard. oh ya, tml i will be gg out and i can use the pioneer MRT station alr. it opens tml. lol.
anyway, JK got his scan results alr. he has a slipped disc. )): but his foot is much better alr... hope it heals soon.... probably meeting him tml. yup..
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Your True Love Is an Aquarius |
![]() Why you'll love an Aquarius: Independent yet devoted, you'll appreciate the unique approach to love Aquarius takes. You both see love as a bit of a game, and Aquarius will challenge you until you're completely hooked. Why an Aquarius will love you: You're secure enough to give Aquarius tons of space - even if it means separate interests and friends. You have the brains to keep Aquarius engaged and curious. And the passion to change the world together! |
LOL. such a coincidence... JK is aquarius... LOL..... and fel will know what i mean by coincidence la... if only this is true....
Sunday, February 22, 2009
well, this is how gals can reject those guys that can be very irritating.... haha i think that it's very funny la... :D
HE : Can I buy you a drink?
SHE : Actually I'd rather have the money.
HE : I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours.
SHE : I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours.
HE : Hi. Didn't we go on a date once? Or was it twice?
SHE : Must've been once. I never make the same mistake twice.
HE : Will you go out with me this Saturday?
SHE : Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.
HE : Your face must turn a few heads.
SHE : And your face must turn a few stomachs.
HE : Go on ,don't be shy. Ask me out.
SHE : Okay, get out.
HE : I think I could make you very happy.
SHE : Why? Are you leaving?
HE : What would you say if I asked you to marry me?
SHE : Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time.
HE : Can I have your name?
SHE : Why? Don't you already have one?
HE : Shall we go see a movie?
SHE: I've already seen it.
HE : Where have you been all my life?
SHE : Hiding from you.
HE : Haven't I seen you some place before?
SHE : Yes. That's why I don't go there anymore.
HE : Is this seat empty?
SHE : Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.
HE : If I could see you naked, I'd die happy.
SHE : If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.
wahahahaha..... :D
lesson in the morning was boring as usual... probably becos i hate reading and writing, and the course is more about writing. So i really dislike it. but thank god, my tutor was great. very entertaining and cute tutor. LOL. sometimes i dont understand why do we have to take certain educational modules, when it can actually be a waste of time. GEEZ.
had lunch with enxian then went for bio lab session. it's by Tham. And so, i was sabo-ed by enxian to be the leader of my group. we did pour plates, streak plates, test for antiseptic, test for antibiotics, test for alcohol effectiveness, and made our own agar plate. (: guess what, Tham was all praise for us. "this grp is really fast" "great", whatnots... LOL. kinda felt good, and felt that we were the best grp there. but this is becos for the previous lab session, we seem to be the total opposite. LOL!!! But i must say i kinda like the lab session yst... LOL.
after class enxian and I went JP to bring the table cloths for dry-cleaning. then he left for chevrons, while i met my mum, had dinner at bakerzin, then shopped around. we each bought a bag, and I also bought a cap, new socks, some cheapskate tees from giordano to cut. Soon after, we went home... SHAG.
Saturday enxian and I went back to school, in fact, the lab AGAIN. to see our plates. LOL. Tham was there with the rest of us.. I shall upload some pics later to let you see our plates. (: hees. i think our group results were not bad (: so we left the lab around 1.40 i think. had a quick lunch at Can A den rushed to the space outside LT1 to join the rest for practice before ther rehearsal. the rehearsal was at nanyang audi. our item was pushed back to 3.30. duno why. LOL, and ended around 4. I felt that we did a great job. at least we didn't waste this session... (:
had a debrief after that, and discussed about the kinda costumes we're gonna get. so, the few of us agreed to meet tml at 11am at bugis to go source for our stuff! :D YEAH excited. hahaha. but i know i'm will definitely be spending quite alot liao ): OH ya... talking about bugis, heard from fel and queen that they received the SMS about the possible terrorist attack in Bugis. my first thought is that it must be a hoax. But i was kinda worried yst cos JK was waiting for me at Bugis. Anyhow, i cabbed down there after the debrief.
We had dinner at HK cafe, LOL. den went to our usual place... and had a long talk... i felt good that i was able to get things out of my chest. (: I also felt that JK has grown... more mature i think... he seems to have been thinking alot all this while, and planning the path he should take... I'm glad that he is doing that... cos we all know that planning is impt...
Read the newpapers today and google-d about the SMS. it IS indeed a hoax, and some retarded 19-year-old guy was arrested. doesn't he have anything better to do? something is really wrong with him. he's probably sick in the mind. but whatever it is, he will have to face the punishment and he deserves it.
anyway, recently, something is wrong with my wireless conn. whenever i log on to fb, it will be stuck at EVERY SINGLE PAGE. and i'm very pissed becos of that. I duno why... but when i surf other sites, it is as bad. Well, I'll check with my bro later. GEEZ. these are the problems of ICT. BOO~
and becos of that, i'm having probs uploading pics here too. DARN. i guess i have no choice but to upload again next time. ):
Friday, February 20, 2009
FINALLY i have the time to blog...
Let's start from where I last stopped:
It was just an ordinary school day with 2 hours of Bio lect by Prof Gan. It's like... HELLO! IT"S THE MOST BORING LECTURE I'VE ATTENDED OK?! damn damn damn sleepy during her lect... you guys should try man. After that, there was dance at 6.30. Carol wasnt there as she wasn't feeling well (Sees that she is getting well soon), so we had to practise our own sections on ourselves. It was a really bad day for me, cos I ended up being very pissed off that day, due to differing views, conflicts and non-consensus, and most imptly, what i think is disrespect. Had talks with some ppl and stuff, finally appeased. I was pissed partly becos i was already tired before all those shit happened.
I stupidly went to sch for nothing thinking that show and tell is on that day itself. DUMB. den went to JP with enxian to get my stuff. hees.. it was really nice to hang out with him too, cos we found out so many shocking stuff, according to him. hahaha. funny... den we went home soon after that...
No school... BUT there's comm handing over ceremony. oh ya, i think i have nv mentioned tt i actually stepped up to be the Logistics Manager of DF. haha. yea, so i was there for the ceremony. after which, I went to amk to acc JK to go to the polyclinic. his MC is extended as his foot is still swollen.. Then, i went to his place... and i saw his brother, i think it's the older of his 2 younger bros. yea, and i saw his mum too. his mum was very nice and entertaining.. (: and so, i hang around till around 6, den left for dance in school. it was a make-up session by Carol in lieu of mon... it was fine. It's really nice to hear her say that she sees IT in us during the gal's hiphop, despite us havin conflicts and stuff on mon. :D
which is today! had AED, finally i finished my AED assignment.... WOOTS........ so today's aed lesson was on facebook. so we practically facebook-ed for 2 hours.... -.- for the first time, time was flying during AED. LOL! then had lunch with christina... (: soon after was bio lect... den DF peeps met up to watch the hall dance at SRC. it was great! Hall 1 was fantastic, cos most of them were from MJ. oh well, somehow it's expected tt they will win. -.- xinhong's hall won 2nd or 3rd, can't rmb. haha. joc's hall's item was interesting too. well, i feel that the storyline is good, it was very touching and my eyes were a lil teary. it could be better though, LOL, as for this, joc will def know it herself la... keith and kings were good too! haha, i took video of them also. plus jeff and mich doing willy's choreo. haha. and of cos, my obsession no 1's item. i video-ed tt too. it was a wonderful performance by all... anyhow, i will upload the videos on fb soon, after my low disk space issue is solved. LOL.
just some random thoughts...
I just feel that this sem is not a good one for many of us, especially those friends of mine that are close to me... there seems to be a lot of stuff going on that is bugging everyone. What's more when there's tonnes of assignments and now, dance practices too, due to upcoming performance in March. we are all busy, tired and troubled.. of which, i try my best to give what i can to my frens, to help them as long as i can... I just hope that everything will turn out fine though i do feel tired too... whatever it is, let's all work tgt, dance hard tgt, and believe in ourselves that things will eventually get back to normal... cos i believe in my frens as much as i believe in myself :D
okok, i better go sleep soon, there's ALS in the morning, and lab in the afternoon. it's my 3-hr-lesson day! BOO~~~~~~ ):
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Yo.. I dont really know why but I was really busy for the whole of this week.
There was no sch on wed, but I acc-ed JK for his physio session then we went slacking around, eating this and that in town then went back to ttsh later in the afternoon for his MRI scan. soon, i left for NUSBlast performance. I was with Yanli, Christina and friends, Denise, Wilfred and Jin Bang isit? Opps, i cant really rmb :X Idil and John was there too. oh ya, and yong kai too (: The performance was not bad. I wont say it's fantastic cos I really I dont enjoy myself at certain parts of the dance. But there were parts that were really nice and some that is still living vividly in my mind. They danced to purple line too. Fel wasn't there, it was such a pity cos they also danced to viva la vida and yesterday.
So, thurs was just another school day. I'm beginning to dislike sch more and more. I used to like gg to school rather than staying at home. But now I'd rather stay at home. -.- so we had AED then Bio lecture. Then attended Willy's last dance session. We grooved to 90's baby on thurs and I should say it's a fantastic choreo. I love it. Cos with Willy, it's never silly! haha. :D Then, had my 1st ever comm meeting with them, that ended at 10pm.
Fridays are my 3-hour-lessons day. had 3 hours of ALS in the morning, and 3hours of lab in the afternoon. BOO~ tired......... Lab was hilarious. we had to create our own pets and let our pets mate to create new offsprings with different genotypes. we also extracted DNA, and played with some model for replication, transciption and translation. woots. then went UID to help ling and christina prepare the door gifts. had dinner at can A then fel, enxian and I headed to JP to get stuff for my picnic on sat :D the 3 of us had dinner again at bakerzin. LOL.
So yst, i met JK for a picnic at Fort canning. It came as a surprise that we were the only ones picnic-ing there. LOL. it was my virgin time having picnic ok... hahaha. It was fun la, but the insects are disgusting. LOL. well, i hate insects... in fact, i'm afraid of them. -.- Then we wanted to watch movie, BUT all the slots that we wana watch are full. BOO~ so we went to play pool. hahaha. yeah it's my 3rd time playing pool. improved a bit i guess? yeah, then we arcade-d for awhile before we set off to Hotel Rendezvous for our buffet dinner. YEAH!!!!
Oh man, I really really love the food there. The ambience was good. they lit the candles and there was a rose for everyone of the ladies there. there was also a pair of teddies for us. one guy, one gal. -.- haha. Then they served us red wine too. now the food... Damn! I love the crabs. the demand was really high that it was gone in just awhile. the felsh is so sweet my gosh. Yummy! Then they had shark's fin too. stingray, lamb, mussels, oysters, crayfish, sushi, emperor chicken, fish, sweet and sour pork, octopus, salmon, laksa etc etc. And not to miss out, i really love their roasted duck and pork ribs. delicious! the duck skin is crispy and the pork rib just tastes so nice :D Their desserts are fantastic too.
But we were taking such a long time to eat that we only managed to get a few of the good ones. they had mini nonya kuehs which were already gone when we wanted to have them ): . so we went for some durian thingie, in a small cup that looks really cute. LOL. it's like eating the durian flesh itself. Damn nice. oh man, i really love it... Then the best of the night came - Cheesecake! the cheesecake are the best i had ever. really rich and smooth. really really nice. woah. Jk loved it too... (: We were one of the earliest to reach there - 6.30pm. and we were also one of the last few to leave - 10plus. The dinner was great. It was the best buffet I've ever had. Thanks to JK :D
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
let's start from sat?
ok, sat, as usual, jk and I went out. we had beef noodles! yummy :D we then head towards sim lim to get my mem card and screen protector for my camera. hees. $20 for a 4gb SD card. not bad? after that, we went to the Guanyin temple to pray. this is the first time I prayed tgt with someone other than my family. the feeling is great of cos... We went to Cathay to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. when we were there, the 1st 2 timings are sold out, the next 2 were filling fast. so we tot, we can't watch that. GUESS WHAT? a guy approached us and asked if we want his tickets. WHAT ARE THE ODDS MAN. of so many ppl, he approached us. GUESS WHAT? the movie is The Curious Case of Benjamin Button! WHAT ARE THE ODDS MAN. so jk wanted to take out his wallet and asked him how much isit. GUESS WHAT? the guy said it's fine. he gave it to us for free. WHAT ARE THE ODDS MAN!
we were so so so lucky. it was a free movie, and the timing is just right for us. after movie we had our dinner and went to our favourite place. we walked past Hotel Rendevous and enquired about vday. it's 116++ for 2 persons. and we have to pay 50% as a deposit. and the lady said it has to be a walk-in. i was like..... we didn't make reservations as we still need to think over. that night was also the the first time i saw JK emo. I was kinda scared cos i duno what to do. but the next day he was fine. tt's good (: oh ya!, before i forget, something really funny happened at city link mall that day too. we were walking towards marina sq from raffles sc. there was this indian uncle standing in the center of the passageway, smacked somewhere outside Breadtalk and was making a very hilarious pose and seemed to freeze there for quite awhile. Every single person was looking at him when he did that. it was whacked out funny. hahahaahhahaha......
This was how he posed: this is the back view. and he was smiling sooooo widely as if he's doing an ad for darlie. after a while, he walked away. what is wrong with him seriously? ok anyway, the red thing on his head is his cap, and the one on his back is his bag... LOL.

Sunday i joined christina at mac to "study". she did, i didn't. hahaha. =X
then monday was the day when everything went bad.... just because of some stuff that he didn't mean to say, things became very unexpectedly bad. only today things were back to normal. it was such a heartache. i'm glad it's over. i hope there wont be a next time of this such. And i really thank all those that were there for me, though things are fine now.. thanks L L ( christina and fel) and '.' '.' (yimin and jacq), chris, enxian, jeff, junyang and also jocelyn. :D
ok, mon we had dance too. carol did more of gal's hip-hop yst which i was involved in. there were quite a few floor work. that make the dance tiring.... but i still love gal's hip-hop! :D
then today there was no sch... hahaha.. junyang brought me out to qian hu fish farm for the fish spa. haha. it was fun cos it's my virgin time doing it. it was so damn ticklish when the fishes came to my feet. i was laughing away, so loudly, cos it's ticklish! haha.... then walked around the farm and explored. wanted to buy fishes for my bro to rear, but i'm afraid they will die if they cant adapt to the conditions of my bro's fish tank, so i didn't buy. after that, he sent me home.
anyway, i'm gg to rendezvous this sat! yeah. it's so funny. JK called just now to check for vacancies and the person asked him to make a deposit. then i called again, the lady didn't even mention anything about deposit. hahaha. yeah :D
ok, i read christina's blog. it's really amazing how we 3 (christina, fel and I) got so close (sudden;y). haha, but we know what isit that made us so close suddenly. and guess what... She described me like some kinda goddess in her blog. i can't stop laughing at that you know. ok, this is what she said:
Felicia I explain before how she’s like alr (refer Jan 11)
Jasmine! =D She’s really a sweet girl, and you’ve been seeing her tagging my blog XD
In fact, she was the very first few people in dancefuzion that made me feel welcome =)
Then because I started hanging out with the math people,
and I hardly see her around, the possible close friendship didn’t follow up…
… until now =)
She’s got REAL good complexion X.x
She’s so motherly to all (except enxian =p), the domestic goddess, the ideal wife material
*sit one corner and draw circles on the floor in shame*
But no hope for all you guys, her heart belongs to someone now =D
I love her sheepish laugh. XD
LOL. so funny. ok, firstly, i dont think i've got a good complexion at all... what's more when she said REAL good. hahaha. ok, motherly sounds... ok la... LOL! domestic goddess really makes me feel like rolling on the floor laughing. haha. ideal wife material - ok lar.... i only know how to cook and stuff.... times have changed. not all guys will compulsorily need their wives to be able to cook. haha. as for the sheepish laugh, i concur :D hahaha.... thanks christina for describing me like some goddess. LOL
ok, my turn.
Christina: Very sweet girl, one that really cheers and brighten up my day. i can just look at her and feel happy. she is also very caring and helpful and will be there for you always. a great friend indeed. though she can't cook, i think she can still be a good wife. LOL. a good wife isn't all about cooking christina! haha. and i dont mind teaching her how to cook (: and she has an ALL too. LOL! but not as 'A' as mine. (it's ok if you dont understand cos it's our inside joke)
Felicia: She's also a sweet girl, but she's not as cheerful as christina I THINK. I think emotionally-wise, fel is more like me. She also makes me feel blessed and happy to have her around. I really like her company. it's nice to see her being determined about certain things. (: Fel is also very caring and helpful. in my opinion, i think she's one that guys would go after. haha. and last but not least, she also has an ALL. LOL. -.-"
I know you gals will be reading, but yeah, good luck to our ALL! hahaha :D and did i choose the right colours for ur names? (:
Friday, February 06, 2009
Let's start with Wednesday. Hmm... Wed, I acc-ed JK to ttsh for his physio then cabbed to sch for lunch (:. and so, we saw yimin, jacq and queenie. Then, after lunch, we saw christina, faizal and xinhong at UID. (: Yupp.... ya, then we slacked somewhere and he went back. BUT he's having fever. DAMN hot. he stayed there till the next day i think. to monitor his cond. and he needs to rest and report at his new camp on mon! no more visits at my house ): but good for him, cos it's near his house. i'm happy too. (:
Ok, then i went back sch to study with christina, fel, chris, ling, junwei, aaron and eugene. though i duno some of them well. LOL. Then chris, fel and I met enxian at pioneer mall to have dinner and chris, fel and I cont studying at mac. till 10plus near 11pm. And so, on thurs, went for AED104 aroung noon and christina, joc and I din prepare a softcopy. it just wasn't our day ): then went for bio test at DNAC. woots the paper is very manageable i think. the only qns that i'm not confident in is the bonus qns. kinda missed out in studying for that part. BOO~ after bio lect, we went for dance! Willy did LAST NIGHT :D . The choreo is great, really! We will all miss him so much, or at least I will. HAHAHA. but his last session with us is on the 19th ):
Today is the most eventful day of all. had ALS - 3hours and surprisingly, I didn't feel sleepy at all! LOL. yeap. Then had lunch with fel and enxian pei us. LOL. Then had 3 hours of bio lect.... Fri is my 3-hour-lessons day. enxian and I brought our lappie there and started gaming. LOL!! haha. some games are seriously so damn fun (:
After Bio, we met up with fel and went to JP. We got onto this 179A, hoping that we can reach JP fast to stop christina from waiting us for so long. GUESS WHAT? the bus broke down!!!! just before it travels past the PIE "underpass" or whatever you call that la. WHAT ARE THE ODDS MAN. A 179 stopped infront of us and everyone was ordered to get off the bus. then, there was this 179A that came over and picked some of us up too. you know. ppl tend to take the bus which will take a shorter travelling time. and a lot of them went for 179A which was initially packed with ppl. while the 179 is VERY empty. We were hoping to get onto the 179. GUESS WHAT? just when we got off the bus, the 179 bus captain drove off!!!! ))))): super duper sad. WHAT ARE THE ODDS MAN. and GUESS WHAT? the 179A bus is fully packed by then. WHAT ARE THE ODDS MAN.
Then, poor enxian, fel and I had to walk to the nearest bus stop which is like 200metres away? and it was drizzling. we decided to take a cab to JP instead. Then. there's traffic jam... It was a really hard time hailing a cab. GUESS WHAT? a twig fell onto fel's head while we were walking to the bus stop. WHAT ARE THE ODDS MAN. Then, while waiting for cab, a fire engine drove past. WHAT ARE THE ODDS MAN. Then we had to help waving to the cab uncle who was like 100metres away? so we ended up in the rain somehow. FINALLY, the uncle cut into the outer lane to pick us up. (: Then, we were on the way to JP. jam jam jam ): BOO~ there was a lot of reckless cutting of lanes and all. my god, moreover it's raining... FINALLY, we reached JP around 6.20. well, we left sch at around 5.45. we took the bus almost immediately. by right we should reach JP slightly later than 6. OH WELL.....
had MOS burger with christina and then she had to leave soon after. so enxian, fel and I walked around. significantly, we went to the creative art corner and did spongebob squarepants. hahaha. and randomly, I know how to make flowery patterns already! :D oh, anyway, the spongebob looks damn weird. haha. distorted eyes and dislocated legs. oh well... hahaha. Then we went to Haagen Daz for ice cream. oh man, the banana split is nice!!!! i love it very much. 18.90. quite ex, but well, it's Haagen Daz! then Chris and Liviu joined us and we crapped till 10 plus and left. (:
Well. that's my updates for these few days (: hope there will be more interesting events happening hehehe. :D
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
I finally bought a digicam. It's Nikon COOLPIX S60. :D
nothing much today but oh well, I haven done any of my e-learning assignments. and i'm so dead. and there's bio test on thurs. but i just feel very tired and lazy to do anything now... BOO~
JK's sick and he can't do anything about it. and what's more, I can't do anything too. It really sucks ... DAMN.
oh well.... whatever. I'm just randomly blogging.