i mit weiliang, wenxiang n zhiquan . hahas . den we walk ard . went to the bazaar which was quite small . den we saw xinjie . hahas . so long din c her . wa wear braces liao huh . hahas . den we went to the library there . they r so funny . i'm not even studying in their school but i ended up bringing them to the library . hahas . so funny . cos wx they all go to the business school n biz sch has a biz lib themselves . tt' s y they dun go to the main library . hahas . den we saw wang quan n guoliang n cliques . hahas . stupid gl dun wana join us n talk la . so anti-social la . wth . but watever .
hmm . den we went to the EEE study corner again . hahas . i bought the wt japanese pizza . wa lau . like wat man . i nearly vomitted wen i eat it la . not nice !!! den htein came also . hahas . but he din join us in the end . hahas . he went n " kick some balls " which means play soccer la . hahas . following tt, the few of us went to the bazaar again then we went to jurong point to shop for awhile . wx din join us as he went for band . hahas . wl v nice la . he buy food 4 mi to eat . treat mi sia . wa .... hahas . 1 black pepper sausage . hahas .
den soon, we left JP and i went home to watch Goong . hahas . it's nice to mit them again . reali miss all of them . i feel tt sec sch frenz r v v impt . they grow up n mature tgt w u . they went thru the darkest times tgt w u . happy moments or not, they r always w u . i reali wana thank them so much .. cheryl, wx, wl, en, zq, gl, kenny, wc, kx, datou, BC, dolly n gang, pf, sf, wanting n yikqi, ks, pasti, almost every1 in 4a, wangquan, bball gang n also 1/5 . and also . all those senior batch in choir . 16 beats - dama, van, lily, maria, afifah, asrinah, MLH, hazel, peiting etc etc . too many ppl to thank . sorry if i forget to list your names here . but u noe how thankful m i ! thank u guys . life cudn't be better w/o any of u ! =))
part of 16beats here .

i'm happy todae . hahas . manchester united won 2-1 yst against sheffield united . yea . thanks to rooney . nice to c him scoring again . hahas . =))
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