I nearly died today ): It was so scary. =/ Let me tell you what happened... Yes i was feeling really down and I know it's not safe for me to cross the road by jaywalking, which is what i usually do. So today i waited and make sure that the green man is lighted before i started crossing. unfortunately, tt doesn't work =/

i was stunned but luckily i reacted in time and ran towards the divider in the middle of the road. the lorry was like just 2-3metres away from me. the driver was driving fast. when i ran towards the divider, the lorry zoomed past me like so freaking near. just like a few inches ... another auntie was beside me and she nearly got knocked down too.. =/ cars were horning at the lorry and other pedestrians were cursing and swearing at the driver. when ther driver drove past, he gave the "whatever" look. i can't rmb the car plate no... i think there's a "5"? maybe "582" i can't rmb the alphabets at all. and there was a probation plate hung at the back of the lorry. i think everything happened too quickly and i was too shocked at the moment. to think that i'm actually good at memorising numbers... sigh. ):
immediately after the incident, i cried. ): it was so scary....... i only thought that these kinda things will happen in dramas esp when the actress says things like "i thought i wont be able to see you anymore".. now i know this is really the case. I was so afraid. I was alone. I thought i wont be able to see my loved ones anymore. ))): But i'm really glad i'm fine. now images of that incident is still flashing in my mind. it's so scary... =/
sigh. luckily no one was hurt in the "accident" just now, if not, i will be badly traumatised.. =/ the driver will get his retribution. fuck you for reckless driving. KNNCCB.
-I will change for a better future-
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