Yup here I am again.. Duno what to do. oh well..
So today I cooked for my family. FINALLY, after so long.. =/ Then went sch for awhile. today was really quite bored for me. I can't focus, didn't manage to study a single shit. And i didn't even do the simplest thing which is to tidy my room. What is wrong with me? I have to get my ass off the chair alr. =(
talked to one of my bestie online just now. she is someone so cute and blur. and this is at the beginning of the conversation...

well... duno what to say. just pretend i guess... as much as i want to tell her, i dont think I should trouble her with my problems.. =/
to another bestie: this period must be damn sucky for you.. well, you're not alone.. =/ sometimes definitely we wish that time could turn back. we could have prevented certain things from happening. oh well, we know that that's not possible. so the only thing now is to face it.. I know, and i understand that it's definitely difficult. it sucks when all the sucky things come tgt. =(( i dont really know how to make you feel better.. cos I myself know that no matter how much others say, we ourselves still feel like shit. =( but just rmb that i'm in this shit tgt with you.. jiayou... and dont give up.. I'm sure things will be better for both of us. =)
yes, I'm in a dilemma. kill me. =(
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