1. (the person who tagged you is) - wencong ?
2. (your relationship with him/her is) - Secondary school friends.
3. (5 impressions you have of him/her) - manchester united, super smart, math, soccer, brotherly
4. (the most memorable thing he/she has done for you) - hmm .. did he ?? i forgot !
5. (the most memorable words he/she has said to you) - Hey how have you been doing? Read that you are having exams now, so I wish you the best for exams and in advance for A Levels as well. :p
6. (if he/she becomes your lover, you will) - erm . i'm attached now, so it's kinda impossible tt it'll happen . moreover, he said tt he will never woo mi ! haha . (:
7. (if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be) - maybe to be a lil more talkative ?? mayb i dun talk to him tt much . tt's why . heh ..
8. (if he/she becomes your enemy, you will) - impossible la !
9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be) - he is too smart tt i cant take it . LOL !
10. (the most desirable thing you want to do for him/her now is) - find out who he likes and get them tgt ! he - ah bang means brother ! have to help ! LOL ..
11. (your overall impression of him/her is) - kind and smart .
12. (how you think people around you will feel about you) - lame and hilarious .
13. (the characteristic you love about yourself is) - quite sensitive to other's feelings . (:
14. (the characteristic you hate about yourself is) - i feel like a slug at times . jus lazing there n doing NOTHING .
15. (the most ideal person you want to be is) - myself !
16. (for people that care and like you, say something to them) - love all . and take care !
17. (pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you)
(according to the links)
1. michelle
2. wenxiang
3. htein lin
4. caleb
5. zhenjie
6. vivien
7. weejie
8. marvin
9. kenny
10. elbert
(Who is no.6 having a relationship with?) - vivien is super likeable among guys . but i think she's closer to ... no 9 ? heh ..
(Is no.9 a male or female?) - male . cant u read the name ?? lol .
(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?) - tt will be interesting !!
(When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?) - quite long ago ..
(What kind of music does no.8 like?) - oh my god . i have no idea !
(Does no.1 has any siblings?) - like yes ? a younger sister .
(Will you woo no.3?) - NO .
(How about no.7 ?) - NO ??
(Is no.4 single?) - i think so .
(What's the surname of no.5?) - chen zhen jie .
(What's the hobby of no.4?) - floorball and inline skating !
(Do no.5 and 9 get along well?) - erm . i think they dont know each other in depth . LOL . they dont talk i guess ..
(Where is no.2 studying at?) - SP !
(Say something casual about no.1) - study hard . until u turn into a MUG . anyway, u v impatient leh !
(Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?) - ahhaha . NO ???!!
(Where does no.9 live?) - yew tee .
(What colour does no.4 like?) - oh my god . i have no idea . maybe black ??
(Are no.5 and 1 best friends?) - like no ? haha .
(Does no.7 like no.2?) - as friends, yes (: no brokeback mountain here !
(How did you get to know no.2?) - from pri to sec sch !! classmates .
(Does no.1 have any pets?) - tortoise !
(Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?) -ahahahaha !!!!!!!!! no comments :x
Saturday, September 29, 2007
i dun think i'll be able to blog for the next few days . cos my bro has not paid the bills !!!! alwa ys like tt . always this kuan wan . den tonight the internet shld be cut off . LOL . anyway, i wana make today n tml a PRODUCTIVE day . this is what i have on my list for these 2 days:
detailed essay:
stem cell tut #6
application syllabus
MI paper 2 and 3
rxn kinetics
maybe inorganic
and electrochem
general paper
either cjc or mjc paper
revise and practise:
yeah . i planned what to do already and i'm starting on it after blogging . i hope i can complete it and if i do, i'll be super happy . hahaha . LOL . tml is our 2nd mth and we're gg out to stardeeeeeeeeeee .................. weeeeee woots .... haha . LOL . i think it's a norm to go home like 5plus to 6plus everyday from sch already . consultations and consultations . woots ... tired but absolutely beneficial ! (:
i'm ready for the final lap to A's ! ... vrooooooommmmmmmmm ................................................
-i dont wana give up
let's all do it once and
for all-
detailed essay:
stem cell tut #6
application syllabus
MI paper 2 and 3
rxn kinetics
maybe inorganic
and electrochem
general paper
either cjc or mjc paper
revise and practise:
yeah . i planned what to do already and i'm starting on it after blogging . i hope i can complete it and if i do, i'll be super happy . hahaha . LOL . tml is our 2nd mth and we're gg out to stardeeeeeeeeeee .................. weeeeee woots .... haha . LOL . i think it's a norm to go home like 5plus to 6plus everyday from sch already . consultations and consultations . woots ... tired but absolutely beneficial ! (:
i'm ready for the final lap to A's ! ... vrooooooommmmmmmmm ................................................
-i dont wana give up
let's all do it once and
for all-
Friday, September 28, 2007
today is friday . AND the main thing is time reali flies and i'm like left w 33 days to a's while baby has 32 days left . oh my god . how . i'm panicking now. tt's for sure . isit realistic to aim for a B in math ?? i duno . but i will do that . cos i'm trying hard for math . today ww, tt n me went for math consultation. lol . it was rather fruitful cos we learnt quite afew things . INTEGRATION - i'm beginning to love it . jus now i spent like 2 hours plus in the lib doing the int qns . i realised tt i've improved . at least i'm able to do more qns now . like the one on int xtan-1x ... LOL. ok well ... i feel tt today is a rather productive day tt's y i'm feeling rather happy today . even baby can see it . hahas .
someone got on our nerves and finally tt someone is gone. i'm disappointed at the things she did and said tt made this crack in our friendship- a never mend-able crack . and also disappointed at the same old way she's taking studies as . well, i noe tt it's like a hatred game now btwn us . i jus hope tt we "jin shui bu fan he shui" , meaning having no relations to each other, but as a fren or maybe ex-fren, i'm still hoping tt she'll study. maybe she is studying now but i hope it's studying hard enough . lol . she is gone and we're happy cos everything seems less tense now, which is the best situation for all . cont' to stay away and - yes - we'll all be glad . ppl ask y this n y tt . well, it's hard to explain . but jus tt we're washing our hands off her . i believe one day, somehow, maybe they'll understand .
anyway . my period is reali on time . luckily i got things prepared . woots . hahas . i'm glad it's getting regular, which is a good thing . i reali think guys shld experience this at least once in a lifetime . den they'll understand how we feel . haha . how interesting is tt if tt is reali gg to happen . hmm .... haha .
today we got back econs essay . i got a pathetic 7/25 . however, it was more den i expected, considering the length of my essay . i tot i wud get like a 2 ?? but i was surprised when i got my paper . and there was this para tt reali made mi happy . teacher marked "good!" . wow . FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY J2 ECONS ESSAY, i got these kinda comments . hmm . (: but the overall comments were tt my essay lost focus despite starting off quite well . now, i'm pinning all my hopes on case study . i nida get 31.5/60 at least to pass econs overall . i hope i can . let's pray ...
i'm not dwelling at how bad my results are now . cos i'm moving on. i'm studying . i'm practising . i dun wana waste $432 . and . most imptly . I WANT TO DO WELL . BBBB and a pass for GP ? can i do it ?? yes ! i'm working for it. (:
it's 2nd mth soon . on sunday . i hope he rmbs it . if he dun .. i'll .. strangle him !!!! cos i told him abt it EXPLICITLY . hahas . LOL .
baby, i hope u see this and get reali happy for my target and all . for u'll be happy if i am rite ?? i noe u'll do well soon . let's study hard . love you . ((:
-it's up to u
whether u want to make
a heaven out of a hell
take it as
a hell out of a heaven-
someone got on our nerves and finally tt someone is gone. i'm disappointed at the things she did and said tt made this crack in our friendship- a never mend-able crack . and also disappointed at the same old way she's taking studies as . well, i noe tt it's like a hatred game now btwn us . i jus hope tt we "jin shui bu fan he shui" , meaning having no relations to each other, but as a fren or maybe ex-fren, i'm still hoping tt she'll study. maybe she is studying now but i hope it's studying hard enough . lol . she is gone and we're happy cos everything seems less tense now, which is the best situation for all . cont' to stay away and - yes - we'll all be glad . ppl ask y this n y tt . well, it's hard to explain . but jus tt we're washing our hands off her . i believe one day, somehow, maybe they'll understand .
anyway . my period is reali on time . luckily i got things prepared . woots . hahas . i'm glad it's getting regular, which is a good thing . i reali think guys shld experience this at least once in a lifetime . den they'll understand how we feel . haha . how interesting is tt if tt is reali gg to happen . hmm .... haha .
today we got back econs essay . i got a pathetic 7/25 . however, it was more den i expected, considering the length of my essay . i tot i wud get like a 2 ?? but i was surprised when i got my paper . and there was this para tt reali made mi happy . teacher marked "good!" . wow . FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY J2 ECONS ESSAY, i got these kinda comments . hmm . (: but the overall comments were tt my essay lost focus despite starting off quite well . now, i'm pinning all my hopes on case study . i nida get 31.5/60 at least to pass econs overall . i hope i can . let's pray ...
i'm not dwelling at how bad my results are now . cos i'm moving on. i'm studying . i'm practising . i dun wana waste $432 . and . most imptly . I WANT TO DO WELL . BBBB and a pass for GP ? can i do it ?? yes ! i'm working for it. (:
it's 2nd mth soon . on sunday . i hope he rmbs it . if he dun .. i'll .. strangle him !!!! cos i told him abt it EXPLICITLY . hahas . LOL .
baby, i hope u see this and get reali happy for my target and all . for u'll be happy if i am rite ?? i noe u'll do well soon . let's study hard . love you . ((:
-it's up to u
whether u want to make
a heaven out of a hell
take it as
a hell out of a heaven-
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
i'm so moody . lol . haha . i have serious mood swwwwiiiiiiiinnnnnnggggggsssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woots ...... LOL . but now i'm ok . haha . i'm feeling happy . i think . haha . i love baby (: . soooo random . lol .
anyway, got back some of the results yst and today also . oh my tian . what bullshit results i get man . biology FAIL like mad ........ hey my chem is even better than bio ! yes, my chem is better . my worst subject in prelim 1 is even better den my best subj in prelim 2 . bio dropped from a B to a PATHETIC U ... tmd . chem is still a U but i've improved in chem la . at least i can see myself improving . hey . i'm in band 2 for chem, can u imagine ?? i always tot tt i'm the lousiest lot . i hope this can spur me on to study HARD for a'lvl . anyway, not to be complacent, but i believe for many ppl, it's a sure pass during a's for most of our subjs but, a pass is not gg to bring us anywhere . tt's y i'm so worried now . we're like 36 days to first a'lvl paper . wtf . LOL . how how how . i'm aiming for BBBB and hopefully a pass for GP . cos i haven been passing well in GP, infact, it has always been an S . but for prelim 2, guess what, i failed . BY HALF MARK ....... total sian-ness ............... kauz .... summing up, chem-36.3%, bio-29.4%, GP-44.5% . S*** results rite ? hai ....
coming up tml is math . die . i'm v scared now . hope i can reali do much better for math this time . i got like 19% for prelim 1 lor . what is tt . i demand an improvement . LOL . i hope i can got more den 35% this time . hope so ... LOL .
i noe i have not been giving my very best yet . and i noe even though i studied, i jolly well noe tt i didnt put in much effort . i deserve to fail . i studied the night before bio . what the hell . and i dun dare to admit infront of mrs oh . i feel guilty . and i told mrs oh tt guilt spurs mi on - to study. lol . and hey, MARK MY WORDS : i'm studying hard hard and hard for a's . according to mrs oh, at least 12hrs a day . as sch is still gg on now, at least 5 hrs per sch day , 12 hrs per wkend . reai hope tt mummy will not pester mi to do housework for these near 50days till the end of a's . after a's i'll do all the hsewk . i'm gona pack my room -which is in a mess now- and iron all the clothes, clean everything la . aiyo . and not forgetting to enjoy and chill out w wenwen and also other frens !! i jus hope tt looking forward to all this can help mi put in my 100% for a's. for one simple reason too, i dun wana be like her .
well, i think this is a rather long post . shall stop here then . tml - math !!! woots ....... oh ya . before tt, i also wana wish tt baby, ww, tt and all my other frens, all those tt i noe, will do well for a's (: . lots of luck !
-you're my everything-
anyway, got back some of the results yst and today also . oh my tian . what bullshit results i get man . biology FAIL like mad ........ hey my chem is even better than bio ! yes, my chem is better . my worst subject in prelim 1 is even better den my best subj in prelim 2 . bio dropped from a B to a PATHETIC U ... tmd . chem is still a U but i've improved in chem la . at least i can see myself improving . hey . i'm in band 2 for chem, can u imagine ?? i always tot tt i'm the lousiest lot . i hope this can spur me on to study HARD for a'lvl . anyway, not to be complacent, but i believe for many ppl, it's a sure pass during a's for most of our subjs but, a pass is not gg to bring us anywhere . tt's y i'm so worried now . we're like 36 days to first a'lvl paper . wtf . LOL . how how how . i'm aiming for BBBB and hopefully a pass for GP . cos i haven been passing well in GP, infact, it has always been an S . but for prelim 2, guess what, i failed . BY HALF MARK ....... total sian-ness ............... kauz .... summing up, chem-36.3%, bio-29.4%, GP-44.5% . S*** results rite ? hai ....
coming up tml is math . die . i'm v scared now . hope i can reali do much better for math this time . i got like 19% for prelim 1 lor . what is tt . i demand an improvement . LOL . i hope i can got more den 35% this time . hope so ... LOL .
i noe i have not been giving my very best yet . and i noe even though i studied, i jolly well noe tt i didnt put in much effort . i deserve to fail . i studied the night before bio . what the hell . and i dun dare to admit infront of mrs oh . i feel guilty . and i told mrs oh tt guilt spurs mi on - to study. lol . and hey, MARK MY WORDS : i'm studying hard hard and hard for a's . according to mrs oh, at least 12hrs a day . as sch is still gg on now, at least 5 hrs per sch day , 12 hrs per wkend . reai hope tt mummy will not pester mi to do housework for these near 50days till the end of a's . after a's i'll do all the hsewk . i'm gona pack my room -which is in a mess now- and iron all the clothes, clean everything la . aiyo . and not forgetting to enjoy and chill out w wenwen and also other frens !! i jus hope tt looking forward to all this can help mi put in my 100% for a's. for one simple reason too, i dun wana be like her .
well, i think this is a rather long post . shall stop here then . tml - math !!! woots ....... oh ya . before tt, i also wana wish tt baby, ww, tt and all my other frens, all those tt i noe, will do well for a's (: . lots of luck !
-you're my everything-
Friday, September 21, 2007
hey hey hey . yst checked my chem p1 results . lol . i got 21/40 . LOL . i cant imagine tt i actually passed chem p1 . LOL !!!! i'm happy . bu not too happy jus yet . cos i still have p3 to ponder abt . i've already failed p2 . 20.5/60 . i nid 39.5/80 at least to pass my chem overall . i'm sorry to say tt i confirm fail . for sure . HAI . i'm such a disappointment .
bio also cant make it, math also fail, econs also die lor . HAI . so sian . anyway . i feel tt i'm of the least importance to baby . i jus feel tt he doesnt love mi like be4 . mayb he reali feel tt way but dun dare to initiate anything incase i cant take it . cos a's coming . but i reali duno . i cant feel anything from him . ): but i guess if reali there's a breakup, i dun think he'll be affected . cos according to him, i duno how to control my emotions . well, maybe he noes how to . so he wun feel sad . LOL . i reali duno . ltr he'll say i emo again . hai ....................
i'm reali lost now . how . a's coming . n everything isnt gg rite .
-i'm sad-
bio also cant make it, math also fail, econs also die lor . HAI . so sian . anyway . i feel tt i'm of the least importance to baby . i jus feel tt he doesnt love mi like be4 . mayb he reali feel tt way but dun dare to initiate anything incase i cant take it . cos a's coming . but i reali duno . i cant feel anything from him . ): but i guess if reali there's a breakup, i dun think he'll be affected . cos according to him, i duno how to control my emotions . well, maybe he noes how to . so he wun feel sad . LOL . i reali duno . ltr he'll say i emo again . hai ....................
i'm reali lost now . how . a's coming . n everything isnt gg rite .
-i'm sad-
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
woots ! prelim 2 is over . finally .. but very saddening . hai . we got back chem paper 2 today . LOL . so early rite . i FAILED . hais . 20.5/60 ! F ... hai . what is this . i expected higher . today's p3 is difficult . i reali dun think i can make it for paper 3 . i din do 19 marks worth of questions ! p1 was ok . jus tt u nid some time to derive ur ans tt's all . p1 i can pass but what's the use when my p2 has already failed n p3 most prob wun make it ? chem - most prob fail .
the more upsetting thing is bio . HAI !!! tt's my best subj ! but today after chem, mrs oh talked to 0611b n our class . p3 ALL OF US FAILED . whole cohort onli 4 passes for p3 but none from both of our classes . how bad is tt ? i'm jus hoping tt my p3 is a borderline fail den HOPE that my p2 can pass . i noe p1 i can pass . if onli i pass p2 . if p2 fail, means bio fail . hais . n mrs oh say tt p2 is badly done, TOO . she also said alot of ppl r under-performing . does tt includes mi ? i reali hope i can pass bio AT LEAST . reali .
something comforting after those 2 episodes is tt ms tan said my math improved . BUT improve doesnt mean pass . she said she can see improvement . alright at least tt's better den nothing . i'll continue to put in more effort for math n hopefully do well for a's . lol . hai ! why bio like tt ?! why why why ?? hai ! i did ard 75 marks . hopefully the most they minus 20 marks den i still can pass . HOPE . but reali slim chances, i think . lol .
anyway, baby is rather nice these few days . haha . actually he's always nice . i'm jus so emo . jus wana thank him for being so patient w mi . ahha . (:
-i love you-
the more upsetting thing is bio . HAI !!! tt's my best subj ! but today after chem, mrs oh talked to 0611b n our class . p3 ALL OF US FAILED . whole cohort onli 4 passes for p3 but none from both of our classes . how bad is tt ? i'm jus hoping tt my p3 is a borderline fail den HOPE that my p2 can pass . i noe p1 i can pass . if onli i pass p2 . if p2 fail, means bio fail . hais . n mrs oh say tt p2 is badly done, TOO . she also said alot of ppl r under-performing . does tt includes mi ? i reali hope i can pass bio AT LEAST . reali .
something comforting after those 2 episodes is tt ms tan said my math improved . BUT improve doesnt mean pass . she said she can see improvement . alright at least tt's better den nothing . i'll continue to put in more effort for math n hopefully do well for a's . lol . hai ! why bio like tt ?! why why why ?? hai ! i did ard 75 marks . hopefully the most they minus 20 marks den i still can pass . HOPE . but reali slim chances, i think . lol .
anyway, baby is rather nice these few days . haha . actually he's always nice . i'm jus so emo . jus wana thank him for being so patient w mi . ahha . (:
-i love you-
Saturday, September 15, 2007
hey i'm just bored la .... lol
Your EQ is 133 |
![]() 50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
haha . hey i've got a high EQ ! LOL .
What Your Face Says |
![]() At first glance, people see you as confident and determined. Overall, your true self is reserved and logical. With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react. In love, you seem mysterious and interesting. In stressful situations, you seem selfish and moody. |
hmm ... well well well ...
You Are 36% Emo |
![]() You're definitely not emo, but you do understand emo people a little. You are introspective, but not to the point of driving yourself crazy. |
nonsense . i noe myself tt i'm super emo . lol .
You Are 76% Grown Up, 24% Kid |
![]() Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature. Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed. |
ya ya ! i'm moody !
Your Kissing Grade: A- |
![]() You are truly an amazing kisser. Your kisses are extraordinarily mind blowing. Whether you're naturally a good kisser or not, you've taken the time learn how to be the best kisser possible. Anyone would be lucky to get a kiss from you! |
hmm . i dont know abt this . lol ..
Your Deadly Sins |
![]() Envy: 80% Gluttony: 60% Greed: 60% Pride: 40% Wrath: 40% Lust: 20% Sloth: 20% Chance You'll Go to Hell: 46% You will die at the hands of a jealous lover. How ironic. |
i'm sinful la .
What Jasmine Means |
J is for Jolly A is for Abstract S is for Shocking M is for Mysterious I is for Important N is for Nervy E is for Ebullient |
hmm ...
You are White Chocolate |
![]() You are White Chocolate You are sweet, caring, and truly very innocent. Whether your naive ways are a bit of act or not, people like to take care of you. You are a quiet flirt, and your power is often underestimated! |
yea i love chocolate !! but .. sweet caring innocent ? i think baby will beg to differ .
You Are A Professional Girlfriend! |
![]() You are the perfect girlfriend - big surprise! Heaven knows you've had enough practice. That's why you're a total pro. If there was an Emily Post of girlfriends, it would be you. You know how to act in every situation ... to make both you and your guy happy. |
perfect gf ?! i think baby will laugh his heads off if he reads this ..
Your Relationship Will Last... A Long Time! |
![]() This may be hard for you to swallow, but you and your guy might not last At least not forever. He's somewhere between Mr. Right... and Mr. Right Now No doubt your guy is a great catch - and generally good to you The odds are, however, that someone better is out there! |
i reali do hope it will last ...
You Would Do Most Things For Love |
![]() You are willing to go pretty far for love - but not far enough to compromise your core values. Love is a priority for you, and you'll go further than most people to hold on to someone you love. But killing for love? Or even taking a bullet? Probably out of the question. No matter what, you love yourself the most! |
i dont know . LOL .
It's 80% Love and 20% Lust |
![]() You and your guy are truly in love, even if that spark seems to be a little dimmer. |
hah . hope it's true ..
Colorful and Sexy |
![]() Confident and outrageous, you have the personality to wear a dress that really turns heads. |
but still duno what to wear .. LOL .
You are a Great Girlfriend |
![]() When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself You're the perfect blend of independent and caring You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too! |
ya right . baby will roll on the floor if he reads this ..
You Are a Lace Bra! |
![]() Dreamy, romantic, and ultra-feminine You're a womanly woman who makes guys feel like men Your perfect guy is strong, determined, and handsome With a softer side that only you can draw out |
haha . this is stupid .
People Envy Your Compassion |
![]() You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain. People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them. |
wow wow wow . the 1st week of exams is finally OVER ! now i'm left w one paper . chem paper 3 . u noe . i've got like 4days n a half to prepare for it . but i've no confidence of passing chem still . hai . bio bio bio . sian . paper3 was diff as i've said . BUT mrs oh said paper2 will be easier . well, ok .. paper 2 is not as diff . BUT reali not enuff time to finish !! rarr rarr . IF i'm lucky(which i'm always not), i'll pass . E maybe ? hmm . but i think most likely fail . LOL . n tt's a'lvl std ! it's not a good sigh at all . ): oh no . i think i reali have to retake a'lvl . hai !
sometimes . when some other ppl treats u so well . even better than how ur bf treats u . definitely u'll ask urself y isnt ur bf as good, y isnt he caring as much, when infact he should be caring very much abt u, more den any1 else . sometimes he give u tt cold reply which seems totally different from the beginning, u begin to wonder does he still love u . sometimes he neglects u but doesnt even realise it himself . den u'll wonder , r u tt insignificant ? den u feel so alone .
yes i feel so alone .
-i dont know-
sometimes . when some other ppl treats u so well . even better than how ur bf treats u . definitely u'll ask urself y isnt ur bf as good, y isnt he caring as much, when infact he should be caring very much abt u, more den any1 else . sometimes he give u tt cold reply which seems totally different from the beginning, u begin to wonder does he still love u . sometimes he neglects u but doesnt even realise it himself . den u'll wonder , r u tt insignificant ? den u feel so alone .
yes i feel so alone .
-i dont know-
Thursday, September 13, 2007
u noe what ? baby disappoint me again . ):
i tot of a reali gd idea what can i give him on his bdae . i got all the stuff ready n looking forward to completing tt thing . i jus nid him to do a simple thing - to bring something tt i gave him last time , for 1 day . he was napping . n tt time was the time he was supposed to wake up . so i called . n asked if he cud bring the thing . u noe . he was like asking n asking why i nid the thing . of cos i cant tell him . he said if i wan it den i kip it . i'm like ... hai . i gave him tt thing n he now wans mi to kip it . v sad . n . he was like 'tsk' . he sounded irritated . ): i was pissed n i was disappointed greatly . i'm totally not in the mood of doing what i planned anymore .
and . i shld have tot abt it . he wudnt appreciate what i do . he'll definitely say tt i'm wasting my time . since tt's the case, i shld stop doing tt thing for him . so, he shldnt blame mi if i'm not giving him anything on his bdae . he finds it troublesome . to bring tt thing . ok , all the more i shldnt do what i've planned . maybe he'll find it troublesome to bring it home . i duno . sometimes i feel rather one-sided . i duno, reali . i'm jus v sad . i always tot it's the thought tt counts . i think i'm wrong . ):
i tot of a reali gd idea what can i give him on his bdae . i got all the stuff ready n looking forward to completing tt thing . i jus nid him to do a simple thing - to bring something tt i gave him last time , for 1 day . he was napping . n tt time was the time he was supposed to wake up . so i called . n asked if he cud bring the thing . u noe . he was like asking n asking why i nid the thing . of cos i cant tell him . he said if i wan it den i kip it . i'm like ... hai . i gave him tt thing n he now wans mi to kip it . v sad . n . he was like 'tsk' . he sounded irritated . ): i was pissed n i was disappointed greatly . i'm totally not in the mood of doing what i planned anymore .
and . i shld have tot abt it . he wudnt appreciate what i do . he'll definitely say tt i'm wasting my time . since tt's the case, i shld stop doing tt thing for him . so, he shldnt blame mi if i'm not giving him anything on his bdae . he finds it troublesome . to bring tt thing . ok , all the more i shldnt do what i've planned . maybe he'll find it troublesome to bring it home . i duno . sometimes i feel rather one-sided . i duno, reali . i'm jus v sad . i always tot it's the thought tt counts . i think i'm wrong . ):
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
lol . super sian . today have to mug bio . urgh . i cant imagine how i wud feel if i fail bio . hai . hope i can get at least a C . hope essay is on DNA or maybe lac n trp operon . hmm . hope i studied what is gg to come out . hope evo is like the most 4 to 5 marks ? mich, i'm giving up on evo , too . so sian lor . to say wanted to go out n study . but i duno where to go !! i dun wana stay at home cos i confirm will slack abit one lor . hai ! n somemore my granny at home jus now . but now she not at home lehs ! shld i still go out n study ? told baby tt i wana go out n study . but so far no comments from him .
yst i din study at all !!!!!!! after the paper went to cold storage to get munchy donuts ! den joy went home left mich and cher plus mi . den went to lvl 6 n eat . woots . delicious (: . i like bittersweet ! so nice . den went home . blog a lil . do abit of hsework . den SLACK ......... lol . hmm . i wana bake chocolate cake ! i bought the frosting already . the frosting is dark chocolate . hees . so sinful . then i'm gg to bake a chocolate cake w the frosting plus some strawberries and nuts ! woots !!!!!!! yum yum . haha .
i miss beryl . wana ask her out before she go UK again . hmm . alright nothing much for the moment . till then .
yst i din study at all !!!!!!! after the paper went to cold storage to get munchy donuts ! den joy went home left mich and cher plus mi . den went to lvl 6 n eat . woots . delicious (: . i like bittersweet ! so nice . den went home . blog a lil . do abit of hsework . den SLACK ......... lol . hmm . i wana bake chocolate cake ! i bought the frosting already . the frosting is dark chocolate . hees . so sinful . then i'm gg to bake a chocolate cake w the frosting plus some strawberries and nuts ! woots !!!!!!! yum yum . haha .
i miss beryl . wana ask her out before she go UK again . hmm . alright nothing much for the moment . till then .
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
yea . haha . tml no exams can rest abit more . these two days is like madness . i m tired !! mon was econs and chem . woots . crap . chem, i think it's rather manageable BUT i cannot finish !!!! well, i HOPE i can pass chem . econs was ok too . the case study was manageable too BUT the essay .. i cant do the essay for nuts ! hais . anyway, i think chem n econs , i do stand a hope of passing . but better not think too much . hahs . today had bio n maths . woots crap . this is reali crap . math confirm plus guarantee plus chop FAIL . hais but bio ok la . it was easy than wat i expected
. i hope i can pass (:
yst was v tired after chem n econs . den i was swearing n swearing . -> ask WW . hahas . LOL . tired ma . so damn sian . damn F lor . all 4 subjs in 2 days . but then got trade off la . next week onli weds there's exams . we'll have 4 days plus to study for chem !!!! weeee ........... (: i'm fcuking gg to MUG for chem paper 3 cos i noe i do stand a chance of passing (: .
very tired now . feeling so sleepy and tired tt i actually nodded off umpteen times while traveling to sch n back home . SHAG . baby gg to nap now . but i wana talk to him ! ): hahas . nvm . he nids LOTS of rest too . i love baby !
-examinations sucks big time-
. i hope i can pass (:
yst was v tired after chem n econs . den i was swearing n swearing . -> ask WW . hahas . LOL . tired ma . so damn sian . damn F lor . all 4 subjs in 2 days . but then got trade off la . next week onli weds there's exams . we'll have 4 days plus to study for chem !!!! weeee ........... (: i'm fcuking gg to MUG for chem paper 3 cos i noe i do stand a chance of passing (: .
very tired now . feeling so sleepy and tired tt i actually nodded off umpteen times while traveling to sch n back home . SHAG . baby gg to nap now . but i wana talk to him ! ): hahas . nvm . he nids LOTS of rest too . i love baby !
-examinations sucks big time-
Sunday, September 09, 2007
eh . michelle tiah !
1) emo emo emo . u also always emo what . whenever it rains . whenever the weather changes, so does ur mood. lol
2) C for bio ? hmm . ok i accept ur challenge . pass for chem n math .... ok lor . accept lor . eeyur .
3) yes yes yes . i LOVE black . hees (:
4)of course la . hees . i tot u were gg to say i'm cute ! hahas . LOL
5) ya ya ya i rmb too ! u LOOKED quite gentle at the 1st look .
6) JJ (: i tot u'll say pig . LOL
7) not sian . cos i like hot n sour stuff ! (:
back to you :
1) eh . jeremy say u gained weight . OPPS .
2) i challenge you to get ranking points of at least 60 for prelim 2 ! haha
3) green lor . u like ma . my baby's fav colour ! haha . lol
4) hmm . i like tt u r someone tt i can share my darkest secrets w . and i can use all those coarse lang infront of you . (:
5) of cos is the sci lab thing la . u deceived me w ur looks . like so helpful n gentle ... LOL . haha
6) u remind me of crocodile . LOL . fei fei .
7) wa lau eh . when can u be more demure ?! so rowdy .
1) emo emo emo . u also always emo what . whenever it rains . whenever the weather changes, so does ur mood. lol
2) C for bio ? hmm . ok i accept ur challenge . pass for chem n math .... ok lor . accept lor . eeyur .
3) yes yes yes . i LOVE black . hees (:
4)of course la . hees . i tot u were gg to say i'm cute ! hahas . LOL
5) ya ya ya i rmb too ! u LOOKED quite gentle at the 1st look .
6) JJ (: i tot u'll say pig . LOL
7) not sian . cos i like hot n sour stuff ! (:
back to you :
1) eh . jeremy say u gained weight . OPPS .
2) i challenge you to get ranking points of at least 60 for prelim 2 ! haha
3) green lor . u like ma . my baby's fav colour ! haha . lol
4) hmm . i like tt u r someone tt i can share my darkest secrets w . and i can use all those coarse lang infront of you . (:
5) of cos is the sci lab thing la . u deceived me w ur looks . like so helpful n gentle ... LOL . haha
6) u remind me of crocodile . LOL . fei fei .
7) wa lau eh . when can u be more demure ?! so rowdy .
today i woke up super early . 6plus . hmm .. LOL . also duno y . oh well .. prelim 2 is starting tml !!!!!! shit shit shit . how ? i have not finished studying . n i dun think i can finish any of the subj at all ! hai . die . tml chem plus econs . both my weakest subj . i think if i do badly for chem, baby will be v disappointed . it's his fav subj . i duno . how . 50days to a'levels . having so much doubts and having mi so weak in all my subjs, how m i able to pass my a's ? how m i able to perfect all my weaknesses in 50days in order to score for the exams . oh my oh my .
i dun wana waste $432 .
i dun wana waste another yr .
i dun wana do the same stuff all over again .
i dun wana disappoint my parents .
i dun wana disappoint baby .
i dun wana let myself down .
-what's wrong w mi-
i dun wana waste $432 .
i dun wana waste another yr .
i dun wana do the same stuff all over again .
i dun wana disappoint my parents .
i dun wana disappoint baby .
i dun wana let myself down .
-what's wrong w mi-
Saturday, September 08, 2007
very sian . sian . sian . sian .sian . what's w mi today ? stupid emo woman . went to jurong west lib jus now to study for, guess what, only 2hours . then went back home and study . hai . baby din msg or call mi at all . for today ... duno la . why m i so demanding ? why why why ?! maybe he's reali bz . today's sat . maybe he's bz w his church stuff . i duno la . i reali duno la . last nite he disappoint mi by saying those things . now nothing from him . i duno la . duno duno duno .
i guess everyone will think i'm crazy . anyway, baby's wrong . i kip myself occupied . but i still miss him . duno la . anyway . i'm super afraid of failing bio . moreover, teachers said tt this paper is v difficult n they r happy w the std of the paper . so what now ? baby said if i fail bio, he's not gg to care bout mi . well, i guess i'll be a lone ranger after the exams . cos baby is not gg to care bout mi . ): why m i talking abt baby again ? stupid me .
very sian n moody now la . hai .
-stupid and foolish me-
i guess everyone will think i'm crazy . anyway, baby's wrong . i kip myself occupied . but i still miss him . duno la . anyway . i'm super afraid of failing bio . moreover, teachers said tt this paper is v difficult n they r happy w the std of the paper . so what now ? baby said if i fail bio, he's not gg to care bout mi . well, i guess i'll be a lone ranger after the exams . cos baby is not gg to care bout mi . ): why m i talking abt baby again ? stupid me .
very sian n moody now la . hai .
-stupid and foolish me-
hai hai hai . super duper sian . baby always disappoint me . ): why is this so ? why is he so concerned when i'm not even stating who he is here ? everytime also like tt . "why u write abt me ? internet . alot of ppl will see. " ... i duno what to sae ok . jus disappointed tt he's like tt again . forget it den . next time i dun write abt him den . den he shld not say anythin abt mi using whatever coarse lang i like to use . so sian . ):
forget it . hais . duno what else to sae ...
moody ):
forget it . hais . duno what else to sae ...
moody ):
Friday, September 07, 2007
hello !!!!!!!!!!! ah hahaha . i have not blogged for very long ........... very very long ... haha . like 1 mth plus ?? oh my oh my ... haha .
anyway i guess i'm a 'lil happy woman now . cos i have my dearest baby with mi . but then ah ! he doesnt like mi to use all the F words here . hmm ... i'll try lor ......... -.-"
it's magical how we got to know each other . haha . i mean . the 1st time i saw him i tot to myself "alrite . he's rather cute .but he wudn't be interested in mi ." haha . LOL . cant imagine things have progressed to what it has become now . n i'm reali reali glad to have known him . so sweet n nice . but then ah ! no one is perfect rite ? haha . jus tt abit sian tt he forgot our 1st mth la . i hope he can rmb the next time . (: now tt a'lvl is coming , he like abit no time for mi lor . i jus hope tt after a's we can spend more time tgt . moreover, guys are gg to army after a's . i guess i'll miss him like crazy . but .. absence makes the heart grows fonder . (:
enough abt baby . haha . lol why m i calling him baby here . weird mi . lol . anyway many stuff have been happening recently . i shall not name it here . ppl involved will noe what i'm talking abt . i'm reali disappointed in her . i dun care if she reads this n she noes i'm talking abt her . but as a fren, i reali hope to see her doing the right things u see .. apparently i dun think she is . n reali . no point marking her words . i guess she dun even give a damn . i jus wonder . what's the point of being affected by her when she herself isit helping herself ?! so . HECK ! darling WW will noe what i'm talking abt ... we share the same sentiments, dont we ? anyway . " XXX bastard u all ah?! " .. LAUGHS !!!!!!! .. ps . inside joke . haha . my mum is so cute . (:
oh my oh my . i'm scared . scared . scared . scared of a's . i reali reali have to pave my way .. the what-if-fail-a's way . SHUCKS . it's either i'll retake . or tt's it i guess . work lor . but knowing mi, i'll most prob retake .. i'm glad i'm a gal (in this case) . cos as guys, they dun have the time to retake as they have NS somemore . but we gals, dun have . so ya . but i'll still try my best for a's ya ?? (:
anyway . reali wana sae sorry to darling WW .. hahas . ps la . after a's we'll definitely go many many places ok ?! go gym den swim . den go sentosa . den go this go that .. hahas . n EAT !!!!!!!! well, wqe're pigs la . u dun deny ok !!!!!!!!!! we love to eat ma . n there's totally nothing wrong abt tt . (: i wana eat steamboat . den let's bake cake tgt . haha . u can bake for ur baby . n i can bake for mine . haha !!!! cant wait for a's to be over ... i guess i have LOADS of things to do after a's . w darling WW . den have to mit zy, ch n khim . got pri sch class gathering . n of cos LOADS of my time will be given to baby . he has to make up to mi ok . for neglecting mi sometimes . ok la . now ok la . hahas . LOL . den . i guess spend 2wks plus to play n look for job . then after tt can work ! till next yr . lol .
i think i blogged quite long . hahas . ok . lol . shall stop here . wana study !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: till then ...
i love my baby (:
anyway i guess i'm a 'lil happy woman now . cos i have my dearest baby with mi . but then ah ! he doesnt like mi to use all the F words here . hmm ... i'll try lor ......... -.-"
it's magical how we got to know each other . haha . i mean . the 1st time i saw him i tot to myself "alrite . he's rather cute .but he wudn't be interested in mi ." haha . LOL . cant imagine things have progressed to what it has become now . n i'm reali reali glad to have known him . so sweet n nice . but then ah ! no one is perfect rite ? haha . jus tt abit sian tt he forgot our 1st mth la . i hope he can rmb the next time . (: now tt a'lvl is coming , he like abit no time for mi lor . i jus hope tt after a's we can spend more time tgt . moreover, guys are gg to army after a's . i guess i'll miss him like crazy . but .. absence makes the heart grows fonder . (:
enough abt baby . haha . lol why m i calling him baby here . weird mi . lol . anyway many stuff have been happening recently . i shall not name it here . ppl involved will noe what i'm talking abt . i'm reali disappointed in her . i dun care if she reads this n she noes i'm talking abt her . but as a fren, i reali hope to see her doing the right things u see .. apparently i dun think she is . n reali . no point marking her words . i guess she dun even give a damn . i jus wonder . what's the point of being affected by her when she herself isit helping herself ?! so . HECK ! darling WW will noe what i'm talking abt ... we share the same sentiments, dont we ? anyway . " XXX bastard u all ah?! " .. LAUGHS !!!!!!! .. ps . inside joke . haha . my mum is so cute . (:
oh my oh my . i'm scared . scared . scared . scared of a's . i reali reali have to pave my way .. the what-if-fail-a's way . SHUCKS . it's either i'll retake . or tt's it i guess . work lor . but knowing mi, i'll most prob retake .. i'm glad i'm a gal (in this case) . cos as guys, they dun have the time to retake as they have NS somemore . but we gals, dun have . so ya . but i'll still try my best for a's ya ?? (:
anyway . reali wana sae sorry to darling WW .. hahas . ps la . after a's we'll definitely go many many places ok ?! go gym den swim . den go sentosa . den go this go that .. hahas . n EAT !!!!!!!! well, wqe're pigs la . u dun deny ok !!!!!!!!!! we love to eat ma . n there's totally nothing wrong abt tt . (: i wana eat steamboat . den let's bake cake tgt . haha . u can bake for ur baby . n i can bake for mine . haha !!!! cant wait for a's to be over ... i guess i have LOADS of things to do after a's . w darling WW . den have to mit zy, ch n khim . got pri sch class gathering . n of cos LOADS of my time will be given to baby . he has to make up to mi ok . for neglecting mi sometimes . ok la . now ok la . hahas . LOL . den . i guess spend 2wks plus to play n look for job . then after tt can work ! till next yr . lol .
i think i blogged quite long . hahas . ok . lol . shall stop here . wana study !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: till then ...
i love my baby (:
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