i do not have alot to say hahas . but firstly, thank you nicholas who come back into my life again . hahas . i thought u had forgotten about mi but u didnt . hahas . thank u for that . i was really happy when u msged me that night . i was just thinking about u ! hahas . glad that u have finished your a'levels . hope that u can get really good grades . =))
my mother is really nice . because i was coughing like shit then at night she specially went over to the supermarket just to buy lozenges for me . i really appreciate that . thank u ! =)) it might seem a small thing to some but it really means alot to me . i'm so glad that i am her daughter . hahas .
anyway, i have this special msg to YING:
ying, although we wun be in the same class next year, i still hope that u wun pon lessons again . i will still check on u v often to see if u are in school ok . hahas . and i will study hard and not let any of u down . =) most importantly, we will always be good frens n whenever u need help, pls approach me ok ? dun keep probs to urself . i'm always here . =)) lastly, take care !
actually recently i have been thinking . i feel that i am more happpy now that i have no 1 in mind . it's more carefree . n u dun have to be sad over anything regarding relationships . and that's a v good feeling . hahas . =))
and i'm so looking forward to kahlai they all coming back from vietnam . hahas . at first when i join basketball together with marin, i'm or i shld sae we, were kinda afraid of kahlai cos she seems quite cold . but over time, we realised she is a v nice n FUNNY person . and also a good captain . hahas . together with cindy . u can see the strong friendship they hold between them . and from there, u can see the real meaning of friendship . hahas . ok let's talk abt my teammates .
kahlai - good captain n a great fren . =) she's also quite cute . hahas ! reali thank u . i have nv regretted knowing u . i dun care . i wana let u have a reali happy bdae next year . hahas . u will see ....... wahahahah .
xinyu - ok . she's abit sort sort 1 . hahas . our v.capt . she can talk v fast also . and she n cindy have something in common -knee injury . hey pls . TAKE CARE OF UR KNEES OK . WE NEED U !
cindy - wahahah . v v funny person . i like to hang out w her cos she can make mi laugh . u too ok . pls TAKE CARE OF UR KNEES N WE NEED U TOO !! hahas . hope tt the plan tt we came up with will work ! hahas u noe what i'm referring to !
marin - i known her since bridging course thru naph . hahas . nice person also . and she can be quite cheeky at times hahas . i had a great time knowing u ! we must run together during free time ok . so that i can meet the timing and we can both fulfil our wish to slim down more !
shiehfang - african gal . hahas . jk la . wa she damn strong 1 . discus thrower . she shoot 3 pointer no need to jump . hahas . n she shoot hit the board, the board can shake like mad . hahas . v funny also .
vivien - always w fang . hahas . v stupid and blur 1 . hahas . but she is v nice . and wat else ... alot of guys like her . i think hahas . v cute also .
shirmaine - half japanese (recently then i got to know it) hahas . we look forward to chill out at your house next year after a's . we believe it will be super duper fun !!! hahas . i duno u in depth but i noe u r a nice person . hahas .
connie - also in netball . hahas . den she quite hyper i think . hahas . rmb that time i had ushering tgt w her, lianjie n hidil . nice experience . hope that we can all train well tgt for next year !
HER - forget it . i'm not going to sae . i guess all of u noe .
hahas ok . thank you guys for being my teammates n most importantly, my friends . hahas . it is becos of all of u here(except ahems..) that made me never regretted joining basketball . thank you !
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
anyway i went to queensway on wed w xinyu to c those tshirts to make the bball tshirt . it wasnt reali smooth . we wanted tt certain tshirt but there isnt enuff stock . we cant reali find 1 tt's reali appealing to us . hahas . oh ya . before that we went to pizza hut to eat hahas . i ate curry zazzle baked rice . wasnt as spicy as they described . they were like "it is v v spicy" hahas . ok la . it's alrite . not v hot . hahas . mi n xinyu took 961 to queensway from causeway . oh my god ... the bus is crawling . it took ard 50 mins to reach there. n it was raining . it was so cold wen we enter the shopping centre . n i was wearing jersey top . sleeveless . den wen we go home we took 198 n it was freezing cold as well . n i took it all the way back to boonlay interchange . SO COLD . i guess it is becos of tt which lead to mi falling sick now .
hmm . there was bball training today but i din go . cos .. i sick . AGAIN . LOL . but wat reali pisseed mi off is tt teammate of mine . n if u hav been followin closely u wil noe who i'm talking abt . yes it's B** **N . LOL . Kahlai, cindy, fang, vivi n shirmaine went to vietnam already den there is left with onli mi, xinyu, marin, connie n HER . wth . on wed(22/11) i tot xinyu will come for the trg but she wasnt going . so there was onli mi, marin n HER . oh gosh . u shld be there to c how she act big man . i felt so disgusted . LOL . i dun rmb KL they all asking her to take charge moreover, our vice captain, xinyu is stil w us . the way SHE acts big . OH MY GOD . ok fine . i din reali show her displeasure or wat la .
ohh . den today's trg, xinyu isn't going . so the most will be left wif mi, marin, connie n HER . n this is provided tt the 4 of us has nothin on . i decided not to go becos i'm not feeling well . u noe i wana informed the other 3 of them including HER so that they nite not end up trg alone . i nsged them . n SHE replied mi sae "ur reason for not gg?? " . den again she said "u haven tell mi ur reason for not gg" . so demanding . ewww . c . she thinks she's so big . excuse mi B** **N , u aren't the captain or vice even . even if u're not the cap or vice-cap, i wud glady tell if u asked in a nice way . she knew i hate her n she asked mi in this manner . irks mi . she can asked in a more friendlier n less demanding way like " why r u not going ? something on outside or wat ?" . tt will be much better . so . i din wana tell her so i said " it's something private n i dun tink there's a need to tell u much more other than this. u're not the cap or vice" .
ohh u noe wat . i'm even more irritated . she said "i need to report to them and u should noe reason shld be valid. anyway since u like that sae. then anythin not my prob" . v broken rite . this is exactly wat she said . wth man . she's like accusing mi of not gg for training due to INVALID reasons . WTH . n wat report to them . HA !!!! so funny . who do u think u r ?? LOL . i kinda get even angrier . i said " u mean dey asked u to take charge ? OMG. wtf my prob, i'll settle myself and wat's ur meaning of tt? u mean i'm not gg 4 trg due to invalid reasons . tt's too much. n i'll tell them myself . i'm jus telling u jus incase u end up trg alone" . fcuk man . i cant stand her . n seriously i dun feel like gg to her hse for bbq . it's sooo ... argh !
guess wat . i reali meant well as for the trg alone part . i'm telling her so tt she noes i'm not gg . n can u imagine the rest are all not gg n she doesnt noe . then she'll end up alone . c . i meant well n i can swear off my asses for this . n WTH . she took this as a sarcastic remark n said "sorry i won't be trg alone . disappointed ? too bad ." oh FCUK . tt reali sparked off the fire leading to a quarrel . sucks . it's so disgusting . i'm not telling onli her . in fact, i told all my other 3 teammates who are in singapore-xinyu, connie n marin . fuck . i reali hate her . n this reminded mi of wat she said last time tt built the foundation of my hatred towards her .
she complained to cindy abt mi i think . if i'm not wrong . den she threatened saying she mite quit bball . wth . u wana quit, quit then ! it's so childish to sae this kinda things n especially when she will not do it . fuck . wt's most irritating is tt she said her old injuries r back n it's all due to mi . she said this " due to jas stupid passes" . oh what the fuck . excuse mi . y couldn't it be her that didnt catch the ball properly . n how the hell does she know tt I'M the one who caused her old injuries to return . oh crap . n she used the word "stupid" . oh my god . i think she has to go n have a brainwash n get all those words n meaning right back into her head . sometimes i reali think she's quite retarded . yst i've told her i'm telling her i'm not gg trg becos i'm afraid she mite end up trg alone . n she asked AGAIN . not only tt . i have to xplain wat exactly i mean . c . i'm not accusing her .
oh . n wen i quarrel w her n she doesnt noe wat to sae, she'll be like "freak, sick, damn sick, stop ur crap la, bullshit" LOL . i noe she'll sae all this . n i bet she'll come n check my blog if i b**** about her here . i noe she will come n take a look . oh no . i have to prepare for all her tags that will be coming in as wat 'tom dick harry' LOL . too bad i've changed the tagboard or u guys will c how broken she speaks . hahas . nvm . i guess i have to study hard now so tt i can beat her in her studies . LOL . i reali hate her . n i can swear off my asses tt i'm not the only 1 who hate her . n it's not 1 or 2 others tt hate her . it's plentiful . LOL .
alright alright . i shall stop here . hahas . oh ya before tt i shall put the OBS bbq pic here . hahas .

from left:arshad,faris,mi,khai n dinie

busy preparin food . credits to winston, zhonghao n roch . jason also . in the later part.

gals act macho, guys act sissy . hahas .

mi roch n khai . oh wat's tt thing roch's holding ??
ok . done . but i dun understand y some pics so small . it mite turn out weird or otherwise in the blog page . hmm . reali nice having bbq w them . farewell to jason ! oh ya . he already left last wk . take care . =))
hmm . there was bball training today but i din go . cos .. i sick . AGAIN . LOL . but wat reali pisseed mi off is tt teammate of mine . n if u hav been followin closely u wil noe who i'm talking abt . yes it's B** **N . LOL . Kahlai, cindy, fang, vivi n shirmaine went to vietnam already den there is left with onli mi, xinyu, marin, connie n HER . wth . on wed(22/11) i tot xinyu will come for the trg but she wasnt going . so there was onli mi, marin n HER . oh gosh . u shld be there to c how she act big man . i felt so disgusted . LOL . i dun rmb KL they all asking her to take charge moreover, our vice captain, xinyu is stil w us . the way SHE acts big . OH MY GOD . ok fine . i din reali show her displeasure or wat la .
ohh . den today's trg, xinyu isn't going . so the most will be left wif mi, marin, connie n HER . n this is provided tt the 4 of us has nothin on . i decided not to go becos i'm not feeling well . u noe i wana informed the other 3 of them including HER so that they nite not end up trg alone . i nsged them . n SHE replied mi sae "ur reason for not gg?? " . den again she said "u haven tell mi ur reason for not gg" . so demanding . ewww . c . she thinks she's so big . excuse mi B** **N , u aren't the captain or vice even . even if u're not the cap or vice-cap, i wud glady tell if u asked in a nice way . she knew i hate her n she asked mi in this manner . irks mi . she can asked in a more friendlier n less demanding way like " why r u not going ? something on outside or wat ?" . tt will be much better . so . i din wana tell her so i said " it's something private n i dun tink there's a need to tell u much more other than this. u're not the cap or vice" .
ohh u noe wat . i'm even more irritated . she said "i need to report to them and u should noe reason shld be valid. anyway since u like that sae. then anythin not my prob" . v broken rite . this is exactly wat she said . wth man . she's like accusing mi of not gg for training due to INVALID reasons . WTH . n wat report to them . HA !!!! so funny . who do u think u r ?? LOL . i kinda get even angrier . i said " u mean dey asked u to take charge ? OMG. wtf my prob, i'll settle myself and wat's ur meaning of tt? u mean i'm not gg 4 trg due to invalid reasons . tt's too much. n i'll tell them myself . i'm jus telling u jus incase u end up trg alone" . fcuk man . i cant stand her . n seriously i dun feel like gg to her hse for bbq . it's sooo ... argh !
guess wat . i reali meant well as for the trg alone part . i'm telling her so tt she noes i'm not gg . n can u imagine the rest are all not gg n she doesnt noe . then she'll end up alone . c . i meant well n i can swear off my asses for this . n WTH . she took this as a sarcastic remark n said "sorry i won't be trg alone . disappointed ? too bad ." oh FCUK . tt reali sparked off the fire leading to a quarrel . sucks . it's so disgusting . i'm not telling onli her . in fact, i told all my other 3 teammates who are in singapore-xinyu, connie n marin . fuck . i reali hate her . n this reminded mi of wat she said last time tt built the foundation of my hatred towards her .
she complained to cindy abt mi i think . if i'm not wrong . den she threatened saying she mite quit bball . wth . u wana quit, quit then ! it's so childish to sae this kinda things n especially when she will not do it . fuck . wt's most irritating is tt she said her old injuries r back n it's all due to mi . she said this " due to jas stupid passes" . oh what the fuck . excuse mi . y couldn't it be her that didnt catch the ball properly . n how the hell does she know tt I'M the one who caused her old injuries to return . oh crap . n she used the word "stupid" . oh my god . i think she has to go n have a brainwash n get all those words n meaning right back into her head . sometimes i reali think she's quite retarded . yst i've told her i'm telling her i'm not gg trg becos i'm afraid she mite end up trg alone . n she asked AGAIN . not only tt . i have to xplain wat exactly i mean . c . i'm not accusing her .
oh . n wen i quarrel w her n she doesnt noe wat to sae, she'll be like "freak, sick, damn sick, stop ur crap la, bullshit" LOL . i noe she'll sae all this . n i bet she'll come n check my blog if i b**** about her here . i noe she will come n take a look . oh no . i have to prepare for all her tags that will be coming in as wat 'tom dick harry' LOL . too bad i've changed the tagboard or u guys will c how broken she speaks . hahas . nvm . i guess i have to study hard now so tt i can beat her in her studies . LOL . i reali hate her . n i can swear off my asses tt i'm not the only 1 who hate her . n it's not 1 or 2 others tt hate her . it's plentiful . LOL .
alright alright . i shall stop here . hahas . oh ya before tt i shall put the OBS bbq pic here . hahas .

from left:arshad,faris,mi,khai n dinie

busy preparin food . credits to winston, zhonghao n roch . jason also . in the later part.

gals act macho, guys act sissy . hahas .

mi roch n khai . oh wat's tt thing roch's holding ??
ok . done . but i dun understand y some pics so small . it mite turn out weird or otherwise in the blog page . hmm . reali nice having bbq w them . farewell to jason ! oh ya . he already left last wk . take care . =))
Thursday, November 23, 2006
hahas . i saw from mich's blog n xiao.hei's blog .. i also wana try this .. since we r going to be separated . 0611G . we r united in a way tt we go against tt KC . 0611gians noe wat i mean . hahas .
shiying - erm . not v close to her . but kinda scandalous w techun . lol !
beryl, jill, michelle, joycelyn, weejie, marvin, xinying - we r usually tgt during breaks in the canteen or library . it is nice to hang ard w them . hahas . i rmb last time on weds we wud order chicken cutlet cos weds is unhealthy day . hahas . den we'll buy indian rojak n share . hahas . i reali had a great time w them .=)
beryl - our class tai-tai . v rich . hmm . she leaving to australia to study . all the best ! we'll nv forget u . <3
vivien - stupid . blur . hahas . always tgt w shieh fang . nice person . my teammate also hahas .
karling - SLOW . our class platinum 1 . wahaha . she's my pri sch fren la . hahs .
jill - small . hahas ! funny la . also like to complain . but beryl's better at this . hahas .
joycelyn - guai . v v guai . but she turned a lil bad (talk-back) after influence frm michelle n kenny . other culprits are terence, wee jie . hahas . but she sing damn nice !
shiyu - sort sort 1 . always w karling n sylvia . hahas . lac la gal . connect wires properly !
shieh fang - v v black 1 . hahas . we always call her african . hahas . but she v funny also . always w vivi . my teammate also . hahas . discus thrower . she's got lots of strength !
michelle - sometimes quite depressed 1 . hahas . like ahlian like that . hahas . but nice person also .
sylvia - hardworking i shld sae . hahas . my sec sch de . our pw rep . v responsible .
xinying - my best fren ! i love her like mad . hahas . she's always there 4 mi . especially during the OAC camp where i broke my finger . hahas . now we r gg to be separated . damn sad . but i'll nv forget her !!
chan kai - the shoe boy . hahas . nothin much to sae abt him . but my pw grp 1 . hahas . congratulations on overcoming ur stage fright ! u done well tt dae !
weejie - my sec sch classmate . hahas . i pity him for the situation he has been in for the year . regarding KC . he's a v nice guy la . hahas .
lixin - maple boy . rather lame . hahas but gd luck for ur poly life . hope u feel less stressed there . n stop being addicted to maple la !
kenny- my sec sch classmate also . he likes man U too . last time v quiet n guai . now changed to v lame n noisy . hahas . he likes vivi . n also techun - gay relationship . hahas ! nice guy .
techun - always tgt w kenny 1 . also lame la . crappy . hahas . noisy also . but can be nice if he wans to . nice person also .
marvin - the round 1 . funny . indulges in food wen sad . marvin dun do tt la . not gd ! funny guy always w weejie 1 . hahas .
terence - some ppl call him gay . lol . hahas . but he's quite nice also la . gd in english . hahas .
xinchen - our class mao zedong . v tall . 193 izit ?? hahas . my OP grp also . always got tt weird expressions . hahas .
hahas . this is my class . everyone is nice . but there wun be any 0611G anymore next yr . this is reaLI sad . we wanted to make class jacket - which is like a last kinda thing for the class, as a class . but we din managed to get tt done becos there is no black jacket from the supplier . the plan failed . it adds on the our sadness cos the "last thing" cant be done . tsk tsk tsk hais .
i'm glad to have all of them as my classmates even if it is only for a yr . as a chairperson, seriously i feel tt i had not done enuff for the class . reali sorry for tt . for those leaving innova next yr for poly overseas or wat, all the best n hope u adapt well to the new surroundings . as for those retaining, work hard ! we'll stil c each other in school . in all , take care ! i love 0611G .
shiying - erm . not v close to her . but kinda scandalous w techun . lol !
beryl, jill, michelle, joycelyn, weejie, marvin, xinying - we r usually tgt during breaks in the canteen or library . it is nice to hang ard w them . hahas . i rmb last time on weds we wud order chicken cutlet cos weds is unhealthy day . hahas . den we'll buy indian rojak n share . hahas . i reali had a great time w them .=)
beryl - our class tai-tai . v rich . hmm . she leaving to australia to study . all the best ! we'll nv forget u . <3
vivien - stupid . blur . hahas . always tgt w shieh fang . nice person . my teammate also hahas .
karling - SLOW . our class platinum 1 . wahaha . she's my pri sch fren la . hahs .
jill - small . hahas ! funny la . also like to complain . but beryl's better at this . hahas .
joycelyn - guai . v v guai . but she turned a lil bad (talk-back) after influence frm michelle n kenny . other culprits are terence, wee jie . hahas . but she sing damn nice !
shiyu - sort sort 1 . always w karling n sylvia . hahas . lac la gal . connect wires properly !
shieh fang - v v black 1 . hahas . we always call her african . hahas . but she v funny also . always w vivi . my teammate also . hahas . discus thrower . she's got lots of strength !
michelle - sometimes quite depressed 1 . hahas . like ahlian like that . hahas . but nice person also .
sylvia - hardworking i shld sae . hahas . my sec sch de . our pw rep . v responsible .
xinying - my best fren ! i love her like mad . hahas . she's always there 4 mi . especially during the OAC camp where i broke my finger . hahas . now we r gg to be separated . damn sad . but i'll nv forget her !!
chan kai - the shoe boy . hahas . nothin much to sae abt him . but my pw grp 1 . hahas . congratulations on overcoming ur stage fright ! u done well tt dae !
weejie - my sec sch classmate . hahas . i pity him for the situation he has been in for the year . regarding KC . he's a v nice guy la . hahas .
lixin - maple boy . rather lame . hahas but gd luck for ur poly life . hope u feel less stressed there . n stop being addicted to maple la !
kenny- my sec sch classmate also . he likes man U too . last time v quiet n guai . now changed to v lame n noisy . hahas . he likes vivi . n also techun - gay relationship . hahas ! nice guy .
techun - always tgt w kenny 1 . also lame la . crappy . hahas . noisy also . but can be nice if he wans to . nice person also .
marvin - the round 1 . funny . indulges in food wen sad . marvin dun do tt la . not gd ! funny guy always w weejie 1 . hahas .
terence - some ppl call him gay . lol . hahas . but he's quite nice also la . gd in english . hahas .
xinchen - our class mao zedong . v tall . 193 izit ?? hahas . my OP grp also . always got tt weird expressions . hahas .
hahas . this is my class . everyone is nice . but there wun be any 0611G anymore next yr . this is reaLI sad . we wanted to make class jacket - which is like a last kinda thing for the class, as a class . but we din managed to get tt done becos there is no black jacket from the supplier . the plan failed . it adds on the our sadness cos the "last thing" cant be done . tsk tsk tsk hais .
i'm glad to have all of them as my classmates even if it is only for a yr . as a chairperson, seriously i feel tt i had not done enuff for the class . reali sorry for tt . for those leaving innova next yr for poly overseas or wat, all the best n hope u adapt well to the new surroundings . as for those retaining, work hard ! we'll stil c each other in school . in all , take care ! i love 0611G .
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
yst was fun . reali . hahas . i woke up like 6plus .... to get to school for the biology DNA PCR workshop . some experiment where we have to do the gel electrophoresis thingie . but this time we have lambda DNA given to us as the DNA ladder . hahas . it's kinda complicated cos there's this PCR thing which we need to learn . interesting, but the hours are long ...... 0900h - 1700h . LOL .
during the lunch break i went to the canteen to look for val . zhenjie and roch was there . it was around 1120h . val left for CWP 1st to collect stuff from her fren . den the three of us are to mit her later to eat . hahas . den in the end roch was playing com till 1140h den we reached CWP like 1200h . oh my god la . i'm supposed to reach school by 1230h . quickly, i buy the food, tom yam bee hoon kuay . lol . i onli finished like 1225h . lol . hahas . finally i flew back to school . reported 1255h . LOL . i bluffed teacher sae i got diarrhoea . oh my god la . i feel so bad when mrs oh asked r u ok . .... hahas . well ....
oh ya ph ya !!! i'm in the same grp as elizabeth n .... phoebe ..... lol .. hahas . okok . den we did our experiment n stuff . oh my god la . failure . hahas . we took the comb out be4 submerging it into the buffer . so wen i inject the 10microlit of sample into the wells, it kinda overflow ... it's all due to the air trapped in the wells when the comb was taken out . hahas . but anyway . after staining the whole gel . we managed to c 3 bands from our ladder . hahas . the thing was so funny . there was this machine tt holds our gel in containers then it will kip swirling 4 a long long time ........ 20mins ... ?
anyway . after the bio workshop mi n eliz joined shelly n winston to buy the bbq stuff . roch joined us too . this bbq is specially for jason . his farewell .. so sad la . den we met the rest of the obs ppl at sembawang ... besides eliz, roch, winston, shelly n mi, who was there .... hmmm . elbert, merelda, khai, zhiheng, arshad, marsha-with her bf peter, zhonghao, faris . hahas . and of cos jason . sofia n dinie came later . the bbq was fun . hahas . mi n shelly prepared sambal fish . yea success ! hahas . they like it ok . hahas . it was dirty as well . we were being kinda horny n dirty . wat sort ever . hahas . n the ever so horny khai is of cos horny too . wahahah . some dirty jokes n stuff lydat . hahas . c . tt's obs ppl . hahas .
another funny thing . shelly n merelda went to the guys toilet n used bottles to make it look like tt guy thing n pretend peeing . den faris will be looking at the ****s and give a v shocked look . ok . tt's their pose . hahas . funny la . the 2nd was den successful . cos the 1st time, there was this guy who went in n looked at them w a v weird expression . hahas !!!! wth man . so funny . we went to the playgrd ard 9pm . hahas . swings slides etc etc . we took some pic where we stack one after another on the slide . hahas . oh my god la . we were sliding down by our side . our hips hurt so much as one by one added weight ... ouch la . but it was fun . hahas . den finally jason said his farewell speech . faris was like wo xiang ni, ni xiang wo . wo yao ni, ni yao wo. wo ai ni, ni ai wo . hahas . funny sia . den we were like ... ohhhhhhh .... den they hugged . hahas . reali will miss jason man .
hahas . we left there like 9plus near 10 . hmmm . tiring . but we're all happy . hahas . i love them man . =))
during the lunch break i went to the canteen to look for val . zhenjie and roch was there . it was around 1120h . val left for CWP 1st to collect stuff from her fren . den the three of us are to mit her later to eat . hahas . den in the end roch was playing com till 1140h den we reached CWP like 1200h . oh my god la . i'm supposed to reach school by 1230h . quickly, i buy the food, tom yam bee hoon kuay . lol . i onli finished like 1225h . lol . hahas . finally i flew back to school . reported 1255h . LOL . i bluffed teacher sae i got diarrhoea . oh my god la . i feel so bad when mrs oh asked r u ok . .... hahas . well ....
oh ya ph ya !!! i'm in the same grp as elizabeth n .... phoebe ..... lol .. hahas . okok . den we did our experiment n stuff . oh my god la . failure . hahas . we took the comb out be4 submerging it into the buffer . so wen i inject the 10microlit of sample into the wells, it kinda overflow ... it's all due to the air trapped in the wells when the comb was taken out . hahas . but anyway . after staining the whole gel . we managed to c 3 bands from our ladder . hahas . the thing was so funny . there was this machine tt holds our gel in containers then it will kip swirling 4 a long long time ........ 20mins ... ?
anyway . after the bio workshop mi n eliz joined shelly n winston to buy the bbq stuff . roch joined us too . this bbq is specially for jason . his farewell .. so sad la . den we met the rest of the obs ppl at sembawang ... besides eliz, roch, winston, shelly n mi, who was there .... hmmm . elbert, merelda, khai, zhiheng, arshad, marsha-with her bf peter, zhonghao, faris . hahas . and of cos jason . sofia n dinie came later . the bbq was fun . hahas . mi n shelly prepared sambal fish . yea success ! hahas . they like it ok . hahas . it was dirty as well . we were being kinda horny n dirty . wat sort ever . hahas . n the ever so horny khai is of cos horny too . wahahah . some dirty jokes n stuff lydat . hahas . c . tt's obs ppl . hahas .
another funny thing . shelly n merelda went to the guys toilet n used bottles to make it look like tt guy thing n pretend peeing . den faris will be looking at the ****s and give a v shocked look . ok . tt's their pose . hahas . funny la . the 2nd was den successful . cos the 1st time, there was this guy who went in n looked at them w a v weird expression . hahas !!!! wth man . so funny . we went to the playgrd ard 9pm . hahas . swings slides etc etc . we took some pic where we stack one after another on the slide . hahas . oh my god la . we were sliding down by our side . our hips hurt so much as one by one added weight ... ouch la . but it was fun . hahas . den finally jason said his farewell speech . faris was like wo xiang ni, ni xiang wo . wo yao ni, ni yao wo. wo ai ni, ni ai wo . hahas . funny sia . den we were like ... ohhhhhhh .... den they hugged . hahas . reali will miss jason man .
hahas . we left there like 9plus near 10 . hmmm . tiring . but we're all happy . hahas . i love them man . =))
Sunday, November 19, 2006
a few days din blog le . hahas . anyway . on fri actually got bball trg . but i fell sick jus the night be4 . i was also supposed to mit my sec sch cliques after the trg . in the end i din go 4 the trg . hmm . den i went to mit my cliques ard 1.30pm on fri . at singapore poly . ya, again . hahas . but i dun get tired of tt place . hahas . i tink it's becos it's big . hahas .
i mit weiliang, wenxiang n zhiquan . hahas . den we walk ard . went to the bazaar which was quite small . den we saw xinjie . hahas . so long din c her . wa wear braces liao huh . hahas . den we went to the library there . they r so funny . i'm not even studying in their school but i ended up bringing them to the library . hahas . so funny . cos wx they all go to the business school n biz sch has a biz lib themselves . tt' s y they dun go to the main library . hahas . den we saw wang quan n guoliang n cliques . hahas . stupid gl dun wana join us n talk la . so anti-social la . wth . but watever .
hmm . den we went to the EEE study corner again . hahas . i bought the wt japanese pizza . wa lau . like wat man . i nearly vomitted wen i eat it la . not nice !!! den htein came also . hahas . but he din join us in the end . hahas . he went n " kick some balls " which means play soccer la . hahas . following tt, the few of us went to the bazaar again then we went to jurong point to shop for awhile . wx din join us as he went for band . hahas . wl v nice la . he buy food 4 mi to eat . treat mi sia . wa .... hahas . 1 black pepper sausage . hahas .
den soon, we left JP and i went home to watch Goong . hahas . it's nice to mit them again . reali miss all of them . i feel tt sec sch frenz r v v impt . they grow up n mature tgt w u . they went thru the darkest times tgt w u . happy moments or not, they r always w u . i reali wana thank them so much .. cheryl, wx, wl, en, zq, gl, kenny, wc, kx, datou, BC, dolly n gang, pf, sf, wanting n yikqi, ks, pasti, almost every1 in 4a, wangquan, bball gang n also 1/5 . and also . all those senior batch in choir . 16 beats - dama, van, lily, maria, afifah, asrinah, MLH, hazel, peiting etc etc . too many ppl to thank . sorry if i forget to list your names here . but u noe how thankful m i ! thank u guys . life cudn't be better w/o any of u ! =))
part of 16beats here .

i'm happy todae . hahas . manchester united won 2-1 yst against sheffield united . yea . thanks to rooney . nice to c him scoring again . hahas . =))
i mit weiliang, wenxiang n zhiquan . hahas . den we walk ard . went to the bazaar which was quite small . den we saw xinjie . hahas . so long din c her . wa wear braces liao huh . hahas . den we went to the library there . they r so funny . i'm not even studying in their school but i ended up bringing them to the library . hahas . so funny . cos wx they all go to the business school n biz sch has a biz lib themselves . tt' s y they dun go to the main library . hahas . den we saw wang quan n guoliang n cliques . hahas . stupid gl dun wana join us n talk la . so anti-social la . wth . but watever .
hmm . den we went to the EEE study corner again . hahas . i bought the wt japanese pizza . wa lau . like wat man . i nearly vomitted wen i eat it la . not nice !!! den htein came also . hahas . but he din join us in the end . hahas . he went n " kick some balls " which means play soccer la . hahas . following tt, the few of us went to the bazaar again then we went to jurong point to shop for awhile . wx din join us as he went for band . hahas . wl v nice la . he buy food 4 mi to eat . treat mi sia . wa .... hahas . 1 black pepper sausage . hahas .
den soon, we left JP and i went home to watch Goong . hahas . it's nice to mit them again . reali miss all of them . i feel tt sec sch frenz r v v impt . they grow up n mature tgt w u . they went thru the darkest times tgt w u . happy moments or not, they r always w u . i reali wana thank them so much .. cheryl, wx, wl, en, zq, gl, kenny, wc, kx, datou, BC, dolly n gang, pf, sf, wanting n yikqi, ks, pasti, almost every1 in 4a, wangquan, bball gang n also 1/5 . and also . all those senior batch in choir . 16 beats - dama, van, lily, maria, afifah, asrinah, MLH, hazel, peiting etc etc . too many ppl to thank . sorry if i forget to list your names here . but u noe how thankful m i ! thank u guys . life cudn't be better w/o any of u ! =))
part of 16beats here .

i'm happy todae . hahas . manchester united won 2-1 yst against sheffield united . yea . thanks to rooney . nice to c him scoring again . hahas . =))
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
yea . singapore poly having bazaar this wk . i was supposed to mit wangquan only on fri . den yst after class damn sian . so mi n val decided to go sp . hahas .
she wanted to look for her fren . so we went to the school of business . wa the sch is big la . we ended up looking at every maps we come across so to get to the place we wanted to . we were wearing sch uniforms . so every1 was staring at us wen we went into sp . hahas . so funny .
oh ya we walked 1 whole big round den finally get to school of business ... lol . den her frenz walked us down to the bazaar . funny la . den i saw wangquan !!! hahas . den we went to the cafe to sit for awhile . den he went to lib to meet some1 . den we wanted to go to the lib too . oh my god la . we jus cant find the lib . finally we gave up . n went back to the cafe . hahas . wangquan was back there . with his fren . xiuling, xueyi n charlotte . hahas . they r nice ppl . val can reali click w them ! n oh ya . wangquan made cookies la !!! wangquan ah wangquan . hahas . not bad not bad . quite nice !!
oh ya i saw htein lin too . hehe . talked 4 awhile den he went 4 his paper . den he sae will walk walk w mi after his paper la . so nice . the sch so big la . hahas . den wangquan they all went to the EEE study corner . mi n val also went there la . damn funny . it seems tt almost every1 there are guys . den they stare at us like they have nv seen ppl be4 la ! hahas . i guess next time i shldnt appear in uniform . hahas .
soon . jingen finished class n came to find mi w her fren . hahas . den talked for awhile .. den she went to do her stuff . den htein lin also finish his paper den he came n find mi . den he bring mi n val around to walk walk . we went to the lib . mi n val were like wth . we were so close to the lib . hahas . but watever . wen we reach there then we saw jasmine ho at lvl 3 . hahas . den we ended up talking for quite long . i told her abt X too . hahas . mus be careful of X .
den 1830hr, we leave the lib to go home !! hahas . val got off at je to go yew tee den htein lin got off at lakeside . finally 19++hr i reach home . den htein lin asked mi abt wat mi n jas ho were talking abt . so i told him the whole story .... hahas . he was like 'wa. he like trying to be a bastard sia' . somethin lydat la . i guess i reali have to beware of X . hahas .
and also . mon trg took neoprint w kahlai, cindy, shiehfang, vivi, shirmaine, xinyu . haha . damn funny . ok . i have trg later . hahas . so tired . ...
she wanted to look for her fren . so we went to the school of business . wa the sch is big la . we ended up looking at every maps we come across so to get to the place we wanted to . we were wearing sch uniforms . so every1 was staring at us wen we went into sp . hahas . so funny .
oh ya we walked 1 whole big round den finally get to school of business ... lol . den her frenz walked us down to the bazaar . funny la . den i saw wangquan !!! hahas . den we went to the cafe to sit for awhile . den he went to lib to meet some1 . den we wanted to go to the lib too . oh my god la . we jus cant find the lib . finally we gave up . n went back to the cafe . hahas . wangquan was back there . with his fren . xiuling, xueyi n charlotte . hahas . they r nice ppl . val can reali click w them ! n oh ya . wangquan made cookies la !!! wangquan ah wangquan . hahas . not bad not bad . quite nice !!
oh ya i saw htein lin too . hehe . talked 4 awhile den he went 4 his paper . den he sae will walk walk w mi after his paper la . so nice . the sch so big la . hahas . den wangquan they all went to the EEE study corner . mi n val also went there la . damn funny . it seems tt almost every1 there are guys . den they stare at us like they have nv seen ppl be4 la ! hahas . i guess next time i shldnt appear in uniform . hahas .
soon . jingen finished class n came to find mi w her fren . hahas . den talked for awhile .. den she went to do her stuff . den htein lin also finish his paper den he came n find mi . den he bring mi n val around to walk walk . we went to the lib . mi n val were like wth . we were so close to the lib . hahas . but watever . wen we reach there then we saw jasmine ho at lvl 3 . hahas . den we ended up talking for quite long . i told her abt X too . hahas . mus be careful of X .
den 1830hr, we leave the lib to go home !! hahas . val got off at je to go yew tee den htein lin got off at lakeside . finally 19++hr i reach home . den htein lin asked mi abt wat mi n jas ho were talking abt . so i told him the whole story .... hahas . he was like 'wa. he like trying to be a bastard sia' . somethin lydat la . i guess i reali have to beware of X . hahas .
and also . mon trg took neoprint w kahlai, cindy, shiehfang, vivi, shirmaine, xinyu . haha . damn funny . ok . i have trg later . hahas . so tired . ...
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
this stupid thing tt my fren asked mi to do .... ahteo la . aiyo . ok anw .
one. think of 5 true facts abot urself. and they gotta be true.
two. come up with 10 false statements regarding urself,but for fun's sake, keep them in the threshold of believability.
three. jumble them up and list them out in any order.
four. post them on ur blog n let ppl guess which are the 12 false ones.
five. get another 6 ppl to do the same.
okay i choose .. wenxiang, wencong, michelle, peifang, zhenjie and shieh fang . hahas
1. i like being hurt.
2. i was so angry tt i purposely threw my handphone on the floor.
3. i was talent scouted before.
4. i dun like muscle aches.
5. my longest relationship was 2 years.
6. i saw my ex hit my fren wen i was sec 1 but i din not do anythin abt it .
7. i made cookies for someone i like when i was in sec 4 .
8. my first love started when i was sec 3.
9. i waited for my best fren for 3 hours before.
10. i had never been to sentosa with frens until last thurs.
11. i was once in chinese dance and was the lead for the dances since p5.
12. i was once punished, tgt wif 2/3 of my class den- stand on the stage, CIP etc, for leaving my bags in the classroom n went for assembly wen i was p6.
13. i am a diploma holder for piano.
14. i pulled one girl to a corner and beat her up-slap- because she stared at mi.
15. i once had a caucasian boyfren.
yeah ! finally finish it !!! hahas . start guessing . ......
one. think of 5 true facts abot urself. and they gotta be true.
two. come up with 10 false statements regarding urself,but for fun's sake, keep them in the threshold of believability.
three. jumble them up and list them out in any order.
four. post them on ur blog n let ppl guess which are the 12 false ones.
five. get another 6 ppl to do the same.
okay i choose .. wenxiang, wencong, michelle, peifang, zhenjie and shieh fang . hahas
1. i like being hurt.
2. i was so angry tt i purposely threw my handphone on the floor.
3. i was talent scouted before.
4. i dun like muscle aches.
5. my longest relationship was 2 years.
6. i saw my ex hit my fren wen i was sec 1 but i din not do anythin abt it .
7. i made cookies for someone i like when i was in sec 4 .
8. my first love started when i was sec 3.
9. i waited for my best fren for 3 hours before.
10. i had never been to sentosa with frens until last thurs.
11. i was once in chinese dance and was the lead for the dances since p5.
12. i was once punished, tgt wif 2/3 of my class den- stand on the stage, CIP etc, for leaving my bags in the classroom n went for assembly wen i was p6.
13. i am a diploma holder for piano.
14. i pulled one girl to a corner and beat her up-slap- because she stared at mi.
15. i once had a caucasian boyfren.
yeah ! finally finish it !!! hahas . start guessing . ......
Sunday, November 12, 2006
hahas . holidaes ! weeeeeee ... but it's also a time where we can get reali fat ! wow . today , 0110 i watch man utd play against blackburn . i was damn frustrated during the 1st half la . the stupid ball jus wudnt get in . argh . but finally e 2nd half . a glimpse of hope . hahas . 1-0 final score . 10 wins out of 12 games . so cool . =))
was msging lalala.boy be4 e match . hahas he damn funny n weird 1 . there's some1 who said he was cute . den he die die also wans mi to show him who tt person is .... -.-" . hahas . nice lehs . he watch the match too . but he support no club . hahas .
oh i have bball trg tml . argh damn lazy . he also have la . funny !! hmm .
on thurs i went to sentosa wif beryl, jill, joycelyn, xinying, weejie, marvin n lixin . hahs . the sun wasnt strong wen we wanted to sun bath . but .. we got sunburn . jill n mi . wow . damn painful . but it was nice to go out wif them . while we were playing monkey in the sea, it rained suddenly . so we ran into the small -wat u call tt ? - beach bar ? watever . we had sprite wif tequila . hahas . but none will be drunk cos it's jus like half a cup . hahas .
the weather was playing wif us . funny la . rain den stop . den rain again . argh . damn irritating . hahas . i stil rmb us alight at siloso beach . wen we were supposed to mit at palawan . -.-" so we asked around how to get there . e person asked where are we from . we were like .. wahahaha so funny la . in e end we took a beach tram . it was crawling ............. every station the driver will sae passengers please be seated, 4 ur own safety, the tram is moving . hahas funny la . e guys were there wen we jus reached siloso . wen we reach palawan, we went to the island life shop . shop n shop .... for bikinis ! hahas . e guys waited n waited ...... finally we got there . hahas .
hmmm . tt dae . this guy whom i onced liked, v.close to, hurt mi deeply in e past, wanted to mit mi . let's call him X . recently,X msged mi n asked mi to mit him . hmmm . ok .. but i wasnt free n i was kinda afraid to mit him . cos i am reminded of the hurtful stuff wen i tink of him . fine . so i decided to mit him tt dae . to go home . cos he live near mi . it's weird wen i c him . he got quite close to mi . n . i jus don have tt kinda feeling again . i like him NO MORE . i dono y . maybe becos he hurt mi too deeply.
he sent mi home . den we talked 4 5mins below my hse . he asked mi to mit up wif him more often . hmm . he wans all my free time . he asked if i missed him . i duno wat he wans la . so weird . actually i'm afraid he's here to hurt mi AGAIN . but i dono la . wat i noe is i dun feel anythin 4 him anymore . wen i reach home den he said he wans to mit mi cos he missed mi .... hmmm . dono .
on the following day, i msged him n told him how i felt - no feelings . den he said i think too much - he was jus teasing mi . wth ??? so wat is he reali up to ? can any1 tell mi ..... from thurs till now, i've been thinking abt this over n over again . it's reali vexing . den . he no longer msg mi ... y ? y? y ???????!!!!!!!
was msging lalala.boy be4 e match . hahas he damn funny n weird 1 . there's some1 who said he was cute . den he die die also wans mi to show him who tt person is .... -.-" . hahas . nice lehs . he watch the match too . but he support no club . hahas .
oh i have bball trg tml . argh damn lazy . he also have la . funny !! hmm .
on thurs i went to sentosa wif beryl, jill, joycelyn, xinying, weejie, marvin n lixin . hahs . the sun wasnt strong wen we wanted to sun bath . but .. we got sunburn . jill n mi . wow . damn painful . but it was nice to go out wif them . while we were playing monkey in the sea, it rained suddenly . so we ran into the small -wat u call tt ? - beach bar ? watever . we had sprite wif tequila . hahas . but none will be drunk cos it's jus like half a cup . hahas .
the weather was playing wif us . funny la . rain den stop . den rain again . argh . damn irritating . hahas . i stil rmb us alight at siloso beach . wen we were supposed to mit at palawan . -.-" so we asked around how to get there . e person asked where are we from . we were like .. wahahaha so funny la . in e end we took a beach tram . it was crawling ............. every station the driver will sae passengers please be seated, 4 ur own safety, the tram is moving . hahas funny la . e guys were there wen we jus reached siloso . wen we reach palawan, we went to the island life shop . shop n shop .... for bikinis ! hahas . e guys waited n waited ...... finally we got there . hahas .
hmmm . tt dae . this guy whom i onced liked, v.close to, hurt mi deeply in e past, wanted to mit mi . let's call him X . recently,X msged mi n asked mi to mit him . hmmm . ok .. but i wasnt free n i was kinda afraid to mit him . cos i am reminded of the hurtful stuff wen i tink of him . fine . so i decided to mit him tt dae . to go home . cos he live near mi . it's weird wen i c him . he got quite close to mi . n . i jus don have tt kinda feeling again . i like him NO MORE . i dono y . maybe becos he hurt mi too deeply.
he sent mi home . den we talked 4 5mins below my hse . he asked mi to mit up wif him more often . hmm . he wans all my free time . he asked if i missed him . i duno wat he wans la . so weird . actually i'm afraid he's here to hurt mi AGAIN . but i dono la . wat i noe is i dun feel anythin 4 him anymore . wen i reach home den he said he wans to mit mi cos he missed mi .... hmmm . dono .
on the following day, i msged him n told him how i felt - no feelings . den he said i think too much - he was jus teasing mi . wth ??? so wat is he reali up to ? can any1 tell mi ..... from thurs till now, i've been thinking abt this over n over again . it's reali vexing . den . he no longer msg mi ... y ? y? y ???????!!!!!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
hahs . wah . jus now we had OP assessment !! damn scary . my hrt nearly popped out . i was most afraid of the Q&A . but ok la . i think i ansed the # . shew . OP is finally over ! n u noe wat . 2 more days . after handing in I&R, i shall say bye-bye to PW . YEA !!!!!! damn happy . hahas
on fri, 3rd nov, we got back our results . actually we were in the LT listening to the algae speak . ewwww . damn long la . den they sae 100++ ppl retain . lol . den they show some ppl names n those r supposed to stay in the LT n await futher instructions . lol . my name wasnt there so i went back to the class to get my result slip . u noe wat ??!!! wth . i'm promoted. damn sucky . i'm supposed to be happy but i'm not at all happy . my class. 20 ppl, 11 retain . there'll be no more 0611G next yr . how sad is tt . oh my god la.
wen i get my result slip back from mdm yee, she said actually i failed but the school decided to promote mi . i was like . wat?! . i noe i failed terribly lo . shit la . others result slip were like 'promoted to jc2' . den mine ? 'advanced to jc2' hahas how gd is tt la . e sch reali sucks . they actually retain 100++ ppl . n the most saddening thing 4 mi is tt i will no longer be in the same class wif xinying . she's a reali nice fren n i feel reali sad to be in different class wif her nex yr . e remainin 9 of us who promoted will be split up !! er . i dun wan tt ! i cant imagine myself in a foreign class . tt's rather weird n i'm going to hate tt feeling . hais .
tt dae be4 leaving the LT . i saw cheeyang den i asked him abt it . moo was e onli 1 among them 3 who got promoted . den i was like . huh ...... den he said 'nvm . anyway i'm going to leave' . wa lau it's reali sad la . thru the promotion thing, so many ppl r leaving . n Innova is so going to be boring w/o them . beryl is leaving 4 australia, some r withdrawing to poly also . hais . i'll reali miss them alot .
on fri, 3rd nov, we got back our results . actually we were in the LT listening to the algae speak . ewwww . damn long la . den they sae 100++ ppl retain . lol . den they show some ppl names n those r supposed to stay in the LT n await futher instructions . lol . my name wasnt there so i went back to the class to get my result slip . u noe wat ??!!! wth . i'm promoted. damn sucky . i'm supposed to be happy but i'm not at all happy . my class. 20 ppl, 11 retain . there'll be no more 0611G next yr . how sad is tt . oh my god la.
wen i get my result slip back from mdm yee, she said actually i failed but the school decided to promote mi . i was like . wat?! . i noe i failed terribly lo . shit la . others result slip were like 'promoted to jc2' . den mine ? 'advanced to jc2' hahas how gd is tt la . e sch reali sucks . they actually retain 100++ ppl . n the most saddening thing 4 mi is tt i will no longer be in the same class wif xinying . she's a reali nice fren n i feel reali sad to be in different class wif her nex yr . e remainin 9 of us who promoted will be split up !! er . i dun wan tt ! i cant imagine myself in a foreign class . tt's rather weird n i'm going to hate tt feeling . hais .
tt dae be4 leaving the LT . i saw cheeyang den i asked him abt it . moo was e onli 1 among them 3 who got promoted . den i was like . huh ...... den he said 'nvm . anyway i'm going to leave' . wa lau it's reali sad la . thru the promotion thing, so many ppl r leaving . n Innova is so going to be boring w/o them . beryl is leaving 4 australia, some r withdrawing to poly also . hais . i'll reali miss them alot .
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